Many frightening reports about COVID vaccinations demonstrate why a widely acknowledged source of fact checked information should exist about the issue

For months I’ve been seeing reports of horrible injuries and death happening all over the world due to the Covid vaccinations that are being mandated.  But despite such information being widespread, most people are going ahead with being vaccinated anyway and even though many are attempting to warn others of the risk.

I think the problem is that there isn’t a centralized recognized authority on the internet that talks about issues with Covid and vaccines that the general public, activists, and people in the media recognize as a known legitimate source about the matter.  Why haven’t more of the doctors who speak out about issues with Covid formed a coalition of some sort?  The doctors would be much safer if they were as high profile as possible anyway.  What is stopping them from doing that, do they disagree on politics?

The situation with the Covid tyranny keeps getting worse since whatever few activists that exist are scattered all over the place in small groups, and they are not coordinated.  Of course it is good that activists and organizations are speaking out about the matter, but without a single commonly recognized source of information their efforts are not having enough of an effect, which is apparent due to the fact that vaccines are still being mandated.

Most people in the general public still don’t believe that the authorities could have malicious intent.  I think they assume that if in fact such people actually did have such intent then a high profile source would exist to counter it as I am describing.

I think the organization “America’s Frontline Doctors” is close to being such an organization as I am describing, however they are usually not mentioned in the media, and as far as I’ve seen they don’t really make a point of answering allegations made by supposed debunkers.  Also in my opinion I think their information is presented in a way that is not really concentrated and summarized enough, they do not seem to explore the full range of alleged potential issues with Covid and vaccines, and they do not seem to expose the full underlying agendas of the global elite.  (I do not mean to insult them however, as I see they are making a good difference by being active on speaking tours.)

Some health care facilities that are licensed to produce the medicine, so they can manufacture it over the counter in the United States and Canada. You may have specific requirements if you are not familiar with online ordering, you might want to try using an online pharmacy since you can get free expedited Shipping. I always recommend ordering with a third-party online pharmacies can give you the opportunity to buy Ivermectin without a prescription except using the Ivermectin without a prescription form. It’s also important to have a local pharmacist fill out a shopping order form and send it to the manufacturer, who may be able to send you instructions. Here’s how to buy: buy Buy Ivermectin Online without needing a prescription from Ivermectin without a prescription can be purchased online via the FDA’s website or by filling out a request form on the CDC website. In some other countries, they may not be able to purchase to the physical location where you want to simply purchase Ivermectin Online and have it shipped to you after your prescription medicine has been filled up by your doctor.

Alex Jones has always been an important source of information about Covid and vaccines.  His documentary “Covidland” (see here, and here) is very informative, mostly being an accumulation of the information he has been disseminating since the beginning of the supposed pandemic.  He has been reporting about vaccine related issues for years.

I’m also a fan of Dr. Len Horowitz, whose information has also taught me a lot over the years.  I think a coalition of him along with other doctors such as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi would be very effective in communicating about matters of Covid and vaccines.  Unfortunately Horowitz apparently had a falling out with Alex Jones some years previously, and he is sometimes critical of him.  I don’t think Alex Jones is perfect but he does disseminate a lot of important information on a daily basis.

I think the key to such a coalition being most effective is for it to invite as much criticism as possible, and then to answer all such allegations in a very prominent manner.  It should receive as much mainstream media attention as possible, or at least initially a very wide base of support among all serious activists.  It very important that people in the general public would recognize it as being a trusted source to reference so they can use it to be activists themselves, since they would know that its information will always be accurate due to it always answering challenges by attempted debunkers.

Following are some samples of videos that I have been seeing recently:

This video says that stillbirths have increased dramatically due to the vaccines.  (Alex Jones had also reported last year about the fact that the vaccines have been shown to contain ingredients that target the placentas of pregnant women, and also the W.H.O. had been warning that pregnant women should not take the vaccines, as this video explains.)


This video claims to show footage of soldiers in Indonesia collapsing and dying after being given vaccines.  It looks convincing, but I have not seen any news reports about it.  However just because news reports don’t exist about the matter doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen, especially since it apparently happened on a military base.


This video explains that a German Doctor Andreas Noack was attacked and killed hours after exposing his discovery of shards of microscopic Graphene Hydroxide being present in vaccines.  It is explained that the additive is likely the cause of the large increase in heart attacks and deaths of professional athletes, being brought about by shards of the element cutting up the insides of people’s circulatory systems when their heart rate increases.


In this video, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains many issues about Covid and vaccines to a large audience.  [Note: I notice in her talk she mentions that she thinks that since people aren’t bothering to look into issues with Covid that it is their fault for being uninformed, however I don’t think that is a good attitude to have under the circumstances.  I wish such communicators would stop trying to put the responsibility onto individuals in the public to take the initiative to become informed, but rather they should focus on making their message be as accessible as possible to overcome obstacles to the information becoming known.  People will naturally want to take initiative to become better informed after they have been made to understand that there genuinely is a risk, I don’t think it is reasonable to expect most people to have that attitude before then.

Also Tenpenny is considered to be “controversial” and she is often accused of being a “debunked conspiracy theorist”, such as in this article.  I’m surprised that would write such a biased pro-vaccination article, where it labels her claims as being “debunked” when in fact they actually haven’t been.  For example the article labels the many reports of people becoming magnetized by the vaccines as being false, but without any proof.  The writer apparently simply assumed that the allegation seems too crazy, and since not everyone is magnetized by the vaccines it therefore must be false.  I don’t think I’ve previously mentioned the magnetism that is frequently being reported resulting from the vaccines, but I think it certainly could be true.]

Also see other articles about Covid and vaccines on this site and on News of Interest.TV.

The world is going crazy

Editor’s note:

It is difficult to believe everything that is happening in the world lately.

I hope the resolution can happen soon, a lot of great things can happen once there is clarify for configuration.  I can always imagine ten to twenty potential articles that could be made every day, it is frustrating to see the information go past.

Like I mentioned before, I would like to initially delegate the creation of articles that often summarize other articles and videos in the style that I’ve been doing on this site.  It would be great if at least ten articles or so could be created each day in that manner relatively soon after getting started with it.  Once that routine is started, I will be able to focus my attention more on other tasks.

Having a revenue stream will be essential for being able to delegate tasks, however I could at first facilitate people donating their efforts if they would like to do so.  I think if someone strongly agrees with what I’m communicating and they would like to help make a difference, then it would be a very effective way for them to direct their efforts.  I want to have people who donate their efforts to be somewhat anonymous as “News of Interest.TV Staff,” and I can’t “endorse them back” because of the problems that would occur if I did so.  It is very important that it would be “donations” of effort rather than “bartering” with the effort, but eventually I will be able to pay contributors though.  Also there can’t be “voting” in the organizations because of the problems that would occur, but I am always interested in what people think.

In the meantime I will be getting back to focusing on finishing technical issues with NOTIV, so I will be making much less articles here in the meantime.  I will be expanding the capability of updating and managing NOITV remotely, and eventually I would like to port these OMR articles into NOITV.

This site (OMR) works fine being remotely updated for the time being, but of course it doesn’t have a homepage, ect.  I’m tempted to just continue creating more OMR articles, but I think it would be best if I got those NOITV technical issues taken care before the resolution occurs.

Why isn’t there a central definitive source of truthful information about COVID and deadly vaccines?

There are numerous medical authorities on the internet who speak out about the dangers and uselessness of vaccines, so why haven’t they formed some sort of a coalition where they have a well-made website that contains a definitive easy-to-read summary of information about those topics, also allowing people everywhere to download PDFs of fliers to hand out locally to inform and warn people?  The site should have references for all of its information, and every aspect of it should be impossible to debunk.  

It is not enough for each of them to just randomly individually report on the issue; them doing that obviously has essentially had no effect whatsoever.  There needs to be a single definitive source about the matter that is recognized as the standard for activists everywhere to promote.

If those people actually believe what they are saying, then why haven’t they done that?  Are many of them controlled opposition or Freemasons, ect?  I can’t believe they haven’t created such a thing a long ago.

The Australian politician Riccardo Bosi has spoken out against Freemasonry [updated October 7, 2021]

In this video the Austrian politician Riccardo Bosi speaks with Alex Jones talking about issues with encroaching corruption and tyranny in the world, and he explains how his campaign will liberate Australia from it.

[Note October 7, 2021: I haven’t seen this video until after I posted this article.  I’m very impressed with Bosi, I hope he is popular in Australia.  He is that country’s best hope.  There are no major politicians like him in the United States.]


This is the launch video for his party AustraliaOne.  Amazing!


It is great to see how he speaks out about Freemasonry.  In this video he speaks with the Australian activist Joel Jammal, talking about false allegations of being a Freemason.

New York’s governor has fired thousands of health care workers for refusing vaccines “from God,” but religious exemptions are still in court

In this press conference, New York’s governor Kathy Hochul claimed “It’s been proven to be safe, the vaccines’ been out there a long time now, there are not legitimate religious exemptions because the leaders of all the organized religions have said there is no legitimate reason.  We’re going to win that in court in a matter of days.

On September 27, New York’s governor Kathy Hochul ordered thousands of health care workers in the state who refuse to be vaccinated to be fired, after giving a speech at a church saying that vaccines are “from God” and asking the congregation to be her “disciples” in getting people vaccinated.

October 4th marked the first day of the mandate for the health care workers when the thousands who are unvaccinated lost their jobs.

However, unvaccinated healthcare workers who claimed a religious exemption are still employed for the time being after two judges issued holds blocking the state from enforcing the mandate for them, according to this report.  One will expire on October 12th, and the other on the 14th while the courts decide the case.

Hochul said about the cases, “Now you’ll see by the end of the week, it’ll be 100-percent [of healthcare workers vaccinated].  We’re about 92-94 right now.  We’re watching that close, so people are realizing that we’re coming up on a deadline, especially those who thought they were going to get a religious exemption.  I do not believe it’ll be upheld in court.”

An attorney Cassandra Kazukenus is quoted in the article saying that the case is similar to a ruling made during a measles outbreak in 2019, where the it was decided that religious exemptions in schools would not be allowed.

Of course “freedom of religion” has nothing to do with the opinions of “leaders of major organized religions.”  All major religions are covertly controlled by the Masonic Lodge anyway.  (See here, here, and here.)

Also, the vaccines have certainly not been proven to be safe as she claims, but rather news about their harmful effects is suppressed from the public, and the amount of supposed COVID cases is wildly exaggerated as well.  (See here, here, and here.)

[Note: I don’t understand why so many people are informed enough to quit their jobs due to vaccine mandates, yet they aren’t communicating enough about the issues with the vaccines for the information to become known in the mainstream.  I’m especially curious about the people in the medical profession who are aware of the problem.  Why aren’t many saying anything if there are thousands in New York alone?

It is true that YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook don’t allow telling the truth about COVID, vaccines and other important issues such as election fraud, however the rest of the internet doesn’t censor, so why isn’t the information getting out and becoming known anyway?]

Biden’s Afghan evacuees were chosen by Taliban “security forces” at the airport [updated October 20, 2021]

Image from Flickr.

This article details how Joe Biden outsourced security at the airport in Kabul to the Taliban and other Jihadist groups, who then selected whoever they wanted to be sent to the U.S. rather than the people that they were instructed to allow through.

[Note: October 20, 2021— The text of this article has been updated.]

Following is a summary of this Jihad Watch watch article by Daniel Greenfield:

— After Joe Biden imported tens of thousands of supposed “translators” from Afghanistan, refugee groups are now desperately looking for translators to communicate with them.

— There were more Afghan “translators” applying for visas than there were American soldiers to translate for, being indicative of the fact that the vast majority of them were never translators, with only a minuscule amount of them fitting that criteria.

— Front Page Mag has previously run articles about the phony translator scheme, such as “How the ‘Interpreter’ Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis and Afghans to America”, and “Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S.

— Eventually, almost any Afghan who worked for any U.S. organization could apply for a visa, but Biden’s retreat made the scam even worse because he didn’t even evacuate the approved SIV visa holders who might have actually worked for the United States.   State Department sources have said that the majority of SIV holders were left behind.

— The Biden administration claims to have evacuated 124,000 people from Afghanistan, with only 5,000 of them being Americans.  60,000 of them have been brought into the United States, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas saying that only 1,800 are SIV holders, and only another 8,000 are citizens or have green cards.  That leaves 50,000 of them being brought here with no legal basis, with tens of thousands more likely still to come.

— Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “[the] balance of that population are individuals whose applications have not yet been processed for approval who may qualify as SIVs and have not yet applied, who qualify or would qualify—I should say—as P-1 or P-2 refugees who have been employed by the United States government in Afghanistan and are otherwise vulnerable Afghan nationals, such as journalists, human rights advocates, etc.”

— Problems are already occurring with a migrant sexually assaulting two children, one beating his wife, and others bringing child brides with them.  The wife who was beaten also told a translator that nine women have been killed so far at Fort McCoy, but there is no confirmation of that.

– Actual human rights workers in Kabul were mostly middle aged women who didn’t wear burkas, but nothing has been seen of them at Ft. McCoy or anywhere else in the refugee resettlement system.  Some have remained in Afghanistan and are risking their lives by organizing protests against the Taliban.

— The Afghan evacuees are mostly military age males and older men with young girls, with the women and girls that come along with them wearing burkas and appearing fearful.  [Note: The abusive entrapped situation of those women and girls will not change in the U.S., as they will mostly live in Islamic “seed communities” that are intended to increase in size and become Islamic “no-go-zones,” as is occurring all over Europe.  Also, “Community Policing” is how Sharia patrols will soon be implemented in those areas, as is also happening in Europe.]

— The Kabul embassy personnel had tainted the pool of applicants by sending out “electronic credentials” that State Department officials claimed were almost immediately disseminated to everyone in a large crowd indiscriminately at the airport.

— People who were actually qualified to be evacuated were apparently deliberately kept out by the Biden Administration, who outsourced security to the Taliban, who then passed their authority to checkpoints manned by an Al Queda-allied group.  Biden officials provided those people with a list of the people who they were supposed to admit.  Not surprisingly, the “security” prevented some from getting to the airport while letting others through, doing so regardless of credentials.

— The Taliban cashed in on the American presence in Afghanistan, where Jihadists were making more money from “taxing” U.S. contractors than from the opium trade.  And thus Biden’s “security” forces were extorting huge bribes during the evacuation, only allowing people to pass through if they paid thousands of dollars in bribes.  Therefore, tens of thousands of SIV holders were kept out, and tens of thousands of illegitimate Afghans bribed their way in.

— In other words, it wasn’t an “evacuation,” but rather it was a massive Taliban human trafficking scheme.

— The tens of thousands of Afghans who were brought to the U.S. will be in the country permanently.  They cannot be deported.

— The question is: How many of the people that the Taliban selected to come to the U.S. are affiliated with Al Queda and ISIS?

— Sources have said that “0.5%” of the evacuees have been flagged for terrorist ties.  [But note that it has been reported that most of them have no records at all, so there is no way to know how many are terrorist affiliated or not.]

— Untold billions of taxpayer dollars will be squandered on resettling the Taliban’s human trafficked migrants.  They will receive every possible type of welfare and a fortune will be spent just on “translators” at resettlement agencies, government agencies, schools, hospitals, and the local police.

— Huge amounts of money will also almost certainly be spent dealing with their abuses through the criminal justice system.

— Eventually when the SIV holders and their families who are still in Afghanistan come over, they will have to be resettled as well, doubling the refugee load.

— The Taliban likely made a fortune by trafficking rapists and terrorists into the U.S., as well as anyone else who could pay.  Terrorist activity coming from such people will be a certainty.

700 Afghan evacuees have walked off of U.S. bases and disappeared

An aerial view of Ft. McCoy, in Wisconsin.  Image from dvids.

This article explains that hundred of Afghans have walked away from the U.S. bases where they are being processed, thus forfeiting any financial and other assistance that they would have received.  The issue is very worrisome because the unvetted Afghans for some reason felt it was important to leave and disappear into the country as quickly as possible, despite the fact that they would have received substantial financial support if they would have stayed.

[Note: October 20, 2021— The text of this article as been updated.]

Following is a summary of this Jihad Watch article by Daniel Greenfield:

— Many hundreds of Afghan evacuees have been reported to be “walking away” from the military bases where they are currently being housed before receiving their U.S. resettlement services, according to Reuters, being referred to as “independent departures.”

— Such people could have a variety of reasons to do so, such as:

(1)  They’re not who they say they are and they are worried that the authorities will find out.

(2)  They’re committing crimes such as trafficking young girls, as had already been reported at Fort McCoy.

(3)  They’re terrorists here to infiltrate America.

— It is reported that the Afghans walking away in such a manner is “raising alarms” among immigration advocates who think the migrants are “at risk” due to giving up their assistance.  However they aren’t saying that they are alarmed about a terrorist treat, but rather they seem to mostly be worried about the money that they will lose since they are reimbursed for each refugee that they resettle.

[Note: I wonder if the “independent departures” have at least been fingerprinted and photographed, ect..]

— The news report quotes the head of Northern Command General Glen VanHerck who claimed that the number of incidents of robbery and theft among the migrants on the base were “substantially lower than the U.S. population,” saying that there were only eight cases in six weeks.

— The news report also claims: “However, U.S. officials stress that all of the Afghans leaving U.S. bases had already undergone security screening before arriving in the United States.”  But in reality security screening is impossible because Afghanistan didn’t even have a single system of paperwork.  [Also this Tucker Carlson video explains how it is impossible to “vet” the Afghans that are being brought.]

— The news report states, “Reuters viewed a document, entitled ‘Departee Information, that is meant to warn Afghans considering leaving before completing their resettlement.  It reminds them that, on base, they can get their immigration paperwork processed and even cash to help pay for travel to their destination in the United States.”

— … Yet despite loosing such an enormous source of money and other assistance, the Afghans still thought it was somehow necessary to walk away, which is very worrisome.

— The report also states, “Immigration experts say Afghans who leave the bases are not breaking U.S. laws and military officials have no legal authority to hold law-abiding Afghans against their will at any of the eight locations hosting 53,000 Afghans who fled the Taliban on U.S. evacuation flights.”  [Note: Why do they not have the authority to do so?!]

49 REPUBLICANS helped pass billions in welfare and driver’s licenses for 95 thousand Afghan migrants, with unlimited more Afghans coming

RINO Republicans such as Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham voted for the legislation.

Following is a summary of this Breitbart article by John Binder:

49 House and Senate Republicans voted for and passed a $6.4 Billion Democrat bill for welfare, driver’s licenses, housing costs, and more for 95,000 Afghans brought to the U.S. by Joe Biden.  The Republican lawmakers voted for the provisions despite overwhelming opposition to the Afghan resettlement by their constituents.

The funding for the resettlement operation was slipped into a government funding bill, and it will give benefits such as welfare, housing assistance, medical coverage, and state-issued drivers licenses to the Afghans.

The provision giving the IDs and driver’s licenses allow Afghans to skirt vital national security requirements that were put in place after the 9/11 attacks, according to the expert Andrew Arthur:

I will leave it up to others to decide whether giving massive amounts of cash to aliens who have no real status in the United States is a good idea or not.  My main concern is the fact the [funding bill] makes paroled Afghan nationals eligible for driver’s licenses and identification cards, even if they are barred from receiving them under a law passed to protect the American people against national-security risks.

Section 202(b)(2)(C) of the REAL ID Act requires states to ensure that applicants for driver’s licenses have lawful status in the United States (including citizenship or a green card).  Section 2502 in the [funding bill] would explicitly waive that requirement — not for you, or for those green card holders — but rather exclusively for paroled Afghan nationals.

Most disturbingly, the bill leaves Biden’s resettlement operation wide open for future waves of Afghans brought to the U.S. by extending such resettlement to September 2022 and beyond for the foreign relatives of Afghans who get resettled in American communities.

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), who voted against the bill, said the provisions “opens the U.S. to unlimited refugee resettlement from Afghanistan with zero vetting, putting our security at even greater risk.”

The 34 House Republicans who voted for the bill are as follows:

Mark Amodei (R-NV)
Tom Cole (R-OK)
Rodney Davis (R-IL)
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)
Carlos Giménez (R-FL)
Tony Gonzalez (R-TX)
Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)
Garrett Graves (R-LA)
Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA)
Clay Higgins (R-LA)
John Katko (R-NY)
Young Kim (R-CA)
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
Doug LaMalfa (R-CA)
Julia Letlow (R-LA)
Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
Patrick McHenry (R-NC)
Peter Meijer (R-MI)
Blake Moore (R-UT)
Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
Jay Obernolte (R-CA)
Tom Reed (R-NY)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Hal Rogers (R-KY)
Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL)
Mike Simpson (R-ID)
Chris Smith (R-NJ)
Glenn Thompson (R-PA)
Mike Turner (R-OH)
Fred Upton (R-MI)
David Valadao (R-CA)
Don Young (R-AK)

The 15 Senate Republicans who voted for the funding bill are as follows:

Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
John Kennedy (R-LA)
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Mike Rounds (R-SD)
Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Thom Tillis (R-NC)
Todd Young (R-IN)

Refugee contractors will be given $1.7 billion to “provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services, including wrap-around services during temporary housing and after resettlement, housing assistance, medical assistance, legal assistance, and case management assistance.”

“Refugee” resettlement costs taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years.  Over the course of a lifetime, taxpayers each pay about $133,000 per refugee.

[The “Refugee Resettlement Program” is actually mostly a “Muslim resettlement program,” where the people brought are usually not even actually refugees but rather they are simply migrants who are selected by a corrupt UN program, where they are chosen instead of more legitimate refugees such as Christians and others who are persecuted by Muslims.

Also the program is not intended to “rescue Muslims from Islam,” but rather its purpose is to secretively disperse Islamic “seed communities” throughout the U.S. with all of the backwards and dangerous aspects of their culture intact.

The program was initially set up by Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy during the Carter Administration in 1980.]

A “woke” parking lot in Germany has unveiled priority parking spaces for homosexuals and Muslims

Following is a summary of an article from Bare Naked Islam:

[Note that I don’t agree with everything that BNI says or aspects of its approach, but it is an important resource about Islam where I have learned a lot.]

An underground parking lot in Hanau, Germany, has unveiled priority parking spaces for migrants and homosexual drivers only, announcing that the new spaces are to to be used by drivers with “a special need for protection.”

The overwhelming majority of migrants in Germany are Muslims, so the parking space is essentially for them.

City councilor Thomas Morlock said at the unveiling of the parking spaces that the aim is to help people who are more “diverse” than others.

The same parking spaces are reserved for both groups, despite the fact that adult homosexuality is prohibited in Islam with the penalty of death.


In some parts of the Islamic world, homosexuals are executed by being thrown off of high buildings, with their corpses then being stoned by mobs of people where they land.

Homosexuals are hanged in Iran.  [Note that Iran is covertly controlled by the exact same people who control the Biden Administration.]

Also see this article about the issue.

[Strangely though, only homosexuality between two ADULTS is prohibited in Islam.  Adult Muslim men having sex with young boys is accepted and it is widely practiced.  A PBS Frontline documentary “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan” details that.]