Some Establishment journalists are starting to express doubts about the COVID situation

I saw this Bill Maher video clip where he interviewed Bari Weiss, a New York Times reporter who said “she is ‘done’ with COVID,” where she said that she questions why the situation has not returned to normal despite the widespread vaccinations; she explained that masks don’t work to stop the spread of airborne diseases; … Continue reading “Some Establishment journalists are starting to express doubts about the COVID situation”

The microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi accurately explained the COVID fraud and issues with the deadly vaccines over a year ago, saying: “Start thinking— stop ‘believing’”

In this video which is a excerpt from the documentary video “Planet Lockdown,” the microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi explains many issues with the COVID fraud, associated lockdowns, and deadly vaccines.  He explains issues with the PCR tests that give massive amounts of false positives;  how countries like Germany are detaining people based on the results of … Continue reading “The microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi accurately explained the COVID fraud and issues with the deadly vaccines over a year ago, saying: “Start thinking— stop ‘believing’””

The Swiss have actually voted FOR tyrannical COVID policies such as required vaccination verification, putting the legitimacy of their voting methods into question

This video was made advocating for Swiss people to vote against proposed tyrannical Covid policies. This longer video explains specifics of the Swiss Covid policies issue.  [Note: I think the opening section of this video is rather lengthy and strange, I recommend skipping to 3:50 in the documentary if you watch it.  I think the … Continue reading “The Swiss have actually voted FOR tyrannical COVID policies such as required vaccination verification, putting the legitimacy of their voting methods into question”

Many frightening reports about COVID vaccinations demonstrate why a widely acknowledged source of fact checked information should exist about the issue

For months I’ve been seeing reports of horrible injuries and death happening all over the world due to the Covid vaccinations that are being mandated.  But despite such information being widespread, most people are going ahead with being vaccinated anyway and even though many are attempting to warn others of the risk. I think the … Continue reading “Many frightening reports about COVID vaccinations demonstrate why a widely acknowledged source of fact checked information should exist about the issue”

Why isn’t there a central definitive source of truthful information about COVID and deadly vaccines?

There are numerous medical authorities on the internet who speak out about the dangers and uselessness of vaccines, so why haven’t they formed some sort of a coalition where they have a well-made website that contains a definitive easy-to-read summary of information about those topics, also allowing people everywhere to download PDFs of fliers to … Continue reading “Why isn’t there a central definitive source of truthful information about COVID and deadly vaccines?”

Medical personnel continue to come forward exposing the Covid fraud, but the political Establishment continues to censor it

This is video of a traveling Covid nurse Albert Spence testifying to the South Carolina legislature that he has quit his profession out of disgust due to the blatantly corrupt intentional mistreatment of Covid patients that is happening.  He explains that nurses such as him are intentionally given instructions that are inappropriate and deadly to … Continue reading “Medical personnel continue to come forward exposing the Covid fraud, but the political Establishment continues to censor it”

“Press Secretary Jen Psaki explains President Biden’s new COVID-19 Action Plan”

It is incredible that they are getting so many people to be vaccinated, despite how dangerous and useless it is!  It feels as if I’m going to eventually be the only unvaccinated person in the world. I think it is interesting that Trump’s supporters don’t blame him for the vaccines, as they should.  There was … Continue reading ““Press Secretary Jen Psaki explains President Biden’s new COVID-19 Action Plan””

The UK is now implementing draconian COVID lockdown rules, despite the minimal risk

This is a compilation of footage of nurses who don’t have anything better to do than to learn dance moves. Following is a summary of a article: Similar to what is being implemented in Canada, anyone traveling to the UK from a country on the government’s “red list” of 33 countries are now required … Continue reading “The UK is now implementing draconian COVID lockdown rules, despite the minimal risk”

Tucker Carlson explains that Joe Biden is waiving COVID tests for illegal immigrants who are being released into the US

Tucker Carlson reports that the U.S. will be releasing illegal migrants into the interior of the U.S. without even testing them for COVID-19, despite the fact that the country is being locked down using the excuse of the virus. Carson also mentions that media outlets such as MSNBC are attempting to claim that people complaining … Continue reading “Tucker Carlson explains that Joe Biden is waiving COVID tests for illegal immigrants who are being released into the US”

The CDC admits that at least 96% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were from other causes

COVID is shown to not be more dangerous than the normal flu, even according to the official numbers.  This broadcast explains that hospitals have been counting people who die from other causes as dying from COVID. An October 21, 2020 CDC report explains that of the 220 thousand deaths attributed to COVID-19, 87 thousand of … Continue reading “The CDC admits that at least 96% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were from other causes”