Joe Biden is secretively bringing over a hundred thousand random unvetted Afghans to the United States

In this video clip, former White House Advisor Stephen Miller speaks with Tucker Carlson about Joe Biden bringing over 100,000 randomly selected Afghanistanis to the United States.

Miller says:

What we are witnessing right now, Tucker, is the greatest bait-and-switch of all time.  Joe Biden Callously played on America’s sympathies for a small core of Afghans who worked closely in difficult conditions with American troops— [Then] left all those people (nearly) in Afghanistan, and in their stead brought over a hundred thousand randomly selected Afghan nationals, and he’s not bringing them to the United States through any lawful process, or through any lawful vetting channels.  And my sources inside of government are very clear that most of these individuals when you run a background check— it comes up blank.  They’re ghosts.  Nobody knows who they are.  Of course if they worked for the U.S. government, when you take their fingerprints it would come up right away.  But there’s no matches, because they didn’t work for the government, and nobody knows who they are.

But it gets worse.  I have also been informed very credibly that this is the beginning, not the end of the refugee resettlement operation.  As we speak, the Biden Administration is making preparations through its foreign consulates and missions to accept in an open-ended unending way Afghan Nationals who will leave the country and apply at any U.S. Mission around the globe.  Most of that will be happening in Pakistan.  Again, they will bypass lawful visa channels, and if necessary, abuse and in fact violate a law known as “Parole”, which is meant for very exceptional case-by-case circumstances, and bring these individuals into the country with no real vetting, and no real knowledge of who they are.

But more important than all of this, Tucker, is common sense.  If you bring in several provinces worth of individuals from Afghanistan, you will replicate the conditions of Afghanistan here in the United States of America, and all the horrors that entails.


This New York Times video details the situation of a 27 year old Afghan Woman named Farkhunda Malikzada who was killed by a mob in the streets of Afghanistan after falsely being accused of burning a page of the Quran.  Also see a page with a written description here.

The video shows the mentality of the people that the Masonic Lodge and the Biden Administration are now bringing to the U.S. in hordes, without vetting.  (Also realize that the Freemasons covertly direct the most extreme Muslims through the Muslim Brotherhood, almost certainly including the ones who are in the above Afghanistan video!)


This is a video from the Daily Veracity talking about the Afghan immigration catastrophe, explaining that the hopelessly incompatible Afghans are strategically being imported into healthy conservative and patriotic areas of the U.S. such as Idaho and Wisconsin.  (Daily Veracity is a good news source that I’ve recently found, however as far as I have seen it doesn’t identify Freemasonry as being a source of the problems, as most media outlets do not.)


See this NOITV article that summarizes the surprising history of the “Refugee Resettlement Program” in the U.S., based on information from the excellent website “Refugee Resettlement Watch.”


Do you think the Freemasons have good intentions with their secretively dispersing Islamic “seed communities” throughout the U.S. over the previous decades?  Of course they don’t!  Watch this video that explains the genuine goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.