Why isn’t there a central definitive source of truthful information about COVID and deadly vaccines?

There are numerous medical authorities on the internet who speak out about the dangers and uselessness of vaccines, so why haven’t they formed some sort of a coalition where they have a well-made website that contains a definitive easy-to-read summary of information about those topics, also allowing people everywhere to download PDFs of fliers to hand out locally to inform and warn people?  The site should have references for all of its information, and every aspect of it should be impossible to debunk.  

It is not enough for each of them to just randomly individually report on the issue; them doing that obviously has essentially had no effect whatsoever.  There needs to be a single definitive source about the matter that is recognized as the standard for activists everywhere to promote.

If those people actually believe what they are saying, then why haven’t they done that?  Are many of them controlled opposition or Freemasons, ect?  I can’t believe they haven’t created such a thing a long ago.