Medical personnel continue to come forward exposing the Covid fraud, but the political Establishment continues to censor it

This is video of a traveling Covid nurse Albert Spence testifying to the South Carolina legislature that he has quit his profession out of disgust due to the blatantly corrupt intentional mistreatment of Covid patients that is happening.  He explains that nurses such as him are intentionally given instructions that are inappropriate and deadly to the patients, the PCR tests that are used to detect Covid are intentionally miscalibrated to give huge amounts of false positives, and the vaccines that are being given are very harmful.  He also explains that many other nurses would like to speak out, but they usually don’t out of fear of losing their jobs.

Much footage also exists of other medical professionals exposing the genocidal agendas of the political Establishment with their supposed Covid pandemic (such as here, here, and here), as well as footage of people who have been harmed by the vaccines.

[Note:  It amazes me how information about Covid and vaccines hasn’t become mainstream by now, since there is nothing “non-politically correct” about the issue to stop people from talking about it, and also since the issue effects most people in the world individually.  Of course YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter outlawed talking about it though (which is evil), but I don’t see how that could really have stopped the word from getting out anyway, since the rest of the internet doesn’t censor and the proof is so blatant and concrete.

I’m glad that I no longer use YouTube.  I was intending to move from it anyway, but I knew that it would be time consuming to do so.]