The microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi accurately explained the COVID fraud and issues with the deadly vaccines over a year ago, saying: “Start thinking— stop ‘believing’”

In this video which is a excerpt from the documentary video “Planet Lockdown,” the microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi explains many issues with the COVID fraud, associated lockdowns, and deadly vaccines.  He explains issues with the PCR tests that give massive amounts of false positives;  how countries like Germany are detaining people based on the results of the fraudulent tests;  how the scientific consensus and even the WHO is reporting that the lethality of COVID is no more serious than the seasonal flu;  and he explains issues with the deadly vaccines that are being mandated, including issues with the new type of gene-based vaccines that are being implemented as experiments on humans rather than on animals.

Note that this video was created an entire year ago!  It is flabbergasting that such well-communicated information such as this exists, yet people are continuing to allow themselves and their children to be locked down and poisoned by the vaccines.


This is another one of a trend of videos that follows a long trail of people who are lined up to be vaccinated, this time recently in Germany.


My own thoughts about the current state of the situation:

It is depressing to see how many people are still lining up to be vaccinated even though a wealth of information exists that clarifies how useless and dangerous the vaccines are, such as the first video in this article.

Many people seem to blame people’s ignorance about COVID and vaccines on sites like YouTube and Twitter for censoring information that talks about those issues, or they blame people in the general public themselves for not being more proactive about becoming informed.  It is true that those are factors, but I think the biggest fault lies with the communicators who are in the position to communicate most effectively about those matters and facilitate activism but they aren’t doing so for some reason.

I have even been seeing in some videos on Bitchute where activists actually say that it is a “good thing” that the uninformed people are being harmed or killed by the vaccines since it is “their fault” for not being informed, and such people are portraying themselves as supposedly being anti-Establishment activists.

People would naturally be proactive about becoming informed about COVID and vaccines if there was a widely recognized centralized fact checked online resource that talks about those issues.  I think most people have at least tried to look into the matter, but since they haven’t readily found such sources of information it naturally causes them to assume that the risks must not be very significant.

I do see a lot of valiant grass-roots efforts to inform people about the issues, which should be applauded, however those are falling short of making much of significant difference, as is made apparent in the second video at the top of this article.

I must admit that personally I can’t help but think that by this point a lot of the misinformed people (leftists and Biden supporters especially) are essentially just stupid, but obviously them and the rest of humanity don’t deserve to harmed or killed by the lockdowns and vaccines because of that.

Perhaps it is a bit unfair to put an expectation on the higher profile communicators to also facilitate the activism, however.  For example I don’t think Alex Jones wants to necessarily do such a thing, where I think he would prefer to remain more of a primary daily source of information for activists instead, which is his prerogative.

I think higher profile activists can also have issues that they are not able to mention even though they would like to, such as potentially even being threatened in ways that they know is credible, where such threats might not only be to themselves but also to others as well.  Therefore it is also important that individuals everywhere are becoming more proactive at a grass roots level as well in order to protect against the potential of that.

I also think the idea of “Big Brother” (Joe Biden, ect..) mandating what media companies can and cannot allow people to say is certainly not an acceptable solution, despite what some people are suggesting.  I think companies such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are actually hoping for such legislation because it would turn them into government reinforced monopolies.  Currently such companies are certainly not monopolies despite being claimed to be, even though they are popular.  I think it is also very likely that such companies are censoring in such a ridiculous manner in order to trick people into advocating for such legislation.  (I do think that it is crucial that internet infrastructure companies such as ISPs are not allowed to censor, however.)