Hostile pro-Palestinian leftist groups disrupted an annual Christmas Eve caroling event in Washington Square Park in New York City

(Note this video is poorly edited but it contains significant information, I recommend watching it.)

On Christmas Eve, pro-Palestinian protesters in a car caravan disrupted an annual Christmas caroling event in Washington Square Park, where demonstrators circled their cars around the location, blaring music and honking their horns while others chanted through bullhorns on the sidewalk as the carolers attempted to sing Christmas songs.  A New York Post article explains the situation, saying that the holiday revelers were undeterred and “they sang themselves hoarse” during the dueling events.

Organizations that were involved in this or other disruptions around New York City during the weekend include leftist extremist groups such as “People’s Forum,” “Palestinian Youth Movement,” “Mothers for Justice in Palestine,” and the Long Island chapter of the “Party for Socialism and Liberation.”