A video from a leftist Islam apologist is typical of the Establishment’s agenda of whitewashing the ideology

I saw this video of an apparently Establishment media host claiming that Bill Maher “berated” Palestinians in a recent show, where he falsely claimed that Maher makes unfounded accusations about the nature of Islam, and he attempted to claim that Palestine has historically always been offered deals that are “unfair” to agree on in the peace process.  The comments on the video are overwhelming in favor of what he is saying.

Maher is far from perfect, but his stances on Islam are very accurate and relevant and he should be applauded for that.  See this important video that explains the death penalty for apostasy in Islam which contains some clips from Maher’s show, and see this this article that explains many other little-understood aspects of the ideology.

Contrary to what the host in the video is attempting to claim, Palestine was offered “fair” deals to agree on many times in the past, but they always wanted only the entire piece of land.  See this link and this link that contain information about that matter.  

In 2006 the Palestinians voted Hamas into power and they widely supported it along with its terrorist attacks of Israel such as suicide bombings and rocket attacks, while its founding document advocated for the genocide of all Jews by citing Islamic scripture.

The host of the show is apparently working to reinforce corrupt Establishment agendas such as creating a false impression of Islam being a peaceful ideology in order make Westerners agreeable to importing it into their countries.  (See this link, this link, and this link.)