“All Quiet on the Western Front” is a great movie

I recently saw the movie “All Quiet on the Western Front” which depicts the horrifying reality of trench warfare in Word War I, from the German perspective.  Strangely the movie was not shown in theaters which would have generated more attention and revenue for it, but rather it was produced by Netflix.  The movie is also shown on Amazon Streaming.

This movie along with the movie “Thou Shall Not Grow Old” depict the strange amount of enthusiasm the public in Europe had about going to war, where they accepted whatever they were told by the global elite without question.

I think the situation in Europe is still the same, where the populations still unquestioningly accept whatever they are told by the same global elite, however now the elite are using the past conflicts that they created as an excuse for what they are now telling them to do— where they are claiming that “patriotism” and “nationalism” were the cause of the wars, and in many counties such as Germany it is illegal to even question what happened during World War II.

There is a direct parallel between the attitudes of the naive populations prior to the wars and their current naive unquestioning acceptance of the intentionally harmful immigration agendas that are being unleashed upon them now (link, link, and link).  (Most non-Europeans are completely unaware of the horrible problems that are happening on that continent due to the out-of-control Islamic immigration that has been happening there, due to a media blackout about the topic.)  

In all cases their problems can be directly attributed to them not knowing who the global elite actually are and what their goals are (link).  Also most of them do not know how harmful the European Union organization and the United Nations are.

It is also very important to the global elite that Europeans don’t know what the terms “right wing” and “left wing” actually mean, so in their media reports they constantly try to reinforce a false perception that “right wing” means “racism, bigotry, violence, and Nazism,” and “left wing” means “peace, love, and sharing.”  See THIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE that explains the real meanings of those terms.

I’m hearing reports of populists being elected in some countries such as Geert Wilders in Sweden, and Javier Milei in Argentina, however it is important to be skeptical of such people since they’ve been elected in an environment that is still prior to the awakening and where the voting machines are still rigged.

I notice in the above article about Geert Wilders that his “hard-right, anti-Muslim party, Party for Freedom (PVV)” wants to ban headscarves, however I believe that only a controlled opposition organization would want to ban headscarves because implementing such as ban on the clothing that people wear is not a “right wing” mentality, and worse it would only conceal the problem of encroaching Islamism.

If such politicians were genuinely for real, they would outlaw the use of all electronic vote counting, and get their countries out of organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations.