James Perloff speaks about Israel’s Mossad being involved in many past false flag attacks

This is a November 20, 2023 interview of James Perloff, who wrote the book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” and the book “COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red Pilled.”  In the interview he details the Israeli Mossad’s involvement in many of the global elite’s false flag attacks over the past century up until now.

[Note that while Israel has very significant involvement in the Illuminati global elite, it isn’t the “source” of the it but rather it is just a tool of theirs just as the U.S. and the other Western countries (and in fact essentially all countries) are.  The Illuminati depend on antisemitism in order to deflect criticism off of themselves, so they often intentionally cause and organize it.  Nonetheless I think the Israeli government is thoroughly corrupt and a danger to humanity, just as the Biden administration and the European Union are for example.]