(Note: click on the above image of the video to view it on its original page.)
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has posted a video of a sermon of an Imam in a New Jersey mosque where he emphasized the importance of Jihad against Israel, and he prayed that Allah would give the wealth, possessions, and even the children of non-Muslims to Muslims as “booty”— meaning spoils of war.
The cleric whose name was not mentioned in the video said the following:
“Oh Allah, punish the infidels, come upon them from wherever they do not expect. Oh Allah, instill fear into their hearts. Oh Allah, destroy their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. Oh Allah, let us inherit their homes, wealth, and land where we have not set foot yet. Oh Allah, turn them, their wealth, their children, and their lives into booty for Islam and the Muslims. Oh Allah, turn them into booty for Islam and the Muslims.”
See this PJMedia article by Robert Spencer for more information about the video.