This video explains that throughout the 20th century Israel has been willing to agree to fair “two state solution” agreements with the Palestinians, however such offers has always been rejected due to the Palestinians wanting to control the entire area.
[Note: I’m not an expert on each of those potential agreements, but I’m confident that the video is accurate at least on the surface about the attempts at agreements that were made.
However very few people understand that the political Establishment has had covert control over most of Islam since the 1800’s, so the reality of those potential agreements may have been derailed somehow due to the leaders on the Islamic sides being controlled opposition such as Yasser Arafat of the PLO.
The book Hostage to Khomeini explains that the global elite (especially British elements of it) have been infiltrating the Middle East going back to 1820 using Freemasonry. The book explains, “In the Middle East, the British have always sought out the corrupt tribal leaders and the venal clergy to lead movements whose objectives have always seemed to coincide with British objectives. With the Muslim Brotherhood, British imperial policy was institutionalized in the form of a disciplined organization dedicated to returning the Middle East to the Dark Ages.”
The global elite find Islam to be an ideal system for controlling populations and for other nefarious reasons, so they have taken control over almost all of it through organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. It is almost a certainty that it is the global elite who are behind enforcing death penalties for apostasy, as well as reinforcing all of the other violent and oppressive backwards aspects of the ideology.

Iran has even built an obvious Masonic temple for its parliament building, so there is no question about the country being controlled by the political Establishment.
In other words, the exact same people who have been forcing ridiculous “LGBTQ+” agendas such as transgenderism on Americans in public schools and elsewhere have also been executing homosexuals in parts of the Islamic world such as Iran for decades, along with all of the other oppressive Islamic policies including extreme anti-women agendas.]