Biden’s economically damaging “climate change” agendas have no basis in science, despite his administration’s claims to the contrary

Watch Joe Biden’s dishonest “National Climate Advisor” Gina McCarthy claim on MSNBC, “It is very easy to see [the damage caused by global warming] from the hurricanes and the forest fires”— However it is easily shown that there are definitely no more hurricanes today than there was a hundred years ago, and it is also shown that Antifa—type terrorists have been caught starting wildfires in California to be blamed on supposed “global warming.”

“Man-caused global warming” is proven to be a scientific fraud, and corrupt global warming alarmists such as McCarthy knowingly lie and say “the science is on their side” when they know that it is NOT on their side.  The corrupt political Establishment wants people to think that global warming is a “global threat” in order to have an excuse to implement restrictive totalitarian controls over the economies and people of all countries.  It actually has nothing to do with “helping the environment,” it is simply a corrupt power grab by the political elite that allows them to consolidate their oppressive control over the populations of the world.

It is proven that CO2 being put into the atmosphere does not actually cause significant global warming, but rather whatever warming is happening is a part of a natural long-term natural cycle that is mostly based on cycles of the sun.  Also, the effects of the warming are much less extreme than people are led to believe it is anyway.