Alex Jones speaks with the kickboxer Andrew Tate about the global elite using COVID as an excuse to seize power (Updated December 31, 2022)

Alex Jones speaks with the world champion kickboxer Andrew Tate who expresses the importance of people not letting the corrupt global elite use COVID as an excuse to take totalitarian control of society.

[UPDATE: December 31, 2022:  New information has come to light about Andrew Tate, where apparently he has been involved with exploiting and harming women.  I didn’t really know anything about him when I posted this video, and I haven’t really paid much attention to what was going on with him since then.

Actually I don’t even agree with everything he is saying in this video, where he was advocating that people don’t comply with wearing masks.  I think attempting to do that would be fruitless and ultimately only result in arrested, where instead the only effective approach would be for people to work to have such laws removed in the first place, which is possible.  However I do agree with refusing COVID vaccinations no matter what the circumstances are.]

The movie “Idiocracy” is amusing and indicative of the genuine agendas of the political Establishment

The trailer for “Idiocracy.”

I recently saw a movie by Mike Judge called “Idiocracy” which I thought was funny.  It is about two people who were put into hibernation for five hundred years, to then emerge in a world where humanity has gone stupid due to intelligent people not having enough children over the centuries.

I think in many ways the premise of the movie would be accurate, but I don’t think its society of the future is portrayed quite as how it actually would be.  In the movie the people “lack intelligence,” but I think a more significant degradation would instead be their morals and taste (which the movie also portraits.)  Most people are shown to be similar to the “Beavis and Butthead” characters (who are also Mike Judge creations), with them being incapable of rational thinking and having depraved and juvenile mentalities.  The people in the movie also ridicule one of the newcomers because they perceive him as being “faggy”, however I think homosexuality would actually be very mainstream by that time in such a world, as is intended by the global elite.

Despite the movie being well-made and entertaining, it was not screened for critics and it has been accused of being “abandoned” by 20th Century Fox at the time of its release with it grossing only $495,000 when shown in the theaters, according to Wikipedia.  That does not surprise me because the premise of the movie is so close to the genuine agendas of the global elite that it appears as if they tried to sweep it under the rug.

As an example of the actual agendas of the political elite, NPR just named  Carbi B’s song “Wet Ass Pussy” to be the best song of 2020:

Above is the censored version of the song.  You can see the uncensored version of the song at this link.


… Also it is not just stupid ghetto culture that is a target of degradation by the political Establishment; the global elite have been following long-term plans to harm all of humanity.  This video explains the global elite’s agendas of emasculating the people in Europe out of existence through promoting homosexuality and transgenderism.


This video is an interview of an ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmonov, who explains the process of how societies are intentionally undermined by the political Establishment by a process of “demoralization” through the promotion and mandating of supposed “progressive” attitudes.

Eastern Europe will soon become the new “Western Europe” due to the healthy nationalistic attitudes of the people in those countries, while leftist Western European countries are rapidly going down a toilet

I recently found this video by the Dutch activist Paul Nielson that explains how  people in previously communist Eastern European countries will soon outpace people in Western Europe due to their healthy nationalistic and capitalistic attitudes, while Western European countries are rapidly going down a toilet due to implementing suicidal leftist agendas.

Evidence exists that the nurse Tiffany Dover who collapsed on live TV after taking the COVID vaccine has died, despite the media attempting to claim otherwise

This video explains that evidence shows that the nurse Tiffany Dover who collapsed on live TV after taking the COVID vaccine has died, despite media reports that are attempting to claim the contrary.

It is shown that official records of a death certificate exists online for her, and she has not made any public appearances since she fainted, despite the large amount of interest in her situation.

[Note: I attempted to do the same search myself at “”, however the search results “timed out” saying that the server is busy.]

… And this video explains yet another online source listing her as being deceased as well:

A video demonstrates how incorrect perceptions of “right wing” are typically perpetuated in Europe

I recently found this video that shows some BLM attacks that happened in England over the summer which the BBC did not adequately report.  I’m posting this video here as an example of how almost all Europeans have deceptively been led to assume that “right wing” and “far right” means “Nazism, violence, racism and bigotry,” which is a perception that the presumably well-meaning narrator of this video reinforces with his comments.

Most Europeans are very uninformed about the political Establishment that rules over them and what its agendas actually are (see this link and this link.)  It is not a mistake that Europeans have been conditioned to have  inaccurate assumptions about what the terms “left wing” and “right wing” actually mean— and that ignorance is actually one of the most fundamental sources of their current problems.

I highly recommend that everyone sees THIS ARTICLE that contains videos explaining the true meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”  It gives important background information that allows people to better understand much of the rest of the information on my websites.

KOMO News Documentary: “The Fight for the Soul of Seattle”

I recently saw this documentary that was made by a Seattle television station detailing the out of control situation of homelessness, drug addiction, and criminality in that city.

The documentary is well made, but it mostly portraits the situation as being a “failed social experiment” rather than more accurately saying that it is the intentional result of the city’s leftist policies.

GBI Agent James O’Sullivan, who is speculated to have been investigating the suspicious death of the boyfriend of the daughter of Georgia’s governor, has been found dead

GBI Agent James O’Sullivan

A 52 year old GBI agent James O’Sullivan whose jurisdiction in Georgia contained the recent crash and explosion of the car of Harrison Deal (the boyfriend of the daughter of the governor of Georgia Brian Kemp) has died, with his death currently being under investigation.

The Chandler County Coroner Allen Tyler has confirmed that Special Agent James O’Sullivan, of Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) Region 5 has been found dead in his home, saying the cause of his death is “under investigation.”

Despite official denials of O’Sullivan investigating the crash of Deal’s car, there are reasons to believe that he could have been involved in such an investigation anyway, according to this Twitter post:

GBI Agent James O’Sullivan

Various articles and news reports have been written attempting to discredit speculation about the death of O’Sullivan, but the suspicious circumstances about the situation exist nonetheless.

Trump has not been testing “refugees” for COVID prior to admission

Image from Flickr.

A Center for Immigration Studies article explains that “refugees” to the United States are not being tested for COVID prior to admission, despite the illness being a “quarantinable communicable disease” that should disqualify them from being allowed in.

COVID is technically not on the list of “quarantinable communicable diseases” that was last updated by President Obama in 2014, and Trump could amend the list by adding COVID to remove that loophole.  It would make sense to do that from the official point of view since there has supposedly been justification to lock down the country and to develop and push potentially dangerous vaccines onto the population.

Trump has scheduled to bring in 15,000 mostly Islamic “refugees” next year under the secretive “Refugee Resettlement Program,” and if Biden is able to steal the election he will essentially open the borders of the United States and raise the ceiling for the Refugee Resettlement Program to 125,000 per year.

Over 11 thousand refugees were admitted in 2020, with 60 percent of them arriving after January 31, 2020, and with none of them being tested for COVID, despite the UN claiming that they are especially vulnerable to the disease.

The CIS article states: “But if Covid-19 is a ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome’ according to the CDC, and ‘severe acute respiratory syndromes’ render someone inadmissible to the United States, how can we be admitting refugees without requiring they be tested for Covid-19?  …  Surely updating the medical examination of refugees (and other immigrants) with Covid-19 will help in that direction.  And should Biden win, he would need to come up with very strong justifications to reverse his predecessor’s executive order.”

Pennsylvania’s homosexual transgender Secretary of Health has issued preferred COVID regulations for group orgies

Rachel Levine with the Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf.

The Gateway Pundit explains that Pennsylvania’s transgender Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine has issued COVID guidelines for having group orgies.

He issued a statement on the state’s official website in October that said the following:

All Pennsylvanians should stay home as much as possible and minimize contact with others to reduce the spread of COVID-19. During this extended public health emergency consider utilizing risk reduction strategies to protect your health and the health of your sex partner(s).  Sex, which may include oral, vaginal or anal sex is a normal part of life and should always be with the consent of all parties involved.

Large gatherings are not safe during COVID19, but if you attend a large gathering where you might end up having sex, below are tips to reduce your risk of spreading or getting COVID-19 through sex:

— Limit the number of partners.

— Try to identify a consistent sex partner.

— Wear a face covering, avoid kissing, and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

— Wash your hands with soap and water often, and especially before and after sex.  If soap and water are not available use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

— If you usually meet your sex partners online, consider taking a break from in-person dates.  Video dates, sexting, subscription-based fan platforms, or chat rooms may be options for you.

Levine was appointed by the Democrat Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf.

“Multiple electors” voting in seven contested states will mean that those states will likely not be included in the final tally, which means that Trump would win the election

Biden / Harris and the Establishment media were corrupt for celebrating a supposed “victory” when they knew that the election was far from being decided, while reports of massive fraud continued to surface.

The contested states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico have sent in “alternate” slates of electors who will vote for Republicans along with sending their electors who will vote for Democrats, due to the massive amounts of fraud that took place in the election (see here, here, and here about the fraud).  That situation will almost certainly result in all of the electoral votes of those states being thrown out, which will mean that Donald Trump will ultimately win the election.

Surprisingly though (or “not-so-surprisingly,” unfortunately), the Establishment media such as CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News have chosen to ignore the fact that the “alternate” electors have voted for Trump, and instead they are celebrating Joe Biden supposedly “cementing his win of the election,” despite their obviously knowing the truth of the matter.

A typical mainstream media report claiming Biden’s supposed guarantee of victory.

On January 6, when the Senate convenes to go over the Electoral votes, all of the states that have two slates of Electors will be thrown out, which will send the Presidential election over to the House (that has a Republican majority), which will give Trump his victory.

Thank God for the protection of the Electoral College system that was put into place by the Founding Fathers.  I always thought of that as being an unnecessary line of defense, but in this situation it appears that it has saved the country.  Perhaps the courts previously refusing to hear the arguments about electoral fraud was done in anticipation of the problem being dealt with this way instead.

Unfortunately though I think violent and irrational leftists such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter-types will use the situation as an excuse to riot, and I’m already seeing them complaining about the situation.  It is important that liberal types understand the corruption that has happened in the election and why Biden would have been such a catastrophe in order to head off needless conflict.  Most of the leftists who are engaging in violence have already known that the facts were never on their side, but making sure that the general public is well-informed about the reality of the situation will deprive such rioters of having sympathy from rational people.

It is unfortunate that Trump has been so needlessly divisive with his ridiculous rhetoric though, I don’t blame people for being put off by him.  He’s very far from perfect, however Biden would have been much worse.  For example, Trump doesn’t have a warmongering interventionist foreign policy that Biden would have had, his economic policies are much more pro-American than what Biden would have done, Biden would have implemented corrupt economy-killing global warming legislation, and Trump’s stances on immigration are very preferable to the U.S.-ending catastrophe that would have happened with Biden’s open borders and Islamization objectives.