This video contains all excerpts of the alleged “incitement to violence” that Trump made at his speech at the Capitol. You can see that Trump continually stressed that people should be peaceful. Also see the full video of his speech at this link, where he explains issues with the election fraud that has occurred.

Meg Kinnard, who wrote an AP article fraudulently claiming that Trump saying “let the weak ones get out” at his speech was “incitement.”
NOW.. Read this AP article written by a journalist Meg Kinnard that makes the following statements falsely attempting to claim that Trump incited the mob:
Graham was referencing Trump’s comments at a rally on Wednesday where thousands of the president’s supporters gathered, and where he stoked displeasure at the impending Electoral College certification vote of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory over him in the 2020 election.
“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” [Trump] said, encouraging attendees to walk down the street to the Capitol, where lawmakers had gathered for the session.
“Let the weak ones get out,” he went on. “This is a time for strength.”
After the rally, a mob of Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol and unleashed unprecedented scenes of mayhem in hopes of halting the peaceful transition of power. Members of Congress were forced into hiding, offices were ransacked, and the formal congressional tally of Electoral College votes was halted for more than six hours.
… If you watch to the above video in this article, you will see that Trump stressed that people are peaceful, and when he said “let the weak ones get out” he was only referring to the fact that the ones who are “weak in CREDIBILITY” will eventually LEAVE POLITICS due to no longer being accepted by Republican voters. Kinnard intentionally took Trump’s statement completely out of context, and she even fraudulently attempted to create the impression that Trump said those statements together, when in fact he said “let the weak ones get out” in a completely different part of the speech where it is not at all possible to interpret his statements as she is attempting to portrait them.
Note that the AP news report is the only basis for THOUSANDS of other news reports (such as this one) that are claiming that Trump incited the crowd, which is also resulting in all of the other issues that are arising from Trump’s supposed “incitement.”
This ridiculous CBS news report shows only a brief moment from Trump’s speech taken out of context as their supposed justification for claiming he is “inciting violence.”