Biden is placing a ridiculous black supremacist to lead his DOJ “Civil Rights Division”

Tucker Carlson explains that Kristen Clark, Biden’s pick to run the DOJ’s “Civil Rights Division,” had made racist black supremacists statements in public while at Harvard University and she had invited extreme anti-Semites to speak on campus as well.

Clark wrote a letter to the “Harvard Crimson” newspaper claiming that there is a genetic difference between Blacks and Whites, in that “Neuro-Melanin” in the brain of Black people gives them “superior physical and mental abilities” and it is “the basis for cultural differences between Blacks and Whites.”

Clark also invited an extreme anti-Semite Tony Martin to speak at Harvard.  Martin wrote a self-published manifesto called “The Jewish Onslaught” where he chronicled “the escalating Jewish onslaught against Black people,” and he is a Holocaust denier.  Kristen Clark even told the Harvard Crimson, “Professor Martin is an intelligent, well-versed Black intellectual who bases his information on indisputable fact.”

More recently, this Fall Clark said that it is “madness” for the federal government to take the side of Asian students in disputes of college admission, despite the fact that they are the most discriminated against.  [And remember Clark will lead the DOJ “Civil Rights Division”!]

Fox News also reported that Clarke wrote about the importance of defunding the police in Newsweek, and she advocated for removing police protection in schools.

Like essentially all Black politicians, Kristen Clark is almost certainly a member of the Masonic “Boule” secret society, that requires her to do what she is told to do.