Video: Turkish soccer fans overwhelmingly booed and chanted during a moment of silence for the victims of the November 13 Paris nightclub attacks

At a soccer match between Turkey and Greece held in Istanbul, Turkish fans overwhelmingly booed, shouted, and whistled during a one minute moment of silence for the victims of the November 13 Paris attacks which killed 130 people.  The crowd can be heard chanting “Martyrs don’t die.  The homeland will never be divided” and “Allahu Akbar,” and later they also booed the Greek national anthem.

Some apologists claim that the fans were chanting in support of the victims of the Paris attack but that is not true for a few reasons.  First of all because Turkey is predominantly Sunni Muslim and support for ISIS exists in the country, particularly because of Turkish opposition to Kurdish rebels who ISIS also opposes.  And also the fans booed the Greek national anthem in the same manner, which the Turkish President Recep Erdogan later chastised but did not mention the moment of silence.

Also see this CBS News article about the issue.