ISIS told Yazidi girls: “Once we rape you, you will be Muslim”

Jacqueline Isaac’s Testimony to Congress, Part 2 (above).

(Also see parts 1 through 6 of Jacqueline Isaac’s testimony to Congress at this link.)

Following is a summary of this CNS news article

A lawyer and humanitarian Jacqueline Isaac gave testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee in May 2015 saying that the Islamic State wants to torture and destroy the Yazidi people to “wipe them off the face of the Earth.”   She also explained that they are trying to force the girls to convert to Islam and they are raping them.  Her testimony was not covered by the major news networks ABC, CBS, or NBC.

Issac is vice president of the humanitarian group Roads of Success, and she traveled to Iraq and Syria to meet with many of the victims of the Islamic State, particularly Yazidi girls and women who had been sold into sex slavery by the Islamists and later managed to escape.

Isaac recounts meeting a group of girls who were told by their captors that they would become Muslims once they were raped whether they wanted to convert or not, and then the men actually did rape them.

Isaac said, “Today, it starts with the Yazidis.  Tomorrow, it’s going to be not only the Christians but every woman that doesn’t fit into their philosophy.  We need to stop the menace that’s going on there.  We need to stop it at its route.  This is the nerve center.  Right now, all the crazies from all over the world are coming to this center point, to this nerve center.  If we can cut the snake at its head, we can defuse them. … Their sex trafficking is systematic and it will continue.”

A resolution passed by the student government at the University of California, Irvine, seeks to give admissions preference, housing, and funding to unvetted Muslim migrants

University of California, Irving
Image from Wikipedia.

The following is a summary of this Breitbart article

A resolution passed by the student government at the University of California, Irvine, seeks giving admissions preference, housing, and funding to college-aged “Syrian” refugees.  The resolution passed unanimously in the student senate on October 18, and must be approved by a committee before being passed to the University administration for approval.  The decision was made behind closed doors.

The bill cites other Universities who are already doing the same, such  as Illinois Institute of Technology, Bryn Mawr College, Michigan State University, and the University of Southern California.

UCI College Republicans President Ariana Rowlands expressed her concern about the process by which this decision was made.  “… I have a problem with a closed student government politically and artificially endorsing policy measures that limits the ability of every prospective UC Irvine student to attain one of a finite amount of seats at this university by favoring non-American over American students. This top-down decision made by the student senators behind closed doors has yet to be announced publicly and does not represent the student body of UC Irvine but rather, represents the social justice objectives of the elite.  … Taking seats away from deserving American citizens and giving them to refugees is just political pandering at the expense of citizens already here, further requiring them to look to government for a handout, in turn furthering government’s power,” She said.

An October 20 statement posted to the UC College Republicans Facebook page said, “We cannot allow political correctness to overshadow reality,” the statement read. “While it would be ideal that our system allows us to help all those in want, such is not possible if a fair, merit-based, financially stable system is to be upheld.”

Donald Trump has outlined his agendas for the first 100 days of being in office

Donald Trump
Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Daily Mail UK article

Donald Trump gave a speech in Gettysburg, PA on October the 22nd, where he laid out agendas of his first 100 days in office:


1. Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress

2. Hiring freeze on federal employees to reduce the workforce through attrition

3. Requirement to eliminate two federal regulations for every new one

4. Five-year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists

5. Lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments

6. Complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections


1. Renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement or withdraw from it

2. Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

3. Order the secretary of the treasury to label China a ‘currency manipulator’

4. Use U.S. and international laws to end foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers

5. Lift restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of U.S. energy reserves including shale, oil, natural gas and coal

6. Approve the Keystone XL pipeline project and other ‘vital energy infrastructure projects’

7. Cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to improve U.S. water and environmental infrastructure


1. Cancel Obama’s ‘unconstitutional’ executive actions, memoranda and orders

2. Pick a conservative replacement for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

3. Cancel all federal funding to ‘sanctuary cities’ that harbor illegal immigrants

4. Begin removing the 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the U.S., and cancel visas to countries that won’t repatriate them

5. Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where incoming people can’t be properly vetted.


1. ‘Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act’: Economic plan designed to grow the economy 4 per cent per year and create 25 million new jobs. Involves tax cuts, trade reform, regulatory relief, lifting restrictions on energy production, and encouraging companies with offshore funds to bring them back to America.

2. ‘End The Offshoring Act’: New tariffs on goods brought into the U.S. by American companies that relocate jobs outside the U.S.

3. ‘American Energy & Infrastructure Act’: Uses public-private partnerships and tax incentives to generate $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years

4. ‘School Choice And Education Opportunity Act’: Redirects education dollars to allow parents to choose any public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school; ends the ‘Common Core’ federal standards; and expands vocational and technical education

5. ‘Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act’: Replaces the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts, removes barriers to purchasing health insurance across state lines, allows states to manage Medicaid funds and speeds up drug approval inside the Food and Drug Administration

6. ‘Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act’: Provides tax deductions for childcare and elder care and incentivizes employers to provide on-site childcare services

7. ‘End Illegal Immigration Act’: Funds a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, ‘with the full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States’; establishes 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation, 5-year mandatory minimum for felons who illegally re-enter, and 5 years for coming back after multiple deportations; increases penalties for overstaying visas

8. ‘Restoring Community Safety Act’: Creates a Task Force On Violent Crime, increases federal funding of police forces and boosts federal support for anti-gang prosecutions

9. ‘Restoring National Security Act’: Eliminates the federal defense ‘sequester’ to restore military funding, guarantees veterans the option of private health care if VA facility wait times are long, institutes new defenses against cyber-attacks, and establishes new immigration screening based on ‘values’

10. ‘Clean up Corruption in Washington Act’: Enacts new ethics reforms affecting politicians and their staffers

A female interpreter was raped at knifepoint in the Calais “Jungle” refugee camp while making a film about the plight of the refugees

This video news report explains that a female interpreter was raped at knifepoint by an Afghani migrant in the Calais “Jungle” refugee camp in France while working on a documentary about the plight of the refugees.  She was with another journalist who was also held at knifepoint and robbed of his equipment as she was being raped.

Video— Swedish police chief to girls: “Don’t go out after sunset or you will be raped”

Stephen Jerand, the Police Chief of Östersund, Sweden, has advised that all women not to go out after sunset because they are likely to be raped or “something more terrible,” saying the assaults by migrants that are happening often lead to serious injury or the death of the victims.  He says the attacks are not limited to just “bar environments,” but also to women who are traveling to work.

Three Eritrean migrants brutally raped a woman in Sweden and have been freed despite evidence, one was compensated $1,500 because he admitted to being only a “passive” participant


Note:  This story was published in the Swedish newspaper “Fria Tider.”   A translated link of the original article is here.   Following is a summary of the article:  

One of a gang of three Eritrean migrants in Ludvika, Sweden who participated in a brutal gang rape of a Swedish woman was awarded 140,000 kronor (about $1500), despite the fact that he participated in the rape and admitted that he even kissed the woman.

The gang rape took place in the early morning hours of October 17 of last year.  The woman was on her way home after going to a cash machine when a few of the men asked her for a cigarette and then started following her.  Eventually one of the men grabbed her in an alley and shoved his tongue in her mouth.  Soon two more men came, and at first she thought they came to rescue her, but rather they formed a ring around her and subjected her to anal and vaginal rape while they took turns holding her down.  The rape lasted fifteen to twenty minutes as the woman was in shock and screaming.  Eventually a Swedish man came to the scene and the assailants fled.  “I was in panic and completely destroyed,”  the woman said at the hearing.

[Note:  A “Dala-Democrat” article (See the translated link) explains that the men were identified and caught because they were forced to submit DNA swap samples after they were detained for sexually harassing female guests at a tavern, and the DNA matched the saliva on the cigarette butts at the rape scene.]

(See this translated article for full details about the acquittals:)

The court initially charged the three men with only four years in prison each, which is the Swedish penalty for aggravated rape [and likely in “country club” facilities as well], but the court then decided to acquit all of the men because the woman “described one of the men as more ‘passive’ during the rape,” which led the court to question which of the rapists did what, even though it is known for certain from the DNA evidence that at least one or possibly two of them actually committed the rape.

The third assailant that the victim described as “more passive” is now being compensated 140,000 SEK (about $1,500) for the time he was detained, despite the fact that he admitted to being on the scene and accused the other two of the rape, and it is possible that the other two will be compensated in the same way.

A leftist youth center in Germany has reported that its outreach to migrants has resulted in a huge increases in sex attacks, brawling, and theft

Image from Wikipedia.

The following is a summary of this Breitbart article

A far-left political club and youth center in Leipzig, Germany called “Conne Island” issued a statement admitting it’s attempts to incorporate migrants has resulted in a huge increase in sex attacks, fighting, and thefts.

The statement says that women are now avoiding dance nights due to fears of being harassed, and it condemns the tendency of leftist to trivialize the sex attacks due to the fact they are being committed by migrants.

Last year, the club’s staff was concerned about reports of “right-wing mobs” greeting migrants with verbal and physical abuse, which prompted attempts to “reach out to newcomers” by organizing skateboarding and bicycling workshops along with German lessons to “promote integration,” as well as lowering the entrance fee to just 50 cents for migrants to visit the club.

As a result of the decision, sex attacks and violent confrontations at dance nights soared, making female guests begin to avoid the club.

“To integrate young migrants just by celebrating together turned out to be quite a naive plan, it was simply not enough to hang multilingual posters outlining how to behave at parties,” the statement said.

One security guard reported that leftist activists would yell at the door staff whenever they tried to throw migrants out, accusing them of racism, leading the migrants to then also accuse the security of racism every time they were challenged.

“It’s a very difficult situation for us to express all of this because we don’t want to play into the hands of the Alternative for Germany and Christian Democratic Union party’s racism,” Conne Island said, then adding: “However, the situation is so tense and stressful for many victims and also Conne Island staff that avoiding talking about the facts no longer seems appropriate.”

The statement condemns the leftist activist’s excusing, concealing, or trivializing the migrant’s bad behavior, saying “There should be no double standards” when it comes to sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism.

Earlier in the year, a number of clubs modified their door policies after witnessing a massive increase in sexual assaults, attacks on bouncers, and pick-pocketing, which infuriated many leftist groups who say discrimination against migrants is always unacceptable.

Conne Island wrote: “The ‘cry for help’ of the left-wing White Rabbit club in Freiburg and the reactions from the press and leftist circles clearly showed how difficult this subject is; Solidarity [with victims of sexual assault], solidarity with refugees, [the issue of] playing into right-wing attitudes. We must recognize that wearing a ‘refugees welcome’ badge does not automatically make problems go away.”

A Moroccan migrant was arrested in Germany after he raped a 90-year-old grandmother who was returning from church

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Express UK article

Police have arrested a 19 year old Moroccan Migrant in Dusseldorf, Germany, for raping a 90 year old woman who had been attending church services.  The man attacked her as she was leaving the church, pushing her into a narrow alley between two pubs, where he demanded money from her and sexually assaulted her.

The police were able to create a likeness of the man, and the police then arrested him at a train station.  The DNA of the man who previously lived in Spain matches the traces found at the crime scene.  The man has previously been arrested for robbing a teenager in May this year.

The woman was treated in the hospital at the time and then released the following day.

The news comes as the chief of the German police union Rainer Wendt said that migrants were “laughing” at the German justice system because they are often allowed to go free after their crimes.  “They despise our country and laugh at our justice,” he said.  “If there is no pre-trial detention made, no imprisonment is imposed, and no deportations carried out then the police make multiple arrests and the perpetrators get away with it,” he added.

Wendt also referred to the “Casablanca Report” that documents 2,244 north African migrant criminals in the city of Dusseldorf, and he said the figures were similar for other German cities around the country.

Four “Black Lives Matter” supporters got a slap on the wrist for nearly killing a white teen who criticized the organization


Following is a summary of a DailyMail article

Four black men have been arrested in Alabama on October 11 who viciously attacked a 17 year old white Alabama high school student who posted information criticizing the “Black Lives Matter” organization and expressed support for the pro-police “Blue Lives Matter” organization, however the suspects only received charges of assault despite nearly killing their victim.


(Staring from top-left) Quartez Walker, Bobby Brown, Daveon Nix, and La Noah Ealy Jr

Brian Ogle was attacked in a parking lot by the men on September 30 following a Friday night football game, suffering skull fractures after being repeatedly hit in the face with the butt of a gun.  Police found him bleeding from his head, and he was immediately airlifted to a hospital in nearby Birmingham to be treated for three skull fractures as well as injuries to his shoulders, the Daily Caller reported.

Two of the suspects were taken into custody at Stillman College— Quartez Walker, 20, and Bobby Brown, 19.  La Noah Ealy Jr, 18, was arrested at Auburn University in Montgomery, and Daveon Nix, 20, was arrested in Sylacauga.

Walker was booked on a first-degree assault charge, and the rest were charged with second-degree assault charges.  Walker’s bond was set at $20,000 and the rest are being held on $15,000 each.

Talladega County District Attorney Steve Giddens said Walker was charged with a more serious criminal count because he believes that he was the only one in the group armed with a gun, which he used to strike Ogle.

The suspect Daveon Nix is the son of a newly elected local councilwoman, Tiffany Nix.

Ogle’s mother lamented the lack of serious charges being brought against his son’s attackers and the bonds for the assailants being set too low.  “Obviously, people get charged with lesser crimes every day and their bonds are way higher than this,” Brandi Allen told the station WSFA.  In an interview with, she added that she thought the four suspects should have been charged with attempted murder.

[The website “Blue Lives Matter” said the following:  “Ogle’s mother has maintained from the onset of this investigation that it is a ‘hate crime’ and should be treated as such. The low bond amounts and charges would suggest that the prosecutors don’t care that Brian Ogle would have died from the assault if not for swift medical intervention.  Ogle is expected to suffer permanent damage that he will carry for the rest of his life. … All four suspects are expected to be able to easily post bond with such low amounts.”]

Brandi Allen told WBRC at the time that she believed her son was a target because of videos he posted on his Facebook account which expressed support for the pro-police “Blue Lives Matter” movement.  She said that her son began receiving threatening messages from schoolmates who were unhappy over his Facebook posts, and the school officials did nothing after he reported the threats he was receiving.

According to the article, following are two things Ogle posted on his Facebook page which led to him being attacked:


In this video, “Joey Salads” tries a social experiment of holding a “Black Lives Matter” sign in a white neighborhood, and an “all lives matter” sign in a black neighborhood.

[Note— October 18, 2016:  I think this video over-generalizes.  Obviously not all black neighborhoods would behave that way, but it is reasonable to think that it could happen in many areas, such as happened to Ogle.]

[ANOTHER Note— October 19, 2016:  The activist Mark Dice has explained that a recent YouTube video created by “Joey Salads” has deceptively been staged— where a car is presented as supposedly being destroyed by thugs on hidden camera, but it turns out that the entire situation was orchestrated.]

A Muslim university student in Colorado Springs has been accused of using a skewer to force an abortion of his girlfriend’s baby

Following is a summary of this Gazette article

A Saudi Arabian man who was attending the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs was arrested and charged with killing his girlfriend’s unborn child against her will using a metal shishkebab, and he could receive a life sentence in prison if the allegations of unlawful termination of a pregnancy and sexual assault are proved.

Ahmed Sameer Almesbahi, 23, a Saudi Arabian native in the U.S. on a student Visa, was arrested after police obtained evidence which supports claims of his companion who is a Kazakh immigrant and graduate student.  The evidence includes medical records showing she had been pregnant in 2015 and a cell phone picture of the aborted fetus, which she expelled in a bathroom at a shopping mall.

The woman claimed that they married in a Muslim religious ceremony, but he denies that it took place and describes her as his girlfriend.  They met on a Muslim dating site in 2012 and previously lived together in Denver before moving to Colorado Springs.

Almesbahi is also charged with witness intimidation, due to allegedly  threatened the woman to stay away from court after he was cited for domestic violence in 2015 .  The charges in that case were ultimately dismissed.

The police are saying that Almesbahi comes from a wealthy family and allegedly told that woman that his father would kill him unless they got rid of the pregnancy.

He is free on $150,000 bond.