Video: “Changing America by changing its people!”

This 2016 video by Ann G. Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch explains the “refugee resettlement program” which is a UN backed agenda that was introduced by former Senator Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy in 1980 and was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.  Since that time it has admitted over 2 million refugees into American towns and cities.

In recent years, the Federal government has been bringing in 60 to 70 thousand middle eastern refugees per year and has placed them in hundreds of US towns and cities in 49 states, where they are sustained by all forms of welfare.

Barak Obama has increased the number of refugees to 85 thousand for this year, 10 thousand of which are Syrian Sunni Muslims, and he vows to bring in 100 thousand more during the next year.  This September, Obama will have his last opportunity to specify bringing in more, but Refugee Resettlement Watch believes he will go way beyond the 100 thousand amount as the “refugee resettlement industry” which is composed of nine federal contractors began a huge propaganda campaign in Washington in late August of 2016.

A recent poorly attended Washington D.C. rally which was funded by the globalist George Soros is a lead-up to a “refugee extravaganza” conference to be held at the United Nations on September 19 and 20 with the involvement of the “Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”   The conference will play host to world leaders in order to make Americans feel guilty about not welcoming poorly vetted Syrian refugees into their neighborhoods.

The timing of the UN event is meant to influence the November election as Hillary Clinton has said that she is in favor of bringing in much larger numbers of refugees, Syrians in particular.  She is on record saying that she wants to bring in 65 thousand Syrians next year in addition to the 100 thousand or more coming from other countries.

Many citizens in towns all over the country are concerned about the influx of inadequately vetted refugees, with many citizens seeing Shariah law mentalities being brought by the newcomers.  Also citizens are seeing zoning fights over locations of Mosques, demands for special prayer breaks at places of employment, and demands for special accommodations in school systems.

Often local companies such as food processing or manufacturing plants are responsible for the refugees being brought into an area by coordinating with the government to supply employment for them in exchange for receiving cheap employment kickbacks from the government.

Congress would be able to reign in the problem of the importation of refugees if enough legislators voted against it.  Republican congressmen would often vote against such agendas.  The companies that are bringing the refugees in are doing so at the instruction of the Federal government and are being funded by the government to do so.  In any event, importation of more refugees should be stopped until the new President sets the tone in 2017.

There are alternatives to the costly and impractical agendas of bringing refugees into the United States, including the creation of “safe zones” in the middle east and Africa where refugees could be cared for until the conflict ends.  Saudi Arabia could be a prime location.

From the YouTube video page“Obama has been changing America by changing its people. You know that Hillary Clinton will follow in his footsteps, but you are not powerless! This fall the Republicans can turn off the federal spigot for refugee resettlement if they wanted to—you have to make them want to!”

[Note:  Also see the News of Interest.TV article “The United States has secretively been importing millions of Islamic migrants from overseas for decades (including under Donald Trump).”]

Gangs of migrants sexually attacked girls at a German festival, were questioned and then released after being arrested

Image from BigStockPhoto.

The following is a summary of a Breitbart article

Gangs of migrants in the German town of Essen have engaged in Cologne-style attacks at a Festival on Friday and Saturday, where police had received reports of at least ten incidents.

The police had made over seven arrests of migrants who groped and harassed several woman.  Unbelievably, the suspects were detained and later released after being questioned.  The migrants live in nearby asylum homes.

The attacks started after the performance of a musical group, when a pair of attackers molested a group of 18 year old girls and were subsequently apprehended by plain clothes police officers.  The attacks took place in various parts of the city, with two particularly serious assaults happening on Friday.

In addition to the sex crimes, other festival-goers reported that the migrants had harassed them, pick-pocketed them, and were even violently attacked by them.