Video of activists protesting in Sydney against the Islamization of Australia

This video shows an anti-Islamization demonstration in Sydney, Australia, which reveals useful strategies for activists by watching it.

If you watch the video starting at about 3:40, you see a protester being asked questions by a bystander, but the protestor isn’t quite prepared to answer his questions off the top of her head to her frustration, despite her fears being justified.  (See the following articles which clarify what she is concerned about: “Creeping Sharia”, “Muslim Demographics”, “The Grand Deception”, and “Hitler Embraced Islam”.)

A good way for activist groups to avoid such problems while protesting is for all involved to coordinate in order to identify and memorize certain “core points” that they are protesting, including the most “big picture” concerns like she was being asked about, all of which should also be printed on flyers which can be handed out as well.

If people still have questions that a particular activist doesn’t know the answer to, more well informed activists should be made available to answer those questions, and also on-the-spot internet access should ideally be available to the activists.

Activists should also make a note of all of the questions they are asked so they can be better prepared to answer those questions in the future.

Additionally, activists should “practice” while protesting during moments when they are not actually talking to people from the public, by quizzing each other about key topics and videotaping how they respond.