Following is from the video on this DailyMail article:
The Dalai Lama has been interviewed by Piers Morgan on British television, saying that migrants should plan on returning to their rebuild their own countries.
Morgan: “You’re a migrant— a refugee. There are now millions of people, mainly from Syria having to be displaced across Europe. What do you think the answer is to this crisis?”
Dalai Lama: “The main effort should go to help (their) own country bring peace, in Syria, Libya or even Afghanistan. Generally the people always feel, ‘oh, one day we return’.”
Morgan: “Ultimately all refugees should aspire to go back to their homeland?”
Dalai Lama: “Yes. (They) should rebuild their own country.”
(Note the official YouTube video of the interview does not contain those statements that he made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3QlQ-sT1bA)
The Dalai Lama has expressed similar sentiments in May of this year, warning that “Germany cannot become an Arab country.” The following is a summary of this Breitbart article:
In May of 2016 it was reported in Agence France-Presse that the Dalai Lama had stated that there are too many migrants pouring into Europe, warning against Europe becoming an Arab region and saying the solution is for the immigrants to be repatriated in order to help rebuild their own countries.
The Dalai Llama’s comments are similar to those made by Europe’s anti-Islamisation PEGIDA movement, France’s Front National, Germany’s Alternative Fur Deutschland, and to a degree Britain’s UK Independence Party, but those groups are often accused as being “racist” or “xenophobic” for having those views.
The Dalai Lama was recently named at the world’s most popular leader, with over three-quarters of adults (78%) having a good opinion of him.
Following are statements the Dalai Lama had made:
“When we look at the face of each refugee, but especially those of the children and women, we feel their suffering, and a human being who has a better situation in life has the responsibility to help them… But on the other hand, there are too many at the moment… Europe, Germany in particular, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany.”
“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”
“[F]rom a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily.”
“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”
“‘Taking in a few thousand refugees is wonderful but in the meantime you have to think about a long term solution too – through development and education in these Muslim countries.”