Harmful LGBTQ+ issues have existed in the Archdiocese of Chicago for decades

A photograph of an “LGBTQ pride” flag in Chicago’s officially “gay parish” which was the center of a controversy. Until recently the Catholic Church had at least officially been opposed to homosexuality and related issues, however diocese in many areas have already been involved in such agendas for decades, including endorsing all types of homosexuality … Continue reading “Harmful LGBTQ+ issues have existed in the Archdiocese of Chicago for decades”

A conservative “Turning Point USA” conference in Tampa, Florida has been undermined by the political Establishment

A multi-day “Turning Point USA Student Action Summit” in Tampa, Florida that was attended by over five thousand conservatives from all over the country was a victim of multiple Establishment strategies to undermine it, where neo-Nazi groups marched and flew swastika flags outside the convention center, and also a speaker at the event Congressman Matt … Continue reading “A conservative “Turning Point USA” conference in Tampa, Florida has been undermined by the political Establishment”

Many state’s pro-life laws don’t have exceptions for rape and incest

Image from Wikipedia. I recently saw this New American article that advocates that abortion should be outlawed even in the case of rape and incest.  I usually agree with New American articles, but I don’t really with this one.  Personally I support pro-choice rights up to a certain point in the pregnancy such as when … Continue reading “Many state’s pro-life laws don’t have exceptions for rape and incest”

Joe Biden has issued an outrageous 42 executive orders in one week, a practice that he called ‘dictator behavior’ while campaigning

At an October 15, 2020 Town Hall with George Stephanopoulos, Joe Biden claimed that signing executive orders is undemocratic.  He said, “I have this strange notion.  We are a democracy.  Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even say: well if you can’t get the votes, by executive order you’re going … Continue reading “Joe Biden has issued an outrageous 42 executive orders in one week, a practice that he called ‘dictator behavior’ while campaigning”

The blatant open pervert Joe Biden is claiming that “America is ‘morally deprived’” due to “systemic racism”

Joe Biden has recently made statements claiming that America is “morally deprived” due to “systemic racism,” however “systemic racism” does not really exist in America anymore, and he himself is actually well-known for being very “morally deprived,” as are many of his deceptive and harmful leftist policies. “Systemic” means “part of a system,” and anti-Black … Continue reading “The blatant open pervert Joe Biden is claiming that “America is ‘morally deprived’” due to “systemic racism””

Typical deceitful tactics used by leftist candidates

I was looking at the campaign website of Gretchen Whitmer, who recently won the Democratic candidacy for the governor of Michigan, and I noticed some deceitful tactics that she used when she spoke about “women’s issues.” First of all, her website is making totally  false claims about the supposed “wage gap” issue.  It says “.. … Continue reading “Typical deceitful tactics used by leftist candidates”

An SNL skit about a “men’s rights activist”

I grew up watching the Saturday Night Live television show, and I often find it to be entertaining, however I notice that sometimes it tries to incorporate Establishment agendas into its skits. For example, this skit is about a “men’s rights activist” who is attending a women’s get-together with his new girlfriend from Venezuela.  The … Continue reading “An SNL skit about a “men’s rights activist””

A pregnant 14-year-old was tortured and killed in Afghanistan in July by being burned alive by her in-laws as revenge for her father eloping with their niece

Following is a summary of this DailyMail article:  A pregnant 14-year-old was tortured and set on fire by her in-laws because her father eloped with a woman from their family.   She died in a Kabul burn hospital the next week in July 2016. The killing was an act of revenge after the man had run … Continue reading “A pregnant 14-year-old was tortured and killed in Afghanistan in July by being burned alive by her in-laws as revenge for her father eloping with their niece”