A new political ad is indicative of problems that will be caused by abortion restrictions that are too extreme

I saw this political ad that was created by an abortion advocacy group that shows a doctor explaining to a couple that their child has a “catastrophic brain abnormality” and it will be able to survive only a few hours after birth, after which they learn they won’t be able to abort the child because … Continue reading “A new political ad is indicative of problems that will be caused by abortion restrictions that are too extreme”

Tomi Lahren explains why total abortion bans are problematic

In this video Tommy Lahren explains her opinions about the current situation of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, where she says that most people’s opinions about the issue are located within a spectrum between the two extremes. I agree with Lahren’s point of view, where I think total abortion bans are not practical and Republican … Continue reading “Tomi Lahren explains why total abortion bans are problematic”

An “Axios” poll says that abortion laws will affect where many people will choose to live

Image from Flikr. This Breitbart article explains the results of a poll that says abortion laws will be a factor in determining where many people will choose to live. Results of polls generally should not be trusted (especially Axios polls), but I think it is reasonable to assume that many people think the way that … Continue reading “An “Axios” poll says that abortion laws will affect where many people will choose to live”

A Business Insider article claims that “abortion up until the moment of birth” and “abortion on demand” are “terrible lies” and “complete falsehoods”

This map shows the current availability of abortions in the United States.  Obviously many late term surgical abortions without any medical necessity are in fact happening in the states that allow it.  (But for some reason according to a gynecologist Debbie McNabb it is a “complete falsehood” that abortions up until the moment of birth … Continue reading “A Business Insider article claims that “abortion up until the moment of birth” and “abortion on demand” are “terrible lies” and “complete falsehoods””

The concept of “abortion courts” comprised of panels of doctors would be an effective solution with the abortion issue

I wasn’t paying much attention to the abortion issue previously because I assumed that it is one that is well-covered due to it having large amounts of advocates on both sides. I also made a somewhat similar assumption about Covid and vaccines, where I assumed that since that issue isn’t even a matter of a … Continue reading “The concept of “abortion courts” comprised of panels of doctors would be an effective solution with the abortion issue”

Total abortion bans in conservative U.S. states are being implemented by the global elite for ulterior motives [updated July 13, 2022]

[Note: July 13— I have directly linked to a video about Islamization at a New York school.  July 2, 2022— I have added the section “The concept of ‘abortion courts’ comprised of panels of doctors would be an effective solution with the abortion issue”, and updated the section talking about issues with the separation of … Continue reading “Total abortion bans in conservative U.S. states are being implemented by the global elite for ulterior motives [updated July 13, 2022]”

Leftists are going crazy after the Supreme Court gave decisions about abortions to the states [updated]

A typical ridiculous “Handmaids Tail” analogy that feminists often attempt to make.  The Handmaids Tale is actually likely an allegory for Islam, although most leftists are not aware of that or they don’t care. The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the 50 year old Roe vs. Wade ruling, thus allowing states to make their own … Continue reading “Leftists are going crazy after the Supreme Court gave decisions about abortions to the states [updated]”

“Opposing viewpoint” articles would be a good way to present both sides of the abortion debate

As I’ve mentioned previously, I plan to have my organizations  present both “pro-life” and “pro-choice” viewpoints by creating articles for each of the opposing arguments.  I think that issue is not (necessarily) one that involves a lot of “deception” but rather much of it is a “difference of opinion,” therefore I think having two articles … Continue reading ““Opposing viewpoint” articles would be a good way to present both sides of the abortion debate”

A Muslim university student in Colorado Springs has been accused of using a skewer to force an abortion of his girlfriend’s baby

Following is a summary of this Gazette article:  A Saudi Arabian man who was attending the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs was arrested and charged with killing his girlfriend’s unborn child against her will using a metal shishkebab, and he could receive a life sentence in prison if the allegations of unlawful termination of … Continue reading “A Muslim university student in Colorado Springs has been accused of using a skewer to force an abortion of his girlfriend’s baby”

Infiltrated Christian denominations are much to blame for harmful LGBTQ+ agendas

  Many people know someone or people who are gay that are nice people, where such people are also appropriately subtle for example.  Therefore a lot of people have been in favor of implementing legislation that imposes homosexual agendas due to having such people in mind, however not all gay people are subtle and many … Continue reading “Infiltrated Christian denominations are much to blame for harmful LGBTQ+ agendas”