As I’ve mentioned previously, I plan to have my organizations present both “pro-life” and “pro-choice” viewpoints by creating articles for each of the opposing arguments. I think that issue is not (necessarily) one that involves a lot of “deception” but rather much of it is a “difference of opinion,” therefore I think having two articles that present opposing viewpoints is a good idea. I think such an “opposing viewpoint” format could be able to work with other topics as well if there is enough interest in doing that, but in any event all of the articles are already usually the result of examining as many sides of the issues as possible.
Personally I’m opposed to abortion and I think it should be avoided at all costs, but I think politicians attempting to make it entirely illegal will not work due to public opposition to that, and in fact them trying to do that will have very harmful repercussions where dangerous leftist agendas will be empowered as a side-effect, as I explain more in detail later in this article.
In a recent article I criticized Kanye West for statements that he made at a speech, but I do agree with some of the things that he said. For example I think it is good that he spoke out against abortion.
I recently received a “Planned Parenthood” mailer where it said a local congressman is “putting our health at risk” because he voted for “the most restrictive abortion ban in the country” which would have banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Note though that the “most restrictive ban” would have been after 20 weeks into the pregnancy— Not 20 days for example, but 20 weeks! Do many people really think that is unreasonable?
I think late term abortions are abhorrent, and I think they should be illegal unless the woman’s life is (truly) in danger; however I’m also opposed to political candidates running on “100% pro-life platforms” when there is not nearly enough public support for them to do so— which ultimately only leads to empowering the harmful agendas of their leftist opposition.
(Note that in the above linked article I talk about a large group of politicians in Alabama who passed the 100% pro-life “Human Life Protection Act” which outlaws all types of abortions in all circumstances. The article previously had a picture of many of the politicians with a Masonic “stamp” on it, but I don’t actually know if all of those politicians are Freemasons, so I changed the image and I published a retraction about that. I’m looking forward to the resolution so that people will be able to look over articles and make suggestions before they are posted. But I should have been more careful with that in any event, I usually am in such cases. It will be interesting to hear people’s opinions about the existing articles on the websites in general. I think all of the information as a whole is very accurate and relevant, and it communicates very important information.)
As I was saying, people should be aware that sometimes politicians and activists who “claim” to support a certain position sometimes are actually trying to covertly empower the opposition to it. For example gun disarmament activists sometimes brandish weapons in public to try to frighten people into outlawing guns (that is almost certainly happening here, here, and here) which is one of the reasons that I usually don’t support “open carry” laws even though I am a staunch gun rights advocate.
Many people are dupes or servants of the corrupt political Establishment, where they have either been falsely led to believe that they are ultimately “empowering good” with their subversive activities; or they are knowingly corrupt and they have been falsely led to believe that they will be exempt from the evil subjugation that they are helping to bring to fruition. Did “good” come about though the people living in Nicaragua being enslaved and killed by Communism, for example?— Of course not! (And note that the same sort of situation will soon likely be happening in the U.S. as well. I highly recommend reading the actual summarized chapters of that article, it is very shocking and disturbing information.)
An article in the Columbus Dispatch explains that a Mosque in Columbus, Ohio will soon be starting to broadcast a very loud Muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers five times a day, and it will continue to do so on a daily basis from that point on.
The article says the mosque is “trying to pull the community together” by doing so and “making history at the same time,” and it quotes Mohamed Abdi, who handles community relations for the mosque who says, “This will help [Muslims in the area] feel more connected to their community and the mosque.”
This video by the activist “Apostate Prophet” explains that mosques around the world declare over loudspeakers at least five times a day that “Allah is the greatest,” and he explains how the calls to prayer are very intrusive to the communities.
Following are various videos of Mosques in the West that loudly broadcast the call to prayer five times a day:
A black New York radio host who calls himself “Charlamagne tha God” said that ViacomCBS recently firing a black media personality Nick Cannon for antisemitic and anti-white statements that he aired two weeks ago proved that “Jewish people .. have the power.”
Nick Cannon created and hosted a Viacom-owned VH1 sketch comedy series “Wild ‘N Out,” that has been airing for fifteen years since 2005, and he was a chairman of the pay TV channel “Teen Nic.” Cannon is also hosting a show on the Fox network called “The Masked Singer.”
Cannon was recently fired by ViacomCBS for antisemitic and anti-white statements that he made in a podcast that he recorded last year and aired a few weeks ago. The New York radio host “Charlamagne” then made a broadcast where he defended Cannon and his views, and he claimed “Jewish people” were responsible for his firing since “they have the power.”
The following video clip contains audio segments of what Cannon initially said, as well as the commentary by “Charlamagne” on his show. (I have transcribed most of the video and I have also included my own rebuttals to it:)
[FIRST OF ALL— Note that most significantly “ViacomCBS” would never give a show to anyone on their network if they were not covertly controlled by the political Establishment in the first place, therefore it is more or less a certainty that Nick Cannon (and also most likely “Charlamagne”) are in the Masonic Boule secret society. In other words they are almost certainly doing exactly what the political Establishment has been telling them to do. (Also note that “Charlamagne” might be in the “Muslim Brotherhood” instead, which is also a Masonic organization.)]
Here is a transcript of the statements in the video and my rebuttals to them:]
CANNON’S CLAIM— “When we go as deep as the Rothschilds, centralized banking, the blood lines that control everything— even outside of America…”
It is true that central banks are one of the most significant sources of corruption in the world. They create the world’s money out of nothing at the instructions of the Masonic global elite who then use it to control the nations of the world, in part through them essentially being “loan sharks” to make countries indebted to them.
The world’s central banks are privately owned and controlled by about 300 families who are the world’s most genuine “global elite,” and many of the families are not Jewish. For example the Rockefellers and the Carnegies are not Jewish. The Rothschild family has been running powerful and influential central banks in Europe since the 1700’s.
Whenever a celebrity mentions the “Rothschilds,” it is immediately met with an avalanche of criticism in the media claiming that even simply mentioning the Rothschild name is an “antisemitic trope” that was “propagated by Hitler.” However, much evidence shows that Nazi Germany was actually funded and controlled by the Masonic banking elite. (See all parts of the linked article under the section “WORLD WAR II, NAZISM, ZIONISM” for more information about that. Also note that the Holocaust definitely DID happen, as the article also explains)
The truth of the matter is that the global elite are not a “Jewish” conspiracy, but rather it is a “Masonic” one, and the global elite know that as long as people think it is “the Jews” who are responsible for the world’s problems then they are safe from being exposed.
CANNON’S CLAIM— “… When we talk about if ‘we’ [black people] were truly the children of Israel, and we’re defining who the Jewish people are because I feel like if we actually can understand that construct, then we can see that there is no hate involved. When we talk about the lies, the deceit, how the fake dollar controls all of this, then maybe we can get to the reason why they wanted to silence you, why they wanted to silence Louis Farrakhan,” and they want to throw that ‘we are having hate speech’ when it’s never hate speech. You can’t be antisemitic when we are the Semitic people. When we are the same people that they want to be, that’s our birthright.”
Cannon is essentially trying to claim that “the REAL Israelites were black,” which is an idea that has been debunked. He then resorts to a ridiculous claim of “it is not possible for Semites to be antisemites,” as if such a cheap play on words legitimizes his irrational hatred.
Cannon is also essentially trying to say something along the lines of: “As long as WE (black people) are recognized as the ‘true’ Jews, then there is no hated, but otherwise we do hate Jews.”
It is interesting that Cannon is focusing on “the Jews” as being the source of the world’s problems, which is exactly what the global elite wants to happen (as explained in the previous section.) It is also interesting that Cannon is almost certainly a member of the Boule secret society which is a Masonic organization. Therefore, his statements are almost certainly what the global elite “wants” him to say in order to ensure that many black people continue to think that “the Jews” are the cause of their problems.
CANNON’S CLAIM— “… And the people that don’t have it [melanin in their skin (meaning ‘white people’)] are a little ‘less’— In where the term actually comes from because I’m bringing it all the way around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion when they were sent to the mountains of the Caucuses, when they didn’t have the power of the sun, that the sun then started to deteriorate them, so then they are acting out of fear, they are acting out of low self-esteem, so therefore the only way that they can act is evil. So then these people who didn’t have what we have (and when I say ‘we’ I speak of the ‘the melanated people’), they had to be savages.”
Cannon is generalizing that ALL white people are “savages” and “only evil,” due to the fact that whites are “afraid,” have “low self-esteem,” and because they are jealous.
“CHARLAMAGNE” THEN CHIMES IN, COMMENTING ABOUT WHAT CANNON SAID AT THIS POINT— “See that’s a whole different conversation though. Because you [(talking to the co-host Angela Yee)] sit here and act like white people don’t have a history of mass racial violence in this country is just inaccurate. There is long list of mass racial violence— “savagery,” “murder,” whatever you want to call it from white people on damn near everybody in this country. Racial violence has been a distinct part of this country since 1660, and that’s a fact, and you don’t have to run down the long list of violent murderous, savage acts from white people in this country. I just encourage you all to just visit, and look at all the racial violence that blacks have experienced at the hands of white people. So that’s a whole different conversation.”
Of course it is true that black people have suffered in the United States, although Cannon and “Charlemagne” are trying to reinforce an irrational concept that “all” white people were responsible.
Also, pretty much all races of people have engaged in atrocities— it isn’t some sort of a “white only” phenomenon as Cannon and “Charlamagne” are attempting to claim. For example many Africans captured other Africans in wars in Africa and then sold them as slaves. And many Native American tribes fought vicious wars against each other before white people even arrived.
White people have suffered also— think about the hundreds of millions of people who fought and died in the U.S. Civil War and World Wars I and II. Were black people fighting and dying in those wars?— No, they were mostly not. Also the people in Russia and Eastern Europe are white, yet hundreds of millions of them were slaughtered or enslaved by Communism (which is a tool of the same political Establishment that is almost certainly telling Cannon and “Charlamagne” what to say!) Were as many Africans killed in the U.S. as that?— Not as many! (Despite that also obviously being a tragedy though, of course.)
Also I should point out that the “” website that “Charlamagne” espouses has a pro-Islam stance and it entirely downplays Islam’s role in the enslavement of Africans for over 1,400 years! For example, this article talks about the subject of an “African diaspora,” and you have to read it carefully to even pick up on the fact that the “diaspora” came about through enslavement. Compare that article’s treatment of the subject to the following video that explains the ACTUAL shocking truth about Islam and slavery!
.. By this point it should be clear that not a word that is coming out of Cannon’s or “Charlamagne’s” mouths has any legitimacy at all.
THE CO-HOST ANGELA YEE THEN READS A STATEMENT THAT WAS RELEASED BY VIACOM/CBS— “ViacomCBS condemns bigotry of any kind and we categorically denounce all forms of anti-Semitism. We have spoken with Nick Cannon about an episode of his podcast ‘Cannon’s Class’ on YouTube, which promoted hateful speech and spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. While we support ongoing education and dialogue in the fight against bigotry, we are deeply troubled that Nick has failed to acknowledge or apologize for perpetuating anti-Semitism, and we are terminating our relationship with him. We are committed to doing better in our response to incidents of anti-Semitism, racism, and bigotry. ViacomCBS will have further announcements on our efforts to combat hate of all kinds.”
THEN “CHARLAMAGNE” CHIMES IN AGAIN— “Listen, Nick is ‘my guy.’ It’s a shame it had to be him, but that’s what you can do when you have the ‘power,’ and if it’s one thing Jewish people have showed us, is they have the power. I can’t wait until the day that black people are able to fire people for saying things about us that we deem racist. We can barely get cops fired for actually killing us …”
Obviously it is antisemitic and irrational for “Charlamagne” to blame “Jewish people” for Cannon’s firing, and his statement claiming that people aren’t fired for saying things that black people deem as racist is also ridiculous. (Some high profile cases of whites not being fired for racist behavior do exist, but those situations are often “engineered” by the political Establishment for the purpose of creating divisiveness. More often than not the opposite is true where whites are unfairly persecuted.)
“CHARLAMAGNE” CONTINUES— “… They fired Nick for referencing a theory written by a physiologist on racism. …”
“Charlamagne” is trying to rationalize that Cannon’s statements are “legitimate” because they somehow “reference a theory written by a physiologist on racism,” which is as ridiculous as everything else that he says.
“CHARLAMAGNE” CONTINUES— “Also though, if you are going to have that conversation, have it with a Jewish scholar, have it with a Rabbi, have it was someone with that community so anything you say that’s not accurate they can correct you. So when you say something that they deem antisemitic they can correct you. To me that is how you can avoid things like his happening.”
“Charlamagne” is now attempting to falsely portrait himself as some sort of a “fair and open minded” person by suggesting that people should “seek out Rabbis” to first make sure that their (antisemitic) beliefs are accurate.
“CHARLAMAGNE” CONTINUES— “It’s two different conversations that went on in that conversation. You know the conversation about what is deemed antisemitic— I don’t know anything about that. You want to talk about the history of white people in America and the racial violence and the savagery and the murder, that’s a whole different conversation. I’m not casting a wide net saying that all white people are savages— but if you want to have an accurate conversation about history— yes, white people do have a history of mass racial violence in this country. That is accurate.”
Again “Charlamagne” attempts to propagate his irrational anti-white views, but this time he is also attempting to make himself appear as if he has arrived at his conclusions in some sort of an “open minded” manner. (I have debunked his anti-white views in the previous rebuttal that contains the video about Islamic slavery.)
Anyone who knows me knows that I have no hate in my heart nor malice intentions. I do not condone hate speech nor the spread of hateful rhetoric. We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to promote unity and understanding.
The Black and Jewish communities have both faced enormous hatred, oppression persecution and prejudice for thousands of years and in many ways have and will continue to work together to overcome these obstacles.
When you look at The Media, and other sectors in our nation’s history, African Americans and The people of the Jewish community have partnered to create some of the best, most revolutionary work we know today.
I am an advocate for people’s voices to be heard openly, fairly and candidly. In today’s conversation about anti-racism and social justice, I think we all – including myself – must continue educating one another and embrace uncomfortable conversations – it’s the only way we ALL get better. I encourage more healthy dialogue and welcome any experts, clergy, or spokespersons to any of my platforms to hold me accountable and correct me in any statement that I’ve made that has been projected as negative. Until then, I hold myself accountable for this moment and take full responsibility because My intentions are only to show that as a beautiful human species we have way more commonalities than differences, So let’s embrace those as well as each other. We All Family!
Everything that Cannon said in his “apology letter” is contrary to what he said (with much conviction) in his broadcast.
“CHARLAMAGNE” THEN CLAIMS— “I mean he’s right— You can’t tell Jewish people what is Antisemitic, just like nobody can tell black people what is racist, just like you can’t tell gay people what’s homophobic, you can’t tell women what’s sexist. The only thing you can do is when you say something like those things, you’ve got to sit back and listen. I can’t tell you that what you felt isn’t what you feel. I can’t do that.”
“Charlemagne” is attempting to trick people into reinforcing their often inaccurate perceptions by making sure that they equate what they “feel” with what the reality actually is. Essentially he is encouraging people to say: “Don’t try telling ME what is racist!”
FIRST, Cannon “re-Tweeted” articles in the media that came out about him after he was fired, such as this July 15 Tweet that links to an “” article.
THEN Cannon released a large number of “Tweets” that were essentially “groveling” to Jewish people— however none of the Tweets apologized to “white people” despite the fact that his attack on whites was even more extreme. Each of the Tweets was responded to by people who often either accused him of “caving to the pressure of Jews” or by people who pointed out that he hasn’t been apologizing for his anti-white statements. (Perhaps he intended his groveling to be interpreted as “being sarcastic”— it certainly seems to me as if he intended it to be that way:)
“First and foremost I extend my deepest and most sincere apologies to my Jewish sisters and brothers for the hurtful and divisive words that came out of my mouth during my interview with Richard Griffin.” — LINK
“They reinforced the worst stereotypes of a proud and magnificent people and I feel ashamed of the uninformed and naïve place that these words came from. The video of this interview has since been removed.” — LINK
“While the Jewish experience encompasses more than 5,000 years and there is so much I have yet to learn, I have had at least a minor history lesson over the past few days and to say that it is eye-opening would be a vast understatement.” — LINK
“I want to express my gratitude to the Rabbis, community leaders and institutions who reached out to me to help enlighten me, instead of chastising me.” — LINK
“I want to assure my Jewish friends, new and old, that this is only the beginning of my education—I am committed to deeper connections, more profound learning and strengthening the bond between our two cultures today and every day going forward.” — LINK
“I just had the blessed opportunity to converse with Rabbi Abraham Cooper director of global social action @SimonWiesenthal My first words to my brother was, I apologize for the hurt I caused the Jewish Community….” — LINK
“On my podcast I used words & referenced literature I assumed to be factual to uplift my community instead turned out to be hateful propaganda and stereotypical rhetoric that pained another community For this I am deeply sorry but now together we can write a new chapter of healing” — LINK
“Morning radio family. I have decided to take some time away from my radio show so I can commit myself to deeper, more thorough reflection and education.” — LINK
“I will use this time to establish an action plan towards real, impactful change and advocacy aimed at bringing people together.” — LINK
“I continue to express my gratitude to the Rabbis, community leaders and institutions who have reached out to me to help enlighten me.” — LINK
“Their input and friendship will help me as I further commit myself to more profound learning and towards strengthening the bond between the Black and Jewish cultures every day going forward.” — LINK
THEN.. (“Surprise!”) Following Cannon’s phony-seeming groveling apologies that never even apologized to white people, the Fox network announced that Cannon would remain with the “Masked Singer” show, saying: “He is clear and remorseful that his words were wrong and lacked both understanding and context, and inadvertently promoted hate. This was important for us to observe.”
On Tuesday, President Trump was asked in an interview with CBS News about why so many African Americans have been killed by the police, and Trump replied, “So are white people! What a terrible question to ask,” and he added “more white people, by the way, are killed by police.”
But first of all, why was it a “terrible question”?! Obviously it is an important question, especially due to the events that have been happening during the past few months.
Also, Trump saying that more white people are killed by police is in fact accurate, but he didn’t address the fact that a much higher percentage of black people are killed by the police, and in doing so he made it appear as if he was trying to distort the facts for racist purposes.
The truth of the matter is that all studies show that the police kill all demographics of people in generally equal proportions once crime rates are figured in. A higher percentage of black people are killed by the police, but they also commit much higher rates of violent crime which puts them in close proximity with police at a much higher rates as well. See this article which explains those statistics.
Trump’s behavior in the interview fits a classic type of “Trump communication” where what he says is actually technically true, but he intentionally doesn’t explain it properly in order for it to have the maximum divisive effect. Corrupt leftist media outlets then capitalize on it by harping on what he said to make it seem as bigoted and wrong as possible (as this NPR article does, as was intended to happen by Trump), and conservative outlets almost universally ignore the fact that Trump has said anything at all and simply talk about something else.
[Note: July 17, 2020— For an example of typical corruption of leftist media outlets and NPR in particular, see this article on NPR entitled “What’s In A Karen” that was running on the same day as the other linked article. The article intentionally misrepresents the situation of the “Central Park Karen” that happened the previous month. For the truth about that matter, see this article on Open Minded Realism.]
Trump’s intentionally divisive communication is pure rocket fuel for his leftist opposition such as violent Marxist anti-freedom groups like BLM and Antifa, and it gives Joe Biden’s corrupt campaign a hefty boost. The NPR article also mentions studies that say that two-thirds of Americans said that they disprove of the way Trump handles race relations, and it says that Biden is an average of nine percentage points ahead of Trump. (Note also that many busy people get their news only from NPR when they listen to the radio in their cars, and in doing so they are being very misinformed about the real problems that are happening in the country.)
As corrupt and divisive as Trump’s communication is, he at least purports to be opposed to Establishment corruption. Hillary would have been an absolutely evil president who would have wholeheartedly embraced the corrupt Establishment and the destruction of the United States, and of course Joe Biden would do the same.
Trump recently said in a press conference at the White House: “[There has] probably never been a time when candidates are so different. We want law and order; they don’t want law and order. We want strong closed borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process; they don’t want to have any borders at all.”
A Breitbart article details a list of over 40 disastrous things that Joe Biden would do if he was elected president, as drawn up by Trump’s staff based on Biden’s proposals and drawn from a transcript of Trump’s press conference.
Here is the horrific list from the article:
1. Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention. 2. Stop all deportation. 3. End prosecution of illegal border crossers. 4. Support the deadly sanctuary cities. 5. Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling. 6. Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens. 7. Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador. 8. Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens. 9. Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers. 10. Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals. 11. Grant work permits for illegal aliens. 12. Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants. 13. Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens. 14. Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately. 15. End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare. 16. End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions. 17. Grant mass amnesty. 18. Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States. 19. Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent. 20. Abolish law enforcement as we know it. 21. End cash bail. 22. Abolish completely the death penalty. 23. Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals. 24. End mandatory minimums. 25. Incentivize prison closure. 26. End solitary confinement. 27. Free federal housing for former inmates. 28. Rejoin Paris Climate Accord. 29. Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030. 30. Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035. 31. Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 32. Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years. 33. Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide. 34. End school choice. 35. End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states. 36. Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice. 37. Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C. 38. Abolish all charter schools. 39. Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods. 40. Abolish educational standards. 41. Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations. 42. They’re going to rip down the wall.
[Note that Trump’s actual policies are generally much better, but they are not nearly as good as most people assume, despite his rhetoric. For example he has been continuing to import many tens of thousands of unvetted Muslims from jihadist regions despite his supposed “travel ban” and despite the fact that wealthy Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia take NO supposed refugees! Such “refugees” are chosen by a corrupt UN program and the president of the U.S. has the sole decision of how many to admit, yet Trump has still decided to bring in many tens of thousands! (And note a “corrupt Obama-appointed judge” didn’t “force Trump to do it”— he has been secretively making that decision for himself every year! Joe Biden actually ESTABLISHED that program along with Ted Kennedy in 1980 during the Cater administration!)]
This 2017 BBC morning news report is a preview of what the local news will likely eventually be reporting in the U.S. if Joe Biden wins the presidency.
Also watch this segment from the video “Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West” that explains what happens to societies during their various stages of being replaced by Islamic populations.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing “blistering criticism” over an internal report that claimed a state directive that sent over 6,300 Coronavirus patients into nursing homes during the height of the pandemic was “not a significant factor” in some of the deadliest nursing home outbreaks in the United States.
Scientists, health care officials, and elected officials lambasted the report that was released last week for its flawed methodology and selective statistics.
Cuomo, “who has been praised for leadership that helped flatten the curve of infections in New York” has also been criticized over his order that told nursing homes that they could not refuse to accept recovering COVID-19 patients from hospitals as long as they were “medically stable,” and his order even barred homes from testing if such patients still had the virus.
The supposed justification for the directive was to “free up hospital beds,” however relatives, patient advocates, and nursing home administrators are saying that it helped spread the virus among the state’s most vulnerable residents. [And note there was never a shortage of such hospital beds in New York!]
To date, nearly 6,500 deaths have been linked to Coronavirus in the state’s nursing homes, however the 33-page report claims “nursing home admissions from hospitals were not a driver of nursing home infections or fatalities.”
The report claims that the virus’ run through the nursing homes was caused by the 37,500 nursing home workers who became infected between mid-March and early June and unknowingly passed it on, and it says that 80% of of the nursing homes already had a confirmed or suspected case of Coronavirus among its residents or staff before the directive was issued.
Cuomo said in a news conference, “Ugly politics [were behind] this political conspiracy that the deaths in nursing homes were preventable. And now the report has the facts, and the facts tell the opposite story.”
However, several experts who reviewed the report said it had fatal flaws, including the fact that it never even addressed the effects of his directive.
Catherine Troisi, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas, Houston, said the the report never addressed what happened to the dozens of nursing homes that were COVID-free before people with the virus were sent to them.
Dr. Michael Wasserman, president of the California Association of Long Term Care Medicine, said “They really need to own the fact that they made a mistake, that it was never right to send COVID patients into nursing homes and that people died because of it.”
Denis Nash, an epidemiologist at the City University of New York School of Public Health, noted that the New York nursing home death toll also didn’t include nursing home residents who died at the hospital, which greatly undercounted the virus’ death toll.
New York’s Legislature plans to hold a joint hearing next month, with Republicans in Congress demanding that Cuomo turn over records related to his March 25 order and its effects.
Louisiana U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, Republican leader of a House subcommittee on the COVID crisis, wrote in a letter to Cuomo last week: “Blame-shifting, name-calling and half-baked data manipulations will not make the facts or the questions they raise go away.”
When asked to respond, Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi said, “We’re used to Republicans denying science but now they are screeching about time, space and dates on a calendar to distract from the federal government’s many, many, embarrassing failures. No one is buying it.”
This CNN video is an example of how the leftist media makes use of Trump’s constant stupid “gaffes” to propagate their corrupt pro-Establishment agendas.
Recently a strange “demonstration/counter-demonstration” happened in Sumter County, Florida, where elderly Trump supporters drove golf carts through a neighborhood in support of him, while other elderly residents lined the street and heckled them as they drove past, with the confrontations being recorded on video.
A video of the confrontations was put on Twitter, and in it one of the men driving the carts loudly said “white power!” and the video also showed a woman saying “F*ck Trump” to every cart that passed. Trump then “re-Tweeted” the video saying, “Thank you to the great people of The Villages. The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall. Corrupt Joe is shot. See you soon!!”— which of course caused the leftist media to erupt in response. (This article contains the full original video clip that Trump Tweeted.)
About three hours later Trump took the Tweet down, with the White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere saying, “President Trump is a big fan of the Villages. He did not hear the one statement made on the video. What he did see is tremendous enthusiasm from his many supporters.”
But even if Trump didn’t see the man saying the slogan (which is difficult to believe), it was a ridiculous video for a President of the United States to endorse anyway since it was filled with vulgarity and hostility.
Personally I suspect that the entire situation was engineered, where members of the same Masonic lodge may have been coached to play both sides of a sham protest for the media cameras, but that is just speculation on my part.
Not surprisingly, the woman who was saying the vulgarities to the people who were driving past has become popular on Twitter, because “she’s a Sharon and not a Karen.” This article shows her saying, “This is a brain-washed cult here and our country is going down the drain. .. We have a pervert, a lying piece of garbage for president, and we need to get rid of him.”
… But that also seems to me to be a set-up though, because the woman is wearing a “Black Lives Matter” banner on her shirt despite that organization being easily proven to be corrupt; and what does she think of Joe Biden since she has such a view of Trump!? Is Biden not: 1. A pervert? 2. A lying piece of garbage? and.. 3. A racist?— Of COURSE he is! As bad as Trump’s stupid divisiveness is, Biden is infinitely worse in every way. At least Trump purports to be opposed to the corrupt Establishment rather than openly embracing it as Biden does.
In any event, Trump’s stupid and divisive statements have been happening like clockwork almost every day since the day he was elected.
Another “gaffe” that happened recently was a Tweet Trump made when George Floyd-related rioting was starting to break out, where he said: “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
That Tweet also caused an uproar, where a lot of news sources said it was referencing a statement made in the 1960’s by the chief of the Miami Police Department Walter Headley whose actions caused racial unrest in the city, but Trump then attempted to claim that the statement wasn’t a threat of violence, but rather it was just a “fact” where he was simply warning that the rioters will likely also be shooting guns.
Contrary to what many of his supporters claim, Trump works for the same political Establishment that all Presidents have worked for. His non-stop “gaffes” are calculated to empower his opposition by making his anti-Establishment agendas seem bigoted and unworkable, and his doing so is also intended to cause controversy to distract from the fact that he isn’t actually following through with many of his promises. Trump would be very popular and widely supported if he simply communicated his anti-corruption stances properly.
Anyone should be able to see that Trump is behaving in as divisive of a manner as possible, and it is easy to see how it is resulting in giving enormous amounts of energy to corrupt leftist movements. Also it is ridiculous that Trump even endorses and uses Twitter in the first place because of its censorship issues.
I think it is annoying that Alex Jones continues to give Trump a pass. Why doesn’t he simply call Trump out for his divisiveness? That would definitely help to fix the problem. I’ve learned a lot from Jones over the years, and he still puts out a lot of important information, but for whatever reason he can mix in a lot of divisive content as well. I think perhaps he is trying to frustrate activists to encourage them to speak out for themselves, but people gravitate to copying success rather than failure so I don’t think that strategy is a very good one.
Trump’s ratings are abysmal
This Gallup poll shows that only 38% of Americans approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as President, with a record partisan gap of 91% of Republicans and only 2% of Democrats approving of him. In early May of 2020 Trump had his highest approval rating of 49% before the George Floyd-related rioting happened.
Heavily armed black militias have been marching through the streets of Georgia on July 4th to demand “reparations” from white people, and the media has mostly been silent about the situation. The march took place at Stone Mountain Park near Atlanta with a police escort. The militia members are demanding their own “ethnostate” of all of Texas.
When white people are seen defending their own properly with guns during riots it becomes a top story, but when black people march through the streets brandishing guns and threatening drivers because they are white along with demanding race-based reparations and their own ethnostate, it barely makes the news.
[Note this is a dangerous situation for a lot of reasons. Perhaps the biggest danger is one of a lone nut attacking such a group which would lead to irrational “Black Lives Matter” supporters responding by indiscriminately attacking white people.]
The following Twitter videos were on the original article:
OK, game changer.
Approaching someone’s car armed because they’re white and demanding “reparations” is perilously close to felony armed robbery and is most definitely a hate crime.
If hundreds of armed white men marched down the street calling for an all-white ethnostate, the media would make it the leading story for years to come, declare them as terrorists, and ban them from the Internet. But when black supremacists do it, no one cares. 🤔
NFAC's leader Grand Master Jay describing how he will build his black ethnostate inside the United States. boasting they are all ex-military extremely disciplined & experts shooters..gonna end really bad for these guys..
— Veritas News Feed (@veritasnewsfeed) July 5, 2020
Alek Skarlatos is an Army National Guard veteran who heroically stopped a Muslim terrorist attack on a train in France in 2015, and he is now the Republican candidate for Congress in Oregon’s fourth district, which is a key district that is currently represented by an extreme leftist Congressman Peter DeFazio who has been serving for over 30 years.
“The 15:17 to Paris” official trailer. Alek Skarlatos played himself in a 2018 movie directed by Clint Eastwood called “The 15:17 to Paris” which shows how he and two friends were able to tackle and overpower an Islamic terrorist who had an AK-47 on a train in France. See the official website of the movie. The movie was based on the 2016 autobiography “The 15:17 to Paris: The True Story of a Terrorist, a Train, and Three American Heroes.”
“The 15:17 to Paris — Go Behind the Scenes with Clint Eastwood”
Alek Skarlatos
Oregon’s fourth Congressional district is the poorest in the state due to the leadership of its current Congressman Peter DeFazio. (Image from Wikipedia.)
See Skarlatos’s official Congressional run campaign website where you can give donations and offer to volunteer.
Following is a summary of the information in a Breitbart article about Skarlatos:
— Alek Skarlatos is now the Republican candidate for Congress in Oregon’s fourth district, which is a key district that is currently represented by the extreme leftist Congressman Peter DeFazio who has been serving for over 30 years.
— In 2016 Hillary Clinton won Oregon’s fourth district by only 1/10th of a percent, and it is a very possible that Skarlatos will be able to flip the seat for Republicans in the upcoming election. Skarlatos says the district should be Republican already anyway, being a toss-up at best because it is the closest district in the country that Trump lost, and it has voted Republican before for governors and Presidential candidates. If Skarlatos wins the seat it may deliver the House to the Republicans and unseat Nancy Pelosi.
— The current Congressman in his district is Peter DeFazio, who is a far-left politician that co-founded the House Progressive Caucus with Bernie Sanders, co-sponsored the corrupt “Green New Deal” with Ocasio Cortez, and he supports the “defund the police” movement. He has been serving for thirty years despite the citizens in that district only being moderates.
— Skarlatos says the people in southwestern Oregon have gotten a raw deal for far too long, and it is time to change the situation. He explains that his election is important nationally, but also for the people in his district because it is the poorest Congressional district in the State.
— He says that he thinks police brutality is a result of poor training, and cutting funding for police officers will only result in making more bad cops rather than improving the situaion.
— He thinks politics is a “disgusting business,” but he once met his State Senator on a plane to Washington D.C., where they were discussing politics, and the Senator suggested that Skarlatos should consider running for office.
— He says that he initially didn’t want to run for office, but after learning more about many of the problems in his state, he got angry about the situation and realized that he will be able to make a good difference.
About Skarlatos stopping a 2015 Muslim terrorist train attack in France
In 2015, Skarlatos has just finished a tour of duty in Afghanistan, and he was traveling across Europe with two of his childhood friends when a train they there traveling on was attacked by a Muslim terrorist. The train was traveling from Amsterdam to Paris via Brussels. The three were able to tackle and overpower the terrorist, saving many lives and becoming heroes.
— After their train crossed into France, they heard gunshots and breaking glass behind them and they saw a shirtless man wielding an AK-47.
— Skarlatos and his friends ran at the terrorist, tackled him, kicked the AK-47 away from him and tried to shoot the terrorist with it, but the gun jammed.
— Skarlatos’s friend Spencer put the terrorist into a chokehold, but the terrorist then pulled out a handgun and tried to shoot him with it, so Skarlatos dropped the AK-47, wrestled the handgun out of the hand of the terrorist, and hit him in the face with it a few times.
— The terrorist then pulled out a boxcutter and was cutting his friend Spenser with it in the back of the neck, but the three were able to overpower him and they started punching and kicking him.
— Skarlatos pointed the handgun at the terrorist and told him to stop resisting, but the terrorist didn’t speak English. He then tried to shoot the terrorist in the head with the gun but it didn’t fire because the clip has fallen out of the gun in the scuffle.
— His friend Spenser then managed to put the terrorist in a chokehold, and Skarlatos picked up the AK-47 and hit him in the head with the muzzle of it until he was unconscious.
— They noticed that a man who the terrorist had shot in the neck was now squirting blood out of his neck wound, so his friend Spencer who was an EMT in the air force rushed over to assist the man.
— Skarlatos mentioned that they were lucky that the AK-47 jammed because the ammunition was of poor quality.
— Skarlatos checked the rest of the train while Spenser tended to people’s wounds, and the train arrived in the station about twenty minutes later.
— Since that time, Skarlatos had starred in an autobiographical movie about himself that was directed by Clint Eastwood, and he was also a contestant on the “Dancing with the Stars” television show.