Trump deceptively explained statistics about police violence to intentionally make himself seem racist to continue to empower violent and corrupt Marxist groups like “Black Lives Matter”

On Tuesday, President Trump was asked in an interview with CBS News about why so many African Americans have been killed by the police, and Trump replied, “So are white people!  What a terrible question to ask,” and he added “more white people, by the way, are killed by police.”

But first of all, why was it a “terrible question”?!  Obviously it is an important question, especially due to the events that have been happening during the past few months.

Also, Trump saying that more white people are killed by police is in fact accurate, but he didn’t address the fact that a much higher percentage of black people are killed by the police, and in doing so he made it appear as if he was trying to distort the facts for racist purposes.

The truth of the matter is that all studies show that the police kill all demographics of people in generally equal proportions once crime rates are figured in.  A higher percentage of black people are killed by the police, but they also commit much higher rates of violent crime which puts them in close proximity with police at a much higher rates as well.  See this article which explains those statistics.

Trump’s behavior in the interview fits a classic type of “Trump communication” where what he says is actually technically true, but he intentionally doesn’t explain it properly in order for it to have the maximum divisive effect.  Corrupt leftist media outlets then capitalize on it by harping on what he said to make it seem as bigoted and wrong as possible (as this NPR article does, as was intended to happen by Trump), and conservative outlets almost universally ignore the fact that Trump has said anything at all and simply talk about something else.

[Note: July 17, 2020— For an example of typical corruption of leftist media outlets and NPR in particular, see this article  on NPR entitled “What’s In A Karen” that was running on the same day as the other linked article.  The article intentionally misrepresents the situation of the “Central Park Karen” that happened the previous month.  For the truth about that matter, see this article on Open Minded Realism.]

Trump’s intentionally divisive communication is pure rocket fuel for his leftist opposition such as violent Marxist anti-freedom groups like BLM and Antifa, and it gives Joe Biden’s corrupt campaign a hefty boost.  The NPR article also mentions studies that say that two-thirds of Americans said that they disprove of the way Trump handles race relations, and it says that Biden is an average of nine percentage points ahead of Trump.  (Note also that many busy people get their news only from NPR when they listen to the radio in their cars, and in doing so they are being very misinformed about the real problems that are happening in the country.)