Large heavily-armed black militias have been marching through the streets of Georgia, demanding “reparations” from white motorists at gunpoint

Following is a summary of this Information Liberation article:

Heavily armed black militias have been marching through the streets of Georgia on July 4th to demand “reparations” from white people, and the media has mostly been silent about the situation.  The march took place at Stone Mountain Park near Atlanta with a police escort.  The militia members are demanding their own “ethnostate” of all of Texas.

When white people are seen defending their own properly with guns during riots it becomes a top story, but when black people march through the streets brandishing guns and threatening drivers because they are white along with demanding race-based reparations and their own ethnostate, it barely makes the news.

[Note this is a dangerous situation for a lot of reasons.  Perhaps the biggest danger is one of a lone nut attacking such a group which would lead to irrational “Black Lives Matter” supporters responding by indiscriminately attacking white people.]

The following Twitter videos were on the original article: