Twitter has suspended the Gateway Pundit’s account for simply reporting about a court ruling on Virginia mail-in ballots— claiming that news of the ruling might “promote violence”!

A Gateway Pundit article explains that Twitter has ridiculously suspended their account for a week due to them making a factual report about a court ruling in Virginia concerning election fraud, with Twitter claiming that the news “might promote violence” as its only justification for doing so.

[NOTE: There is no limit to the amount of corrupt and totalitarian behavior of Twitter, yet media outlets such as Infowars, Breitbart, and Gateway Pundit have been continuing to endorse the service by linking to it as a centerpiece of many of their articles for years, despite the fact that they easily could have been promoting preferable services.  Why have they been doing that?  They should at least always have a link that explains that people should BOYCOTT Twitter in favor other services whenever they do link to it.  There is no good reason to use Twitter, the supposed leftist “opposition” on it is often controlled opposition anyway, as this Gateway Pundit article explains.]