It is incredibly unfortunate that Joe Biden will be sworn in as President. With the Senate now being split 50-50 due to fraudulent voting machines being used in the Georgia runoff election, Vice President Kamala Harris will have the deciding vote to break ties.
I think the failure of Trump’s presidency is most significantly due to two factors. First of all, Trump never communicated properly during his term in order to gain broad enough support to ensure that his presidency would be sustained, and secondly his supporters never adequately called him out when he strayed and communicated in a belligerent manner, which unfortunately happened all the time. The media wouldn’t have gotten away with fraudulently demonizing him if he wouldn’t have given them excuses to do so. Trump is capable of being articulate, he could have communicated properly if he actually wanted to.
At least Trump was someone to supposedly work with, but almost none of his supporters understood that it was essential for them to be a vigilant corrective force whenever he made “blunders” and when the media lied. What did they think they would “gain” from not doing so? Actually most of the leaders of Trump supporters were Freemasons, so they were not going to advocate for his supporters to do things that would have actually made a big difference.
In any event it is incredibly unsettling to see the “new normal” of media and many politicians acting in an openly dishonest and disingenuous manner. They aren’t even trying to hide their dishonesty anymore. What is happening? If that can happen then anything bad can happen.
I would say that at least there is no longer any pretense of corruption not running everything in the government, however the corruption is very extreme and the media will try to cover it up and gloss it over.