“Opposing viewpoint” articles would be a good way to present both sides of the abortion debate

As I’ve mentioned previously, I plan to have my organizations  present both “pro-life” and “pro-choice” viewpoints by creating articles for each of the opposing arguments.  I think that issue is not (necessarily) one that involves a lot of “deception” but rather much of it is a “difference of opinion,” therefore I think having two articles that present opposing viewpoints is a good idea.  I think such an “opposing viewpoint” format could be able to work with other topics as well if there is enough interest in doing that, but in any event all of the articles are already usually the result of examining as many sides of the issues as possible.

Personally I’m opposed to abortion and I think it should be avoided at all costs, but I think politicians attempting to make it entirely illegal will not work due to public opposition to that, and in fact them trying to do that will have very harmful repercussions where dangerous leftist agendas will be empowered as a side-effect, as I explain more in detail later in this article.

In a recent article I criticized Kanye West for statements that he made at a speech, but I do agree with some of the things that he said.  For example I think it is good that he spoke out against abortion.

I recently received a “Planned Parenthood” mailer where it said a local congressman is “putting our health at risk” because he voted for “the most restrictive abortion ban in the country” which would have banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.  Note though that the “most restrictive ban” would have been after 20 weeks into the pregnancy— Not 20 days for example, but 20 weeks!  Do many people really think that is unreasonable?

I think late term abortions are abhorrent, and I think they should be illegal unless the woman’s life is (truly) in danger; however I’m also opposed to political candidates running on “100% pro-life platforms” when there is not nearly enough public support for them to do so— which ultimately only leads to empowering the harmful agendas of their leftist opposition.

(Note that in the above linked article I talk about a large group of politicians in Alabama who passed the 100% pro-life “Human Life Protection Act” which outlaws all types of abortions in all circumstances.  The article previously had a picture of many of the politicians with a Masonic “stamp” on it, but I don’t actually know if all of those politicians are Freemasons, so I changed the image and I published a retraction about that.  I’m looking forward to the resolution so that people will be able to look over articles and make suggestions before they are posted.  But I should have been more careful with that in any event, I usually am in such cases.  It will be interesting to hear people’s opinions about the existing articles on the websites in general.  I think all of the information as a whole is very accurate and relevant, and it communicates very important information.)

As I was saying, people should be aware that sometimes politicians and activists who “claim” to support a certain position sometimes are actually trying to covertly empower the opposition to it.  For example gun disarmament activists sometimes brandish weapons in public to try to frighten people into outlawing guns (that is almost certainly happening here, here, and here) which is one of the reasons that I usually don’t support “open carry” laws even though I am a staunch gun rights advocate.

Many people are dupes or servants of the corrupt political Establishment, where they have either been falsely led to believe that they are ultimately “empowering good” with their subversive activities; or they are knowingly corrupt and they have been falsely led to believe that they will be exempt from the evil subjugation that they are helping to bring to fruition.  Did “good” come about though the people living in Nicaragua being enslaved and killed by Communism, for example?— Of course not!  (And note that the same sort of situation will soon likely be happening in the U.S. as well.  I highly recommend reading the actual summarized chapters of that article, it is very shocking and disturbing information.)