No rational person would believe that 32% of black people think whites will attack them at the polls, yet CBS News is reporting that anyway

Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in a zombie movie where everyone has gone either stupid, corrupt, or both.

A good example of why I think that is this CBS News broadcast that is attempting to claim that 32% of black people think that they will be intimidated or attacked by whites when they are voting!  They are basing that claim on some “Axios” poll, however any such “polls” can say whatever they want to say— ultimately they are just some person typing the text of what they want people to think that a “poll” says.

I don’t think any rational person would believe that 32% of black people actually think that they will be harassed or attacked by whites when voting.  I’m sure that some black people would be concerned about that, there are a few cases of white people acting in such a manner.  Trump did also say that people should volunteer to watch the polls, but of course that doesn’t mean that black people would be harassed by them.

How would any black person even think that they would be “harassed” in that situation anyway?  I just can’t envision it.  Do they think that a white person will say to them, “When you come out of the booth, tell me how you voted, and if you voted for Biden— you’ll be sorry!”  Or do they think that white people will bring them into the booth at gunpoint for them to cast their vote?  Perhaps these black people would assume that to be the case, but I just don’t accept that it would be a widespread view.

If it is in fact true that 32% of black people actually think that they will be harassed or attacked by white people at the polls, it is because the Establishment media has been blowing a statement that Trump made way out of proportion, as usual.

In any event, what would “people watching the polls” as Trump suggested accomplish anyway though?  What is there to “watch for”?  I guess they could make sure that they are not letting people vote without IDs, which I suppose could happen, but in any event it is more likely that the machines themselves will already be rigged.