Effectively communicating the truth about the corrupt “Black Lives Matter” movement will help to save the United States

I’ve been seeing a lot of reports of conflict happening when people respond to “Black Lives Matter” activism by saying “all lives matter,” or “Blue Lives Matter,” which often immediately triggers hostility from BLM activists.  However, people should realize that such responses are generally not effective in situations like that.

Instead, it is essential that people communicate the truth about BLM being a corrupt Establishment-run organization that uses deceit to cause racial animosity in order to empower covert agendas of subverting and enslaving society with Communism.  Most significantly, BLM blatantly lies about statistics of police brutality to make people think that police have a “homicidal bias” against black people, however the reality shows that there is actually no such bias at all.

It would often be fruitless to try to communicate such facts to BLM activists though since they likely will not listen or may even respond with hostility, but rather the information should be communicated to the general public instead.

I would recommend that people wear T-shirts that say “Police don’t have a ‘homicidal bias.’  Ask me why.” and hand out flyers explaining all of the issues with the BLM organization in a non-divisive manner.  (Note that it might be a bad idea to wear such a T-shirt where there is a large concentration of people who are actually involved with the group though; but at least flyers can be handed out in such a situation.)

A 2015 PBS video segment says the population of Marseilles, France is 30-40% Muslim

[Note: October 13, 2022— Text in portions of this article have been re-written.]

This 2015 PBS video segment says Marseilles, France is 30-40% Muslim.  And of course 2015 is five years ago, before the massive wave of immigration that has happened since then!  (Note that the PBS video is pro-immigration, where it claims that immigrants are being verbally abused and it implies that they are being “oppressed,” but actually the opposite is usually the case.)


The video “Muslim Demographics” has been popular since 2009 talking about the situation of the native populations of Europe being increasingly replaced by the incoming populations of mostly Muslim immigrants.

The video supplies a lot of statistics, and debunkers have found minor issues with a few of its facts, yet the premise of the video is sound nonetheless.  See its video page for an examination of issues that a BBC video claims to have found with it.


This segment from the video “Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West” explains what happens to societies during their various stages of being replaced by Islamic populations.


This video contains a compilation of video footage of the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening in Europe.


[Note: October 13, 2022— The text in this section has been re-written.]

As the previous “Muslim Demographics,” “Creeping Sharia,” and “Into the West” video clips explain, Europeans should be frightened of what is being done to them with the uncontrolled Islamic immigration that is happening on that continent.  There is no way to undo the damage that has already happened.  It is mind-boggling that Europeans could have let that happen to themselves, it will be remembered in history as a terrible mistake.

The global elite has been working to usher in an age of a “post-industrial feudal system” which is essentially totalitarian Communism, where population sizes are planned to be drastically reduced, and most of the remaining people in all of the regions of the world are planned to be turned into a permanent underclass of dysfunctional and dependent “serfs and slaves.”

The elite have specific plans  to:

— Mix everyone together.
— Dumb everyone down.
— Impoverish everyone and not allow people to individually prosper so they will be as dependent on the global elite as possible.
— Destroy everyone’s morality, cultural identities, and healthy family structures.
— Depopulate the Earth of as many people as possible.

(Note that the previous link makes a reference to the “Protocols of Zion” document that is usually thought of as being one of the most extreme “antisemitic hoaxes” that has ever existed.  However, research has shown that the document most likely actually originated as a Masonic policy brief rather than being a “Jewish” conspiracy.  In any event, it is generally a bad idea to mention it because it is often considered to be a “third rail” that automatically makes whoever mentions it appear to be some sort of an antisemitic lunatic in the eyes of most people.  See this link  and this link  for more information about that matter.)

The global elite’s agenda has always been to “bring everyone down” by employing a deceitful rationale of supposedly “bringing everyone up.”  One of the methods that they use is to cause as much damage to one segment of society or region of the world as possible, and then to abruptly force the infusion of that damaged segment into a healthy segment by guilting people into allowing it to happen.

The global elite also attempt to make people think that their motives are “white supremacist,” for divisive purposes and to distract from the fact that they are currently in the process of destroying predominantly white societies.  They are actually “frightened” of native Europeans because such people are generally very healthy, functional, and compassionate, and thus such people would be able to most effectively stand up against the harmful agendas of the political Establishment, if enough of them actually knew what those agendas are.  [Note: Of course everyone can be compassionate, but my point is since such people have generally been existing in a state of functional health, it often naturally leads to having a compassionate mentality.  By contrast, people who have been trying to survive in a dysfunctional society don’t always have the luxury of developing “spare” compassion to the same degree, although of course everyone is an individual.]