The Establishment politician Newt Gingrich is grandstanding with unconstitutional and unreasonable sounding statements that will help to ensure continued importation of potential Islamic radicals

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich gave an interview on Fox News suggesting ridiculous and unworkable rhetoric in response to the recent terrorist truck attack in France that killed at least 80 people, making suggestions including testing every Muslim in the United States in order to deport those that believe in Islamic Sharia law, similar to how Donald Trump had pledged in his campaign to “ban all Muslims from entering the United States.”   However, Gingrich neglected to mention the thousands of Islamic migrants that are secretively being brought into the United States from middle eastern and African countries by the Obama Administration.

Nonetheless, Gingrich did discuss the fact that many Sharia courts exist in Britain which supersede the laws of that country with Islamic laws, and he suggested that those courts should be outlawed in order for the laws of Britain to properly take precedence.


Also view an Alex Jones video explaining many issues with Islamic immigrants: