Muslims mobs rioted across India due to the supposed “blasphemy” of Nupur Sharma’s completely true statements, due to goading from the BBC [Updated]

[Note: June 12, 2022— I have added additional information and videos of the Muslim riots that occurred.  I found most of the additional information on this Bare Naked Islam article.]

A spokeswoman of India’s ruling party Nupur Sharma made comments in a TV debate on Sunday about Islam’s Muhammad being a pedophile, which has caused an uproar and rioting in India despite her statements being completely true.

Due to Muslims being goaded by Establishment outlets such as the BBC, she has been facing a number of death threats, with such threats even being issued in press conferences given by Islamic personalities.

It is common knowledge Muhammad had a six year old bride who he consummated his marriage with when she was nine, according to all written Islamic religious texts.  Additionally, many Muslims currently follow his example and have child brides themselves, as this article explains.  (Also see this article that explains many other surprising and disturbing aspects of Islam.)

A Robert Spencer article explains that both Reuters and the BBC have been waging a hate campaign against Sharma due to her statements, writing high profile stories about the matter such as this BBC article without actually explaining what she said.

The previously linked BBC article even quotes the brutal Qatar’s ministry of foreign affairs, who said: “Allowing such Islamophobic remarks to continue without punishment, constitutes a grave danger to the protection of human rights and may lead to further prejudice and marginalisation, which will create a cycle of violence and hate.”

The genuine agendas of the political Establishment (i.e. the Freemasons) with Islam are documented very well in the the book “Hostage to Khomeini.”  (See this article for a summary of the book.)  In chapter 2 it explains how the political Establishment made use of the BBC to be used as a propaganda weapon to overthrow the peaceful pro-American Shah of Iran to replace him with the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini.

Obviously the high profile media stories that have been written against Sharma are intended to be as inflammatory as possible, being a typical psychological operation (PSYOP), that is intended to goad Muslims into violence.

This Robert Spencer article explains the specifics of the riots that occurred.   The article also contains videos and links to various other articles explaining the situation.

[The following information has been added June 12, 2022.]

Imtiyaz Jaleel

I saw this article that shows a video of a Muslim Indian journalist Imtiyaz Jaleel who gave a press conference saying, “Islam is a religion of peace.  People are angry.  We too demand that Nupur Sharma should be hanged.  If she is allowed to let go easily, then such things won’t stop.”

This video explains yet another Muslim Cleric calling for the hanging of Sharma for her factual statements:

This video is a news collage of brief information about the issue which portraits Sharma as supposedly saying something reprehensible:

This videos shows that clashes erupted in Kanpur, India, after the Muslims forced the closure of shops in a show of protest.  Protests resorted to stone pelting, and gunshots were heard:

Nearly a dozen police were injured in the violence in this riot in Uttar Pradesh.

This video shows Massive protests have broken out in Delhi, Kolkata, Solanpur and Hyderabad:

This video explains calls for boycotts:

Over 300 people in France and the UK have been attacked with hypodermic needles so far this year

Image from Wikipedia.

[Note:  I found this article on the website Bare Naked Islam.  I don’t agree with everything they say or aspects of their approach, but it is a very comprehensive source of information.]

An article on the site Remix News explains that a Tunisian migrant [almost certainly a Muslim] is a first arrest in a wave of mysterious attacks with syringes in bars and clubs in France and the UK that has been baffling authorities.  The arrest was reported in the French newspaper Le Figaro.

Over 300 people have been reported to be attacked in such a manner this year, where they often report suffering strange illnesses and side effects.

Authorities are hoping the arrest will make it possible to begin solving the mystery behind the attacks, which have mostly occurred in France and the UK, along with some in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Such attacks have been plaguing young people in nightclubs, bars, and festivals since April, and it is unclear if the suspects have been injecting people with a substance or a disease.

A June 2, AP news report reported about the situation and interviewed a number of the victims.

Most of the victims have been women who show visible signs of an injection site, along with symptoms of feeling groggy, dizzy, or fatigued.

The migrant in France was arrested after a young woman and male teenager became involved in an altercation with him, where they were both punctured by a needle.  They told the police that they saw the suspect carrying a syringe.

The arrested Migrant is 20 years old, living in France without a residency permit, and is unemployed.  In 2020 he was sentenced to prison for domestic violence against his girlfriend, but because he is a father he has not been deported from the country, according to this article.  He is denying his guilt despite the statement of the two witnesses.

While the arrest may represent a breakthrough in the case, it may ultimately lead to a dead end since multiple suspects over a wide geographic area are involved in the attacks.

Teenage girls being sexually assaulted by a horde of migrants on a train to Milan, Italy is a common occurrence in Europe

[Note:  I found this article on the website Bare Naked Islam.  I don’t agree with everything they say or aspects of their approach, but it is a very comprehensive source of information.]

An article on a European news site Remix News explains that a horde of North African migrants sexually assaulted six teen girls on a train to Milan, Italy.

The girls were initially in an overcrowded train car in sweltering heat, causing a few of them to pass out.  The assault took place when they moved through the train to find a conductor for assistance.

Over a hundred of the migrants invaded the platform and tracks at a previous station, and some of them spat on the windows of a train that arrived that arrived before theirs.  The migrants were at a beach party that was promoted on TikTok, which resulted in a number of brawls and stabbings where riot police where deployed to control the crowd.  By the evening, hundreds of such intoxicated teens then boarded the trains.

When the sexual assault on the girls took place, the train was full of passengers.  A group of 30 men were groping them in turns and hurling sexual insults at them.  They did not call the police right away out of fear of being attacked by the predators, but they called their parents instead who arranged to call the police.  No one intervened to stop the assault until one boy came to help, and he helped them get off on the next stop.


Such gang assaults on women by migrants are common in Europe.  For example this is video of migrants assaulting women at a New Year’s celebration in Milan:

The New York Republican candidate for Governor Rob Astorino is warning that the Biden Administration is sending adult men as supposedly “kids” on migrant flights into suburban New York

[Note:  I found this article on the link aggregator BorderHawkNews.]

Pictures of supposed migrant “children” getting off a plane at Stewart International Airport in New Windsor, New York, May 19, 2022.

New York Republican candidate for Governor Rob Astorino, who will be running against Kathy Hochul.  Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary a NYPost article:

— The Republican candidate for New York Governor Rob Astorino gave a press conference Wednesday outside the Stewart International Airport, explaining that the Biden administration has been transporting single adult men migrants on secret flights to suburban New York under the guise of supposedly being “children,” where many are then enrolled in New York high schools despite not knowing how to speak English.

— In his press conference Astorino explained the situation of such a migrant who is 20 years old that was placed into Westlake High School as a junior and is now 21 years old, among many other issues.

— Astorino said, “I can tell you — and we have video — that it is not just the little kids with backpacks being reunited, reunified with their families … it is an expansion of this program.  And what’s happening is we’re having on video, clearly seeing many teenage boys, late teen, early 20s, who are single adult men, who are getting off these flights.”

— This October, 2021 NYPost article first reported about the issue of the adult migrants being flown in under the cover of darkness.

— This January 2022 NYPost article explains that the NY house Republicans were urging Biden to stop secretly transporting illegal migrants into New York.

— This April 2022 NYPost article explain that the White House has been continuing its secret migrant flights into New York.

— The resettlement flights have been landing at Westchester airports since at least October of last year, when their existence was reported by The New York Post in the above article.  The flights were briefly suspended following the report, but have since started up again.

— Astorino explained that the flights are happening frequently and the taxpayers are paying the bill, explaining that three recent flights landed at Stewart Airport on May 19, May 22, and June 7, all originating from El Paso, Texas.

— Astorino explained that some the migrants are enrolled in local schools.  He said, “I know other superintendents — all of whom are afraid to speak out — but they get a list of students that are entering their school district, all of whom are non-citizens, none of whom speak English, and all of whom require services, free lunch and meals [and are] required to have teachers that are taking away from the students of those districts.  …  I hear from teachers and I hear from superintendents, all of whom have said to me, ‘There are dozens of students coming into our school district since September’  …  I mean every new flight brings new kids and they’re going into school districts.”

— He said the migrants are being brought into school districts in the five boroughs, the Hudson Valley, Long Island, Albany, Connecticut and New Jersey.

— Astorino said, “We have a system of laws, allegedly, none of which are being enforced.  An open border where we have a federal government waving everybody in,” he said.  He called the Biden administration’s response to the influx of migrants crossing the southern border “a complete mockery of our laws.”

— Astorino said, “[Governor Hochul] has again, I guess, [not cared] who’s stepping off these planes.  …  I think it’s the right of our citizens for public safety issues, public health issues, and obviously the public’s right to know who is coming off those planes [and] where are they going.  …  We’re getting zero answers from Kathy Hochul and our US government.”

— The Department of Health and Human Services told The New York Post that its Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) “is legally required to provide for the care and custody of all unaccompanied children  …  until they are appropriately and safely released to a vetted sponsor,” but they clarified that they “only [care] for unaccompanied children 17 years of age and younger.”

Many state’s pro-life laws don’t have exceptions for rape and incest

Image from Wikipedia.

I recently saw this New American article that advocates that abortion should be outlawed even in the case of rape and incest.  I usually agree with New American articles, but I don’t really with this one.  Personally I support pro-choice rights up to a certain point in the pregnancy such as when a heartbeat can start to be detected, although of course I think people should choose not to have an abortion altogether.  I definitely agree with bans on later-term abortions, but I would support an exception to save the mother’s life as long as it couldn’t be exploited as a loophole.  I disagree with pro-life laws that outlaw abortion even in cases of rape or incest though.

Many pro-choice feminist-types base their voting entirely on that issue, and the political Establishment is aware of that and they exploit it to “scare” them into also voting for harmful leftist agendas that are intended to destroy the United States, such as open borders; which I think can be a reason why the rape and incest exemptions are increasingly not being allowed.

[Note:  If pro-life supporters would like to be involved with my organizations they will be very welcome.  I don’t want to focus on the abortion issue much because I think there is already a lot of activism on both sides.  I do think it could be good to create a “summary of reasons to be pro-life” article along with a “summary of reasons to be pro-choice” article.  My priority is mostly communicating about issues that people are entirely uninformed or misinformed about, whereas I think the abortion issue is mostly one of a “difference of opinion,” and it is very divisive issue as well.]

Fascist Germany has recently raided over 100 people’s houses for simply “insulting” politicians; it is the eighth time they have done so

Image from BigStockPhoto.

An article on the Remix News website explains that German police have launched a nationwide crackdown on what they call “hate mail” and “insults” targeting politicians, the German Criminal Police Office President Holger Munch announced in a Tweet.  The action was directed against more than 100 suspects in the country.

All who were targeted with raids published their comments in connection with the federal elections last September.

While there are some legitimate threats from online users, German law enforcement is also targeting people for merely insulting politicians.  For example the leftist Berlin Mayor Micheal Muller became angered after someone posted a satirical photo of him on Twitter, prompting him to arrange a raid on the house of the person who posted it.

In Germany the definition of “criminal hate speech” has been expanded to include a range of “insults” that would normally fall under the category of free speech in many Western countries such as the United States.  The police are weaponizing the law to target those who are exercising legitimate freedom of speech.

The fascist house raids are supported by a range of German institutions, including 100 General Administrative Offices, and the Frankfurt General Administration offices.

These were not the first raids of this type, but rather it was the eighth time they have done so.  The previous batch of raids occurred last December.

Hesse’s Attorney General Torsten Kunze says the raids are happening because politicians are “insulted, slandered and threatened” on the internet.  He said, “In order to prevent the withdrawal of those affected from reaching a level that endangers democracy, we are prosecuting these crimes consistently and in close cooperation with the public prosecutors of the other federal states.”

The German Criminal Police Office president also said, “Freedom of expression reaches its limits as soon as it comes to defamation, insults and threats.”  Anyone who posts ‘hate messages’ must expect that the police will then be at the door.”

Germany is increasingly becoming authoritarian with the issue of free speech.  The latest leftist government has sought an entire ban on the Telegram instant messaging app.

Supporters of Germany’s opposition party Alternative of Germany (AfD) which opposed the Covid mandates has recently been cleared to be labeled as a “suspected threat to democracy,” which opens the possibility of all party members being surveilled regardless of whether they have committed any wrongdoings or not.

The German government is also launching an entirely new agency to monitor “hate speech” and make arrests, expecting to criminalize over 150,000 “hateful comments” on social media every year.

A fascist leftist politician German Nancy Falser

The leftist politician Nancy Falser has launched a “10 point plan to combat right wing extremism,” with many of the objectives aimed at the AfD opposition party.

[Note: Europeans should be ashamed of what they are allowing to happen to them.  Of course there are people fighting against it, but how could any of the others possibly not oppose what is happening?  We must not let that happen to the U.S.]

Over 50 Christians were massacred by Muslims while at church in Nigeria

Muslim gunmen attacked a Catholic Church in Southwest Nigeria during Mass on Sunday, killing at least 50 people including women and children.  The above video shows footage of the aftermath of the attack

The fact that the attackers were Muslim is almost never mentioned in news reports, however this article by Robert Spencer explains evidence showing that they were in fact Muslims.

Such attacks on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has been a common occurrence for years.  The above 2012 CBN video explains a similar attack.  CBN is one of the very few news outlets that criticize Islam.

Also see this deceptive ABC News video entitled “ABC News Live: 35 people killed in attack on Nigerian church” that performs a “bait and switch” and instead reports about the (often phony) recent shootings in the U.S., and it also calls for “gun reform.”

Such Muslims as in the above attacks are implemented as “unwitting henchmen” by the global elite, where their terrorist activities are instructed through groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, which is central to Islam and is secretively a Masonic organization.  See this article for more information about the Muslim Brotherhood, and also see this article summarizing the book “Hostage to Khomeini,” where chapters 5 through 8 detail many aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood, including explaining its founding by the British in 1929.  (You can order the book online or read the PDF that is linked to in that article for the full book text, which I highly recommend doing.  I will summarize the book more in detail in the future.)

The fact that Muslims are unknowingly exploited by the global elite in such a manner is the reason why the news media almost never reports about their  atrocities which happen on a daily basis or the dangers of encroaching Islamism, and in fact the media usually tries to sugarcoat or gloss over those situations whenever Islam is mentioned.

[Note: Also the Black Lives Matter organization  is an another example of the use of the same tactic by the global elite.]

Nonetheless, even though Muslims are being “told” to attack others doesn’t excuse them for doing it, of course.  See this article that explains surprising and disturbing aspects of Islam, and see this article that is a directory of other articles and videos detailing issues with Islam.

Muslims throwing an elderly man onto train tracks in the U.K. is an example of what is being planned to be brought to the U.S.

An Infowars article explains that footage was recorded of two elderly men who were attacked by a mob of “laughing youths,” where one of the men was then thrown onto the train tracks.

The woman who recorded the footage wrote on Facebook: “Finish work and get off the tram to this!  First old man got punched to the ground and the other thrown off, they’re literally kids and was laughing about it!  Hope someone knows them and shows their families.  Newbold tram stop!  Literally hate going outside my house anymore.”  [Note: But who cares that “their families see it”?  They wouldn’t care.  They should go to prison, and they likely won’t even if they are caught.  Her naive mentality is common of Europeans, and it is a significant source of their problems in the first place.]

She later said to the Manchester Evening News: “I got off the tram and saw the kid punch the old man to the ground and started filming to get their faces.  I wasn’t expecting the other man to be thrown off.  Everyone including the man who got punched said it was because he had asked them to stop vaping on the tram and he got slapped whilst on there, then it spilled out into what I saw when the tram stopped.”

The Manchester Police then announced that they have launched an investigation and they would take “positive action” on the individuals.  They also claimed that the men sustained “minor injuries.”  [Note: There is no way that the man who was thrown onto the tracks could have sustained only “minor injuries”!]

I feel sorry for people who are living in the English Commonwealth countries such as England, Canada, and Australia, and also in Europe in general.  Those have become truly horrible places to live, and their situation is going to get much worse.  Remember when Establishment celebrities announced that “they are going to move from the U.S. to Canada so they can be ‘free’”?  None of them did that even back then.

The U.S. is in bad shape too, but it is still the least tyrannical.  However it will soon be in the same type of situation as the other countries if people don’t become better informed about what is happening and if the vote fraud isn’t stopped.

See the videos at the end of this article that explain the catastrophic Islamic immigration situation in Europe that is planned to increasingly be brought to the U.S. as well.