The Boston mayor has appointed the former head of a jihadist terror-linked mosque as her deputy chief of staff

A Tweet by Boston’s Mayor Michelle Wu announcing the appointment of Yusufi Vali as her Deputy Chief of Staff.

Following is a summary of an article that I found on Jihad Watch.

— The Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has appointed Yusufi Vali as her Deputy Chief of Staff, who is someone that used to head the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) which a 2016 report detailed as being one of the most radical mosques on the East coast, and he was also the trustee of the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society (MAS) which was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.

— Federal prosecutors wrote in 2008 that MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.  Speakers at a MAS conference openly glorified terrorism in 2019, and the Philadelphia branch of the MAS made national headlines after it held an event in 2019 where children sang songs of Jihad and beheadings of Jews.

In this video, children in a 2019 assembly at the Philadelphia branch of the MAS sing songs of Jihad and beheadings.  [Also see this article about that matter.]

— MAS’s Boston branch was previously headed by Yusuf Al Qaradawi, an infamously-extreme spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and admirer of Adolf Hitler, as well as Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who is an Al Qaeda fundraiser that was jailed in 2004 for conspiring with the Libyan regime to assassinate the Saudi Crown Prince.

In this video, Yusuf Al Qaradaw praises Hitler and the Holocaust.

Vali himself has close associations with many Islamic extremists, who he has featured in dozens of Islamic events, such as the following:

— In 2015, a speaker Mufti Hussain Kamani at an ISB organized conference reiterated the Islamic beliefs that a Muslim man may only fulfill his sexual desires “with his spouse..[or] with a sex slave that belongs to him.”  He also said that those who have sex outside of those situations must be stoned to death.  Kamani was joined by Abdul Nasir Jangda, who also defends the use of sex slaves within Islam, advocates for killing apostates and adulterers, and affirms the Islamic belief that wives cannot refuse having sex with their husbands.  Vali appears to be a close acquaintance of both Islamists.

— In 2016, Vali oversaw the appointment of an overtly anti-Jewish associate Imam named Abdul-Malik Merchant, who has posted anti-Semitic Islamic scripture online such as saying “Oh assembly of Jews!  You are the most disgusting of the creation to me.  You killed the prophets of Allah…,” and he also posted hostile anti-homosexual messages on Facebook posts.

Vali has never explained or renounced his associations with such people, and over the past decade he has been closely associated with leading politicians in Massachusetts, as the following points explain:

— In 2016, Vali organized an event at the ISB with Senator Elizabeth Warren and Boston’s previous Mayor Marty Walsh.  Americans for Peace and Tolerance produced a photo of Walsh at the event shaking the hand of Abdullah Faaruug, a local imam who has championed an Al-Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui (who plotted attacks for mass casualties in New York City and tried to murder federal agents in Afghanistan) as a “brave woman,” and he even raised funds on her behalf.  Faaruug also defended the Al Qaeda supporter Tarek Mehanna while he was awaiting trail on terrorism charges, and in response to their arrests he encouraged violence, urging Muslims to “grab onto the gun and the sword.”

— Elizabeth Warren later ran in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary and Walsh now serves as Biden’s Labor secretary.  Both politicians campaigned against the so-called “Muslim Ban” implemented by the Trump administration between 2016 and 2019, where they took part in protests and photo-ops around the state involving groups such as ISB and the [(terrorism linked)] Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

— Many other high ranking Boston officials have also been openly associating with Jihadists in recent years without being questioned about it by the media, such a the current Republican Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.  Islamists have been using such connections for political appointments, such as Nadeem Mazen, who is a former Cambridge city councilor, congressional candidate, and the founder of JETPAC, which is a Massachusetts nonprofit that works to “build American Muslim political infrastructure.”  Such activity is serving as a blueprint for Islamists who are seeking election or appointment to office in other major cities as well.

An inappropriate ad shows a Missouri US Senate candidate Eric Greitens hunting ‘RINOs’ in a military-style raid

The Missouri Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens made an ad showing him going “RINO hunting,” where he along with soldiers kicked down the door of a house and threw a flash-bang grenade inside it.  By “RINO” he means Republican politicians who are act like Democrats (“Republican In Name Only.”)  He also made reference to supporting Donald Trump by saying people should “join the MAGA crew.”

In the ad he said, “I’m Eric Greitens, Navy SEAL, and today we’re going RINO hunting.  The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice.  Join the MAGA crew.  Get a RINO hunting permit.  There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”

It’s great to be against RINOs, but his approach is inappropriate and counterproductive.  I think he is obviously controlled opposition such as Margery Taylor Greene is.  Advocating for using the military to hunt politicians that he disagrees with is a bad idea and it will cause big problems.  If he was for real he wouldn’t have resorted to such a tactic.

I do agree with the following ad by the Arizona politician Jim Lamon, however.  But many leftists tried to capitalize on it by falsely claiming that he “shot” Pelosi and Biden, such as this article, this article, and this article.

Cryptocurrency is still very useful despite its volatility

I saw the above Natural News video that is talking about issue of most cryptocurrencies currently being very low in value.  I disagree with most of what the video is saying however, because people who recently lost money should have realized the risk of what they are investing in, and they should have known how to guard against the dangers of periods of time when it falls in value.  It is a sad situation when people lose money while investing in cryptocurrency, but ultimately it is their fault.

It doesn’t matter that “the coins are not backed by anything of intrinsic value” as the video says, people simply need to realize that fact and invest and make use of the currency accordingly.  Also Dogecoin never pretended to be anything other than a “memecoin,” but its value at any point in time is genuine because you can exchange it for traditional currency.

Cryptocurrency is not a safe investment if you plan to simply buy it and wait for the price to hopefully rise over a long period of time.  You cannot treat it as if it is a stock in a company, which is something that is completely different.  You should invest in stocks instead if you want to invest in such manner.

You can still make money with cryptocurrency if you pay attention to what is happening and respond to the market conditions, therefore making use of its volatility.  For example if you sell when it starts to go below a certain value you will at least not lose much money, however if you simply do nothing while it sinks in value you will lose your shirt if its value won’t rise again.  You can’t go wrong by selling cryptocurrency when its value starts to go down because you can simply buy it again after its value starts to rise once more.  Therefore the current hype about it supposedly being “always unsafe” is not accurate unless you are recklessly not paying attention to the market conditions.  As long as you truly know what you are doing and you are keeping on top of it, it can be a viable method of investing.  (Also I suggest making sure to keep in mind the general trend of what is happening— meaning sell your holdings when it is generally a bear market and start buying again after it is clear that it has become a bull market once again.)  And of course there could be no worse idea than using cryptocurrency as a savings account!

As an example, people who were paying attention to what was happening with Elon Musk and Twitter recently could have timed investing in Dogecoin and then sold it after it spiked in value and started to drop again, thus making a large amount of profit in the process.  For investors who are knowledgeable and savvy enough to do such a thing, cryptocurrency will always be an effective way to make money.

Be aware that investing in cryptocurrency is very risky though and you must take the time to learn as much as possible before you start to invest in it.  If you are not very computer savvy, and not entirely familiar with all the nuts and bolts of how such investing works, you will almost certainly lose your money.

In any event, cryptocurrency is always important for its originally intended purpose even when it dips in value— which is to be an alternative method of making online payments.  This is especially important due to the fact that online credit card payment processor companies often don’t allow payments to be made to people who talk about issues that the political Establishment doesn’t want to be known, such as to people who criticize issues with Islam.  A recent example of that is MasterCard and the online fund raising platform GoFundMe stopping allowing payments to be made to the peaceful and accurate anti-Islamization activist Robert Spencer, where such blockages are instructed by corrupt Establishment organizations such as The Southern Poverty Law Center that make slanderous accusations of “hate speech” in order to give the political Establishment an excuse to shut people down who are standing up to its corrupt agendas.  (Also see this article talking about issues with a similar organization The Anti-Defamation League.)

A California judge sentenced a felon car thief who intentionally ran over a woman and her child to only five months in a “diversionary program”

A sixteen year convicted felon in Los Angeles who stole a car and intentionally ran over a woman and her eight month old son in a stroller and fled the scene was given only five months in a “diversionary program” by a judge.

This article explains that the Los Angeles DA George Gascón is trying to claim that criticism of him about the ruling is “misinformation” and the teen was charged as harshly as legally allowed, where he ridiculously said, “Contrary to what some have claimed, it is not ‘attempted murder’ under CA law.  To charge that offense, our office would have to be able to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the minor specifically intended to kill the victims.  There was no evidence of that.”— However anyone who has seen the footage and heard the testimony of the the victim can tell that it was obviously done with homicidal intent.

[Note it is disappointing to hear that the victim is remaining a Democrat even after going through such an ordeal, she should know better and realize that the Democrats are the source of such problems.]

The same D.A. George Gascón recently made L.A. county pay for the funeral of a man who killed two police officers after he was let out on a plea deal that gave him only ten days in jail rather than three years, as explained in this article.

And of course it should not be a surprise that Gascón is a supporter of the corrupt BLM organization as well.

Islam apologists often falsely claim that Islam was a cornerstone of scientific thought

In this video, Paul Nielson critiques a deceitful presentation by an Islam apologist Mehdi Hasan, where Hasan falsely claims that Islam is a basis of Western science including even the European Renaissance.  A “woke” leftist audience is enthusiastically cheering what Hasan is saying in the video.

Nielson explains that Islam actually had nothing to do with such contributions of scientific thought, but rather key people who were living in newly Islamized areas were entirely influenced by previous cultures such as Greece and India, and Islam actually attempted to persecute and impede the works of such people.  Therefore such people accomplished what did what they did despite Islam, not because of it. 

He explains that the time period of the supposed “Golden Age of Islamic Science” should actually be called “The Final Breath of the Classical Civilizations (After the Muslims Destroyed Them.)”

Followings are points that Nielson made:

— When Islam emerged from the Arabian Peninsula, they subjugated areas that used to belong to the Greek Christian world that were already completely immersed in thousands of years of scientific thought and achievements.

— Islam was actually entirely anti-science, where the law of “cause of effect” was rejected and thus Islam was not capable of engaging in scientific thought.  Muslims believed that “cause and effect” wasn’t valid because they thought that Allah could recreate the world in any manner whenever he wanted to.

— When Islam subjugated the classical world, they burned most of the literature that they came across. For example when they conquered Alexandria, Egypt in 640, they destroyed all of the literature that they could find, erasing the legacy and scientific accomplishments of that highly advanced area.

— When Islam conquered India, they burned all the writings in the Library of Nalanda, which was the largest accumulation of knowledge in that part of the world.

— Muslims reasoned: “If it is not something that is not also written in the Quran, then destroy it because that means it is not important.”  And they also even reasoned: “If it is something that can be found in there Quran, destroy it anyway because we already have it in the Quran.”

— The Islam apologist Mehdi Hasan giving the speech in the above video mentioned various people who are examples of “sources of significant Islamic scientific thought,” however none of them are valid examples since they based their thoughts entirely on previous cultures and they were also considered to be heretics in Islam, as Nielson explains:

— Ibn Rushd was a man in Islamic Spain who was fascinated by Greek though and he wished to open Islam to such concepts, but his thoughts were entirely heretical to Islam, so he ended up being prosecuted and most of the literature he created was burned.  A small part of his work that didn’t get burned ended up in the hands of European thinkers who translated his work.  His translated work caused Europeans to falsely associate the Islamic world with Greek heritage, which was a misconception that was not corrected until much later.  The above Islam apologist Hasan called Ibn Rushd “the father of the European Renaissance and Enlightenment” due to his works influencing key people such as Thomas Aquinas, however that is definitely an exaggeration since people such as Aquinas were influenced by many other people as well.  And even if Rushd could be thought of as “a father of such thought”, his thoughts were entirely the result of Greek thought that preceded him, such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, therefore making them be the actual “fathers” of the Renaissance.

— Ibn Sina is another philosopher that is mentioned by Muslim activists, who was born in 980 in a region of the Middle East that still retained its Persian intellectual heritage despite being conquered by Islam.  He was highly influenced by other cultures such and Greece and India, and he contributed advancements in medical science that was adopted by many Europeans.  However, since his thoughts were science-based he was denounced as a “Kaffir” (a derogatory term for a non-Muslim) by Muslims, but high ranking Muslims kept him around anyway because of his usefulness.

— al-Khwarizmi is often claimed to be the founder of Algebra, but he also came from the non-Islamic Persian tradition and he also studied Greek philosophy and Indian mathematics.  His work found its way to Europe where it became adopted.

— As the above examples explain, the supposed “Golden Age of Islamic Science” was merely a period in time when a handful of Islamic individuals were translating Greek works into Arabic and they were studying Indian mathematics, therefore the time period should actually be called “The Final Breath of the Classical Civilizations (after the Muslims destroyed it.)”  Calling it the “Golden Age of Islamic Science” is actually disrespectful to the previous societies that were destroyed by Islam.

— There is only a list of about five such Islamic “thinkers”, however other much smaller regions such as localized areas of Europe each gave rise to hundreds of equally or more significantly historically influential people.

— Those few Islamic people could have to helped transform the Islamic culture and been its “enlightenment thinkers,” but that was never allowed by Islam’s closed-minded mentality, therefore the only influence they had was completely outside of Islam.

— If you look at the condition of Islamic countries today, it is readily apparent that they have essentially no significant scientific traditions compared with other cultures in the world, due to the unyielding rigidity of the Islamic culture.


Watch this historically accurate walk through of the Parthenon in classical Greece, which predated Islam by well over a thousand years.  This along with Indian thought is the actual source of most of the ideas behind the supposed “Golden Age of Islamic Science.”

See other videos about the various time periods in ancient Greece at this page.

See the article A Summary of Islam Issues for other articles about Islam.

See Paul Nielson’s YouTube Channel at this link.

A Hungarian professor wrote a ridiculous op-ed claiming “Europe is now completely Americanized with disastrous consequences”

Image from Wikipedia.

I recently saw this ridiculous opinion piece on a pro-freedom right wing European website ReMix, however I can’t imagine how such an article would find an appreciative audience on that outlet.  It is written by a Hungarian professor Maria Schmidt who claims that the EU has “lost its self-representation and has become completely Americanized.”  I’ve found the ReMix website recently, and I have otherwise agreed with a number of articles that I’ve seen on it, such as this one, and this one.

In her opinion piece she claims that “America” is the cause of the problems in the Europe, due to Europe’s “unquestioning worship of the West.”  She cites the recent conflict in Ukraine, saying that Europe’s problems are due to it being subservient to the U.S.

She says, “Europe’s Western European opinion-makers, academic and media workers, and political elites are completely Americanized.  Their cultural preferences, themes and ambitions are indistinguishable from those of the American motherland.”

The agendas she is identifying as problems don’t really originate in the U.S. however, but rather they mostly originate in Europe.  The global elite are “global” and they don’t live in any one particular country.  It is true that America is often implemented as a weapon by such people, but that doesn’t make America the “cause” of the problems.

The Russia / Ukraine conflict is ultimately controlled on both sides by the same people, as all such conflicts are.  Putin is Illuminati controlled opposition, as essentially all world leaders are.  This doesn’t mean that fighting in that region isn’t actually happening though (although apparently at least some and perhaps many of the reported conflicts in that war are a hoax.)

George Soros who is behind funding harmful leftist groups such as Antifa and BLM is a Hungarian and he lived in that country until very recently.  So according to her type of reasoning, shouldn’t she be saying that “Hungarian-ism” is destroying America and the rest of the world and not the other way around?  (Actually most of the people in that country and other Eastern European countries are smart enough to be opposed to such agendas though, and they should be applauded for that.)

She then made a ridiculous statement attempting to claim that Germany’s problems are caused by the US: “It is frightening to see how vulnerable Germany, with its 80 million inhabitants, has become, how unable it is to resist the suicidal policies imposed by the ruling gerontocrats of the USA.”  Germany has been implementing fascist anti-free speech laws and catastrophic out of control immigration policies— but according to her the U.S. is the cause of its problems!


Following are videos that explain the most significant problems in Europe.  None of the problems have anything to do with “Americanism”:

This video explains the configuration of the EU, which all Europeans should be ashamed of.  It explains how most otherwise well-educated Europeans don’t even really know who is representing them, among other issues.

(Unfortunately the video doesn’t address the catastrophic immigration situation that is occurring on the continent, and in fact it attempts to create a false impression that people who are concerned about that problem are hostile extremists.)


This video by the Dutch activist Paul Nielson explains that Eastern Europe will soon become the new “Western Europe” due to the healthy nationalistic attitudes of the people in those countries, while leftist Western European countries are rapidly going down a toilet.


This video explains the global elite’s agenda of emasculating the people in Europe out of existence through trying to turn them into homosexuals.

Also see this article that explains the real meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”


Most Americans aren’t aware of the catastrophic problems that are occurring in Europe due to the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening there, which is enabled by a media blackout about the topic.   Following are some videos that explain the situation.   (Also see the article “A Summary of Islam Related Issues” that contains more information about the matter.)

This video “Muslim Demographics” has been popular since 2009 talking about the situation of the native populations of Europe being increasingly replaced by the incoming populations of mostly Muslim immigrants.

The video supplies a lot of statistics, and debunkers have found minor issues with a few of its facts, yet the premise of the video is sound nonetheless.  See its video page for an examination of issues that a BBC video claims to have found with it.


This segment from the Black Pigeon Speaks video “Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West” explains what happens to societies during their various stages of being replaced by Islamic populations.


This video is a compilation of video footage of the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening in Europe.


The video shows footage of the outrageous situation that was occurring outside the Calais Refugee Camp in France.

A repulsive Postmates food delivery service advertisement explains the best diet to eat to be on the receiving end of anal sex for “Pride month”

This “Postmates” food delivery service advertisement explains the best foods to eat to be on the receiving end of anal sex.  Such “woke” ad campaigns will increasingly become much more common as time progresses.  It is only a matter of time before the media will be constantly depicting men having sex with each other in ads, shows, and movies, which will likely start happening soon.

This article accuses Postmates of “swooping in” and stealing the concept of a “bottom friendly menu” from a “queer creator.”  Many of the articles written about the issue of the ad do so in a supportive and positive tone.


This FreedomTunes video shows how everything conservatives were warning about is coming true.

This video depicts the reality of how most conservatives are.

Robert Spencer talks about the supposed “blasphemy” Nupur Sharma’s statements

In this video, Robert Spencer explains that in the wake of the Nupur Sharma incident, Islam apologists have been deceitfully attempting to deny the fact that Islam’s Muhammad was married to a six year old girl and had consummated the marriage with her when she was nine.

He explains that such a reality is clearly explained in the Islamic writings that are most universally accepted by Muslims, whereas apologists are attempting to debunk the claim by referencing obscure writings that are almost never accepted as legitimate.

Spencer also explains that Muslims often emulate that behavior themselves, where it is common in countries such as Afghanistan for very young children to be married to grown men.  See this article with more information about that matter, and see this recent David Wood Video about the issue.

The Biden administration left behind $85 billion in weapons in Afghanistan, while opening the U.S. borders and attempting to disarm Americans

This Townhall article explains that a GAO analysis of U.S. Department of Defense data shows that Joe Biden left behind over $85 billion in arms and cash in Afghanistan upon his supposed “bungled” withdrawal.

Biden did that while also eliminating the borders of the U.S. as well as attempting to disarm the U.S. populace.

Following is a list of what was left behind:


208 planes

110 helicopters

60 transport/cargo planes

20 light attack planes

18 intelligence/surveillance planes


42,604 tactical vehicles

22,174 Humvees

8,998 medium tactical vehicles

1,005 recovery vehicles

928 mine-resistant vehicles

189 armored tanks


358,530 rifles

126,295 pistols

64,363 machine guns

25,327 grenade launchers

12,692 shotguns

9,877 RPGs

2,606 howitzers

… Also left behind were thousands of night vision goggles, surveillance drones, and communication devices.

The Missouri Democrat Cori Bush falsely claimed the Buffalo shooter was “indoctrinated by Tucker Carlson” despite his manifesto saying he is a leftist; the entire Buffalo shooting is proven to be a hoax anyway

The video contained in this article shows the almost certainly Masonic “Boule” member of congress Cori Bush giving a speech at the “March for Our Lives” protest in Washington, where attendees advocated for confiscating guns from law abiding citizens while also insisting that schools are left undefended by not allowing teachers to be trained to be armed and by insisting that more cops are not put into schools.

In her speech Bush claimed the Buffalo shooter was “indoctrinated by Tucker Carlson,” however the shooter actually described himself in his manifesto as a “leftist eco-fascist” who expressed distain for Fox News and he never mentioned Carlson.  Bush also claimed that “she was a victim of gun violence” saying her boyfriend tried to shoot her twenty years ago; however if you listen to her story it is readily apparent that if he didn’t have a gun he would have simply tried to harm her some other way that would have been just as lethal.

The “March for Our Lives” protest was held in response to the recent Buffalo, New York shooting and Uvalde, Texas shooting, both of which have been shown to be elaborate hoaxes (see the links), as other similar events have been as well such as the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting and the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing.