An inappropriate ad shows a Missouri US Senate candidate Eric Greitens hunting ‘RINOs’ in a military-style raid

The Missouri Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens made an ad showing him going “RINO hunting,” where he along with soldiers kicked down the door of a house and threw a flash-bang grenade inside it.  By “RINO” he means Republican politicians who are act like Democrats (“Republican In Name Only.”)  He also made reference to supporting Donald Trump by saying people should “join the MAGA crew.”

In the ad he said, “I’m Eric Greitens, Navy SEAL, and today we’re going RINO hunting.  The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice.  Join the MAGA crew.  Get a RINO hunting permit.  There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”

It’s great to be against RINOs, but his approach is inappropriate and counterproductive.  I think he is obviously controlled opposition such as Margery Taylor Greene is.  Advocating for using the military to hunt politicians that he disagrees with is a bad idea and it will cause big problems.  If he was for real he wouldn’t have resorted to such a tactic.

I do agree with the following ad by the Arizona politician Jim Lamon, however.  But many leftists tried to capitalize on it by falsely claiming that he “shot” Pelosi and Biden, such as this article, this article, and this article.