A new political ad is indicative of problems that will be caused by abortion restrictions that are too extreme

I saw this political ad that was created by an abortion advocacy group that shows a doctor explaining to a couple that their child has a “catastrophic brain abnormality” and it will be able to survive only a few hours after birth, after which they learn they won’t be able to abort the child because of the policies of the Texas governor Greg Abbot.

In the video the doctor says, “If she is to survive, she will live only a matter of hours after birth. During that time, she will experience a multitude of seizures and ultimately aspirate on her own bodily fluids. She will suffer.  A decision will need to be made on termination.  I wish I could tell you what to do, but there is only one person who can make this choice.”

… At which point the mother says, “How much time do I have?—”

And the doctor says, “… And that person is Greg.”

The husband then says, “Who the f**k is Greg?”

At which point the doctor opens a cabinet with a picture of the Texas governor Abbot and calls him on a red phone, after which the doctor hangs up the phone and says to them, “Yeah, that’s gonna be a no.  Best of luck to you.”

After looking into the issue, I have found that Texas makes exceptions and allows later term abortions in cases where it would save the mother’s life or prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.”  However I have not found information that claims it allows later term abortions in cases such as in the above video, therefore unfortunately the premise of the video is presumably accurate.

Texas has a six week time limit for abortions (a “heartbeat bill”), which I think is acceptable as opposed to total abortion bans which are not practical, however exceptions certainly need to be made for later term abortions due to medical necessity such as in the above video.

The video is indicative of campaigns that pro-abortion advocates will constantly be implementing everywhere, which will ensure that Republican politicians who advocate for too extreme of abortion restrictions will lose their elections— such as if they try to bring total abortion bans or not allow later term abortions for medical necessity

I found the video on a Yahoo reprint of a Huffington Post article that explains the video was created by an organization “Mothers Against Greg Abbot.”  While I agree with the organization’s stance on the need for later term abortions for medical necessity, I strongly disagree with its other stances that are among the most extreme of leftist views, such as opposing pornographic book bans in schools, supporting racist anti-white CRT agendas in schools, supporting mask and vaccines mandates, and advocating transgenderism to children.  All of such harmful agendas are being empowered due to Abbot not properly allowing later term abortions for medical necessity.

Tomi Lahren explains why total abortion bans are problematic

In this video Tommy Lahren explains her opinions about the current situation of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, where she says that most people’s opinions about the issue are located within a spectrum between the two extremes.

I agree with Lahren’s point of view, where I think total abortion bans are not practical and Republican candidates attempting to bring them will result in voters electing Democrats instead as a response.  Total abortion bans have little support from even Republican voters, mostly except for ones that are in activist groups who advocate for them.

Nonetheless it looks like many Republican candidates will be bringing platforms of such total bans no matter if their constituents actually want them or not, for example with the Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake (who has only a “slight lead” rather than a large one) and Harriet Hagman who is vying to be the Wyoming Republican senate candidate instead of the very unpopular RINO Liz Cheney.

The wave of Republican candidates winning that would have happened in the coming election will now be stifled by many of them advocating for total abortion bans, which I think is a situation that has been purposely engineered by the political Establishment for nefarious purposes.  See this article explaining that matter.

A conservative “Turning Point USA” conference in Tampa, Florida has been undermined by the political Establishment

A multi-day “Turning Point USA Student Action Summit” in Tampa, Florida that was attended by over five thousand conservatives from all over the country was a victim of multiple Establishment strategies to undermine it, where neo-Nazi groups marched and flew swastika flags outside the convention center, and also a speaker at the event Congressman Matt Gaetz gave a speech that has outraged many people and caused an uproar that has destroyed the credibility of the conference and the organization.


In the above video of Florida congressman Matt Goetz speaking at the conference, he went on a rant insulting the appearance of pro-choice women, where his statements were so extreme that it is obvious that they were calculated to destroy the credibility of the conference and the organization.

I didn’t hear anybody in the audience booing or heckling his statements, which would have saved the reputation of the conference and the attendees.  Instead the attendees seemed to be more like deer in the headlights, with some even applauding him.

I have not yet seen anyone associated with the organization condemning his statements or issuing an apology.  Most conservative media outlets haven’t even mentioned the issue of his speech, while mainstream and liberal outlets have constantly been drawing attention to it.

Also many if not most of the attendees advocate for total abortion bans, which I do not think are practical and it is not a popular view even among most Republicans.  I think many of the attendees often exist in a bit of an echo chamber, where they are surrounded by other people who also agree with the idea of such bans, however outside of such activist groups the support for that agenda drops off significantly.  Republican candidates who will attempt to run on a platform of such bans will likely lose their elections and many of such states may become represented by Democrats instead as a result.  See this article talking about such issues.

Turning Point USA is apparently a right-wing version of Establishment controlled leftist activist groups, with its purpose seeming to be to co-opt and distract well-meaning conservatives and then eventually lead them off of a cliff, as is indicated by what happened with the Gaetz speech.

The fact that Donald Trump spoke at the event is also indicative of the organization being run by the political Establishment.  (Also see his full speech.)  While he is preferable to Biden, remember that Trump brought the COVID lockdown and the vaccines at “warp speed,” and then he allowed Biden to steal the election which he could have stopped if he really wanted to.

In addition to the controversy of Goetz’s statements, the conference has also been in the news due to neo-Nazi groups congregating outside the convention center carrying swastika flags.

A screen shot from a Tampa Bay area news article that contains many pictures of the neo-Nazi groups outside the convention center.

Such neo-Nazi groups are almost always “controlled opposition” that are organized and sent by the political Establishment, with the members of the groups usually being Freemasons and members of law enforcement such as off-duty police.

A similar hate group the KKK has also been controlled by the political Establishment throughout its long history.  See this link, and this link for more information.

The BBC put the word “hero” in quotes when describing the man who stopped the mass shooter at an Indiana mall

Elisjsha Dicken from his Facebook page.

I saw this BBC article on the Yahoo website that explains the how a 22 year old man Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mass shooting at an Indiana mall using his concealed weapon, where the gunman had two rifles, a handgun, and over 100 bullets.  Dicken shot and killed the attacker two minutes into his assault.

However, the article put the word “hero” in quotes in the title and put the word “heroic” in quotes in the text of the article, along with putting any other positive words about him in quotes such as “proficient” and “sound.”

The article then attempted to claim that it is futile for people to carry concealed weapons in order to stop mass shootings, since “Only two out of 61 such attacks last year ended when armed bystanders engaged the active shooter.”  However there were certainly not 61 such attacks last year, and the most well-known of such attacks were phony and staged anyway such as the Uvalde, Texas school shooting and the Buffalo, New York Tops grocery store shooting.

Also see this Fox New article that explains how gun control advocates are mortified by the fact that Dicken has been labeled a “good Samaritan” for his actions.

Veganism isn’t the boogeyman that the political Establishment is attempting to make it seem to be

Paul McCartney narrates a documentary explaining many important reasons for not eating meat— showing the horrible suffering that poultry, pigs, cows and fish are routinely subjected to in order to create meat that is eaten by people.  Also see this article.

This video explains the horrible Islamic “Halal” slaughtering technique, where the throats of the animals are cut while the animal is still conscious and alive, causing them to suffer greatly.  Also see this article.

I keep seeing stories that warn about an agenda of the global elite to make people stop eating meat, such as by “making people eat ground-up bugs” for example.  It is true that some of the elite like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have said that they want to make people eat ground-up bugs, but there is no reason to eat ground up bugs (which aren’t vegan anyway) on a vegan diet because there are many other sources of protein such as beans, for example.

I think the political Establishment in fact has exactly an opposite agenda where they don’t want conservatives and others to become vegans, so they can exploit the issue as one to cause divisiveness as well as for other reasons.

If the political Establishment actually wanted people to become vegans, they would simply tout information on their media outlets informing people about such food along with the reasons to be vegan, which they never do.  Instead they are focusing their efforts on doing whatever is possible in order to make conservatives and others view such a diet with contempt.  Even most liberal media outlets won’t mention anything about it.

I’m not opposed to all meat eating, but I think the animal should be well-treated during its entire life and killed in a painless manner, which is almost never the case with the meat that most people consume.

I doubt the moon landing was faked

Over the past few decades I’ve seen various information that claims the Moon landing was faked, but I’ve never seen anything that has really convinced me of that.

There is an argument that the astronauts couldn’t have make it through the radioactive Van Allen Belt on the way to the Moon, but other than that not much has persuaded me.  All of the footage that I’ve seen from the surface of the Moon looks genuine, I think if they faked it they would have tried too hard and ended up making mistakes, which I haven’t really seen.  There is a lot of “fake” faked footage, however.

I do think at least some photographs may have been doctored simply to look better, such as by putting an image of the Earth into the sky.

In any event, I don’t really care if it was faked or not.  It was 50 years ago and nobody died because of it.  There are more important things to be concerned about.

I would be more suspicious about the upcoming Moon and Mars missions being faked.  Also I wonder if they are going to put some sort of a transvestite astronaut on those missions.

There was nothing inappropriate about Jill Biden’s “taco comment”

It is strange to see the uproar that has been occurring due to comments Jill Biden made complimenting the breakfast tacos that are eaten in the Texas region where she was giving a speech, where Hispanic organizations have been speaking out about what she said, and hundreds of memes have been made about it.

She said: “Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community — as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio — is your strength.”

Obviously there was nothing inappropriate about what she said, especially since she is (supposedly) an advocate for Latin Americans.

The statement is no different than mentioning maple syrup in Canada, bratwurst in Germany, pierogies in Poland, or sushi in Japan, for example.

Also that situation is not the same as if a politician made some sort of a “watermelon” comment to African Americans for example, due to the history of issues with that.

The world is going up in flames, and Joe Biden has made proven useless and deadly vaccines available for young children under five years old, yet hundreds of activists everywhere have for some reason decided to dedicate thousands of hours to making a fuss about the nothing issue of her statement, such as making memes about it.

I’m very opposed to illegal immigration, but I don’t have anything against Hispanic people.

I’m fan a genuine tacos (but not really the American-ized crunchy shell variety,) and recently I’ve been making them frequently (perhaps even too frequently) after buying a tortilla press.  Real tortillas need to be prepared from scratch and eaten immediately after being made, therefore they are not able to be purchased in stores; which is somewhat similar to how pre-made pancakes can’t be bought in stores, although tortillas are not the same as pancakes of course.

I like the cookbook “Vegan Tacos: Authentic and Inspired” that explains how to make veganized versions of genuine tacos, where is also explains the large variety of chilies, salsas and condiments that are used.

Here is a “real” taco as opposed to the Americanized crunchy-shell variety.  The picture is from the cookbook Vegan Tacos: Authentic and Inspired.

Criminals in stolen cars can simply not pull over to evade capture in Washington State due to new “woke” limitations imposed on police

Image from Wikipeida.

A Center Square article explains that people in nearly a thousand vehicles have evaded capture in Washington State so far by simply refusing to stop when the police attempt to pull them over, after a new law was passed last year restricting police from engaging in pursuit of vehicles.

House Bill 1054 which was passed last year outlaws police from engaging in pursuit unless there is “probable cause” to arrest a person in the vehicle for committing a specific violent crime or sex offense, such as murder, kidnapping, a drive-by shooting, or rape.

A Spokane County Undersheriff John Nowels said that criminals are taking advantage of the law and refusing to pull over for police, and the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) put out a statement saying that vehicle thefts have increased 93% since that law and other “police reform” laws went into effect at the end of July 2021.

WASPC Executive Director Steve Strachan said in the statement:

“The data shows what our law enforcement and communities are seeing out there every day – the word is out and criminals know what they can do under our current laws.  …  I have never seen criminals as emboldened as they are now.  Our mayors, law enforcement, and the community asked for help, and the Legislature made the specific decision to continue to allow for brazen contempt for the law.  No one wants more pursuits, which are inherently dangerous, but current law has created an atmosphere of flouting the law even on simple traffic stops.  This is one example of a change in atmosphere that is, and will continue to be, unacceptable and dangerous to public safety.  Fleeing in a vehicle should not be a get-out-of-jail-free card.”

Legislation that would have eased such restrictions on police pursuits failed to pass during this year’s legislative session.

Ridiculously, Democrat Senator Jesse Johnson who was a sponsor of the original Bill 1054 is still applauding the law despite its obvious consequences, saying in a March interview, “I just do not believe pursuits in a 21st century policing system are needed.”  [Note:  Don’t ever vote for a Democrat.  Both parties are controlled by the same people and Republicans are bad too, but they are the lesser evil.]

A University of Washington study says that 30 people died in pursuits in Washington between 2015 and 2021, with “nearly half of them bystanders or passengers in the fleeing vehicle.”  [Note:  Why didn’t it occur to the makers of the study to distinguish between the number of bystanders and passengers?]

An “Axios” poll says that abortion laws will affect where many people will choose to live

Image from Flikr.

This Breitbart article explains the results of a poll that says abortion laws will be a factor in determining where many people will choose to live.

Results of polls generally should not be trusted (especially Axios polls), but I think it is reasonable to assume that many people think the way that the poll says.  I think colleges in states that institute total abortion bans will see a decline in enrollment, for example.

Breitbart is a good source of information, but is interesting to see the comment section of the article where many of the people are celebrating the idea of “liberals moving out of their states” due to the implementation of extreme abortion laws.  (That is a phenomenon I have detailed in this article, explaining how such attitudes are being exploited by the global elite.)

However, most people won’t be responding to abortion bans that they don’t agree with by “moving away.”  States that implement total abortion bans will constantly be portrayed as “backwards” in the media, liberal activists will become extremely energized in those states, and many conservatives don’t support such bans as well.  All of such factors will empower Democrat politicians who will be run as supposedly “reasonable alternatives,” which will soon turn such states into Democrat ones, perhaps before many of such bans are even instituted.

Despite superficial appearances, there isn’t any real “conservative revival” actually happening, but rather it is a distraction that is calculated to be a steam valve, as well as to cause conflict for ultimately reinforcing the country continuing to veer to the left until it is finally destroyed as planned.  Conservative politicians who are touting extreme approaches such as total abortion bans are leading their constituents off of a cliff.

Conservatives should be paying attention to how the corrupt mainstream media and leftist media are portraying the abortion situation in order to gauge how most people in the country are interpreting and responding to what is happening.

In my opinion, the best course of action is to implement moderate abortion restrictions such as heartbeat bills along with later term exceptions for medical necessity, where that along with advocating for women to choose not to have any abortions would be the most effective and sustainable approach.

Unfortunately, many Republican candidates will be running on a platform of total abortion bans despite the fact that many of their constituents don’t actually agree with it, where such candidates will tout themselves as being “a righteous relief from the corruption of Democrats,” despite the fact that they are almost always a part of the same corrupt system themselves.

Also many vocal well-meaning pro-life activists may only support politicians who advocate for total bans because conceding to anything less is not technically “pro-life,” which is a situation that the political establishment will also be exploiting.

Not enough people being aware that all political parties and essentially all politicians are controlled by the same small group of global elite, as well as not enough people being aware of the harmful plans of those elite is the most significant cause of the problems in the United States and the rest of the world.

A Business Insider article claims that “abortion up until the moment of birth” and “abortion on demand” are “terrible lies” and “complete falsehoods”

This map shows the current availability of abortions in the United States.  Obviously many late term surgical abortions without any medical necessity are in fact happening in the states that allow it.  (But for some reason according to a gynecologist Debbie McNabb it is a “complete falsehood” that abortions up until the moment of birth are happening in the states with no gestation limit.)

I saw this dishonest article on the Yahoo website that originated on the “Business Insider” website that makes numerous false claims about the abortion issue, saying that “abortion on demand” and “abortion up until birth” are “terrible lies” and “complete falsehoods.”

The article interviews a retired gynecologist Debbie McNabb who said that medical emergencies may prompt a doctor to abort a fetus for the mother’s safety, but “it’s not the same as abortion that’s allowed up to the moment of birth.”  However her claim is not true at all, in some states abortion is allowed up until the moment of birth, where it is allowed whenever the mother simply wishes it to be done.

She then dismissed the idea that any woman would do that on a whim and even said it is a complete falsehood:

“Like, ‘oh, I’m going to file my fingernails and smoke a cigarette, and then I’ll go in when I’m in labor and have an abortion.’  That’s just crazy, but that’s what the Republicans are saying, ‘Abortion up to the moment of birth’ is a complete falsehood.”

The article then gives CDC statistics saying that about 80% of abortions happen before 9 weeks gestation, and about 93% happen at before 13 weeks gestation.

It is true that later surgical abortions and partial-birth abortions aren’t as common, but it is certainly a lie to say that it is a “complete falsehood” that women don’t have such abortions on a whim.  There are a lot of crazy people out in the world, especially in the states that allow late term abortions.

Most pro-choice activists want late term abortions to be allowed in cases that are just for the sake of convenience.  For example, in 2021 the Democrats attempted to pass legislation known as the “Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act,” which imposes on-demand abortion until birth, removes nearly all pro-life protections for the unborn, and abolishes laws preventing late-term abortions.

Personally I support the availability of morning-after pills if they are taken in the presence of a doctor, and the availability of later surgical abortions for legitimate medical reasons.

The end of the article warns about supposed consequences of voting for Republicans in the upcoming election, saying that Republicans intend to write legislation declaring fertilized eggs as persons and instituting a nation-wide abortion ban.  Unfortunately, perhaps many of such candidates will actually have such an agenda.  Since the same political Establishment controls all sides, obviously such an extreme agenda would be a calculated move on its part in order the stifle the potential of a massive exodus of Democrat voters over to the Republican side that would happen otherwise.  See this article talking about such issues.