An American woman was moved from her assigned seat on United Airlines because two Pakistani men claimed their “cultural beliefs” don’t allow them to sit next to a woman

A California woman is seeking an official apology from United Airlines for discrimination after she was re-seated by the airline due to two Pakistani Muslims refusing to share a row with her because she is a woman.

47 year old Mary Campos was called to the counter before boarding her flight, being told that her seat was reassigned because the two men who would have been sitting with her claimed they couldn’t sit next to a woman for religious reasons.

“I thought I lived in a culture where women were equal to men,” Mary Campos told CBS Los Angeles. “We can’t discriminate against half the population for a belief from another nation.”

She wrote a letter to the CEO of United, part of it saying: “Any belief that prevents individuals from interacting with females should not travel on commercial aircraft.”

Campos said her intention is not to sue United, but she wants the airline to apologize to the female flight crew and the female passengers, and to change their policies.  She said if the doesn’t get that, she’ll do whatever she has to do to protect women’s rights.

An Ethiopian nursing assistant in Oregon has been charged with the rape of 87 and 94 year olds, other victims have also come forward

Following is a summary of this Breitbart article

An 34 year old Ethiopian immigrant who was working as a certified Nursing Assistant in Portland, Oregon has been arrested and charged with the rape of 87 and 94 year old patients, and a half dozen other alleged victims have come forward after his arrest making him likely face many more charges.

Most shocking is the fact that the lawsuit filed on behalf of the 87 year old victim claims that many of the attacks could have been prevented if the hospital acted after the 94 year old told them she had been raped back in June.

The lawsuit alleges:

“       [St. Vincent Medical Center] knew and had reason to know that Adeladilew Mekonen had abused and was likely to again sexually abuse ill and elderly female patients, including plaintiff, if he were allowed to be alone with them in their rooms, and yet defendant Providence directed and allowed Mekonen to continue to attend such female patients, including plaintiff, under such circumstances.”

The 87 year old’s attorney told a Portland TV station: “When you get an accusation as serious as this, you’re really supposed to do something about it.  You’re not supposed to look for the first door out and try to look for a way to say it never happened.”

The hospital issued a statement saying that they are working closely with law enforcement, and that they have a team of people working to review and investigate any patient concerns in all of their hospitals.

A neighbor of the suspect expressed surprise when he was interviewed by a local news station KATU, saying: “I thought he was a very nice guy, family oriented.”

Mekonen had been working at the hospital since May, a month before the first rape was reported.  He immigrated to the United States from Ethiopia in 2011.

An Iranian migrant in Australia stabbed his wife to death because she converted to Christianity


Following is a summary of this DailyMail article

A 35 year old hairdresser was stabbed to death by her husband inside their apartment in Sydney, Australia because she converted to Christianity, according the the Sydney Herald.  Both are Iranian and have been living in Australia for four years on “bridging visas.”

Amir Darbanou, 42, was charged with the murder of his wife Nasrin Abek after police broke into the apartment at the request of her father who was concerned about her welfare.  Amir had called her father in Iran and told him that he killed his daughter, leading to her father frantically attempting to get the police to investigate the apartment.

One neighbor heard screams come from the apartment in the afternoon, but only silence after.

A national poll shows that half of all Australians want to ban Muslim immigration

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Sydney Morning Herald article

An Essential Research poll released on Wednesday found that 49 percent of Australians support a ban on Muslim Immigration, including 60 percent of Coalition voters, 40 percent of Labor Voters, and 34 percent of Green voters.

The most common reasons for wanting a ban were terrorism fears and the belief that Muslims do not share Australian values and do not want to integrate into society.  The poll was conducted in early August and then repeated to ensure that it was not a result on inconsistencies.

“It’s too a big a number to say it’s an unrepresentative rump that should be shunned from polite society,” pollster Peter Lewis told the media.

The American Family Association has detailed ten crimes involving Target’s transgender dressing room policy

Target Storefront
Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this American Family Association article:  

The American Family Association (AFA) has compiled a list of ten cases which showcase why Target’s bathroom policy of allowing men who identify as females to enter women’s bathrooms and dressing rooms is dangerous to woman and children.

Target defends its transgender policies by saying, “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. … Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”

AFA President Tim Wildmon said, “The overwhelming evidence continues to pile up against Target’s policy to allow men into women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in its stores.  Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims.  And the proof keeps mounting.  Clearly, Target’s dangerous policy poses a threat to wives and daughters.  Over 1.4 million people have pledged to boycott Target stores until protecting women and children is a priority.”

The AFA listed 10 cases this past year of women and girls being preyed upon due to Target’s policies:

— Man wanted for taking photos inside Target changing room

— Transgender woman caught filming in Target changing room

— Man seen reaching under stall with phone in Target dressing room

— ‘Peeping Tom’ reported in Target dressing room

— Teen girl reports dressing room peeper at Target

— Police Looking for Target Peeper

— Target peeping Tom pleads guilty

— Man Arrested for Taking Photos of Woman in Target Bathroom

— Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms

— ‘Peeping Tom’ took pics of people in Target bathroom

“Europe’s Last Stand: America’s Final Warning”— Documentary Trailer

From the video page

Written and directed by Martin Mawyer, founder of the Christian Action Network, Europe’s Last Stand is an insightful and eye opening view into the five-step methodical plan of radical Islam to overtake Europe … and the world.

Part One of this two-part series focuses on the first three pillars of the Islamic Conquest—Infiltration, Imams and Isolation—breaking down each point to fully explain how it is currently playing out in modern-day Europe, and inching closer to Islam’s goal of turning the continent into what some are calling Eurabia.

Part Two details out the final two pillars—Islamization and Implosion. Filled with first-hand accounts from those who are on the front lines in opposition to the Islamic Conquest, Europe’s Last Stand is an insightful look into the uprising that is currently taking place in Europe and should stand as a warning to America to be on its toes.

[Purchase from Amazon… Part 1Part 2]

“See No Sharia: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Lines of Defense” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 9)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘See No Sharia: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Lines of Defense.”  It is Volume 9 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph explains that under both Republican and Democratic administrations, Islamists through the Muslim Brotherhood have gained access to policymakers in the White House, the FBI, and Departments of State, Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security.  It describes the trajectory flowing from such penetration and subversion manifesting in purging training programs, limitations on surveillance, case-making and rules of engagement, and eschewing anything that gives “offense” to Muslims.  The book also gives specific recommendations on how to restore the FBI and other law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, the military and the intelligence community.]


Video: “See no Sharia:  How our first lines of defense have been disarmed”

April 13, 2016

(Washington, D.C.):  For much of the past fifteen years, the United States government has failed to understand, let alone decisively defeat, the enemy that, under the banner of its al Qaeda franchise, murderously attacked our country on September 11, 2001.  The reason why that has been so – notwithstanding the bravery and skill of our men and women in uniform and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars – has been unclear to most Americans, including some in government.  Until now.

With the publication by the Center for Security Policy of a new book by two of its leaders, President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. and Vice President Clare Lopez, “See No Sharia: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Lines of Defense”, the case has been forcefully made that this sorry state of affairs is a product of a sustained and highly successful influence operation by Islamic supremacists.  Under both Republican and Democratic administrations, Islamists in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular have gained access to and considerable sway over policymakers in the White House, the FBI and the Departments of State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security.

See No Sharia describes the trajectory that has flowed from such penetration and subversion.  It traces how fact-based counterterrorism and law enforcement have inexorably been supplanted by an approach defined by accommodations demanded by Islamists – purged lexicons and training programs, limitations on surveillance, case-making and rules of engagement and above all, eschewing anything that gives “offense” to Muslims.

In addition to showing the perils associated with such policies and practices as America faces the growing threat of global jihad and its animating doctrine of sharia, this book provides specific recommendations as to how to restore our first lines of defense – the FBI and other law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, the military and the intelligence community – whose effective service is needed today more than ever.

Frank Gaffney noted,

“       Americans expect government officials to fulfill their oaths of office by protecting the Constitution, the Republic it established and its people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The vast majority of our public servants yearn to do their duty.  Yet, as See No Sharia makes plain, for at least a decade and a half, they have been obliged to conform to policies that greatly diminish their chances for success.  We simply cannot afford to disarm those in our first lines of defense against Islamic supremacism and its jihad – both the violent kind and the stealthy sort the Muslim Brotherhood calls ‘civilization jihad.’”

Clare Lopez added,

“       As a career intelligence professional, the extent to which our policymaking apparatus has been penetrated and subverted by Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist operatives is deeply problematic.  This book is meant to expose their handiwork – and to impel the urgently needed and long-overdue policy course-correction.”

The Center for Security Policy is proud to present this monograph as the latest in its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:

“Gulen and the Gulenist Movement: Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 8)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘Gulen and the Gulenist Movement:  Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad.”  It is Volume 8 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

The Muslim Brotherhood has been waging a stealthy effort of “civilization jihad,” and one of the prime practitioners in the U.S. is the Gulen Movement, which is a cult / business empire led by a Turkish expatriate in Pennsylvania.  This monograph talks about the cult’s success in advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda through various means including operating a large chain of publicly funded “charter” public schools throughout the U.S., and illegally funding more than 200 trips to Turkey for members of Congress since 2008.]


Video: “Islamic supremacism does business in u.s. via a Turkish cult:  Gulen movement is an engine for ‘Civilization jihad’”

December 18, 2015

It has become increasingly apparent that the United States is not only confronting a violent effort by Islamic supremacists to impose the program they call shariah on the rest of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, alike.  Dangerous as jihadist terrorism is, America – and the rest of the Free World, for that matter – also face what amounts to a pre-violent assault.

The Muslim Brotherhood calls this stealthy, seditious effort to “destroy us from within” a “civilization jihad.”  One of its prime practitioners in this country is the Gulen Movement, a cult/business empire led by a reclusive Turkish expatriate, Fethullah Gulen, who operates from within an armed camp in the Poconos.

This movement and its penetration of our country is the subject of an important new monograph published as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series: The Gulen Movement: Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contribution to Civilization Jihad in America.  It is co-authored by two members of the Center’s senior leadership team: Vice President for Outreach Christopher Holton and Clare Lopez, Vice President for Research and Analysis.

As The Gulen Movement monograph makes clear, one of the most troubling aspects of this cult is its success in advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda – albeit under the guise of Turkish nationalism – via one of the fastest-growing networks of publicly funded charter schools in the United States.

Fethullah Gulen is wanted on multiple international arrest warrants issued by the regime of his one-time ally, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Here in the United States, government investigators are also looking into numerous allegations against the Gulen Movement involving: indoctrination, influence operations, salary-kickback schemes, visa system abuse and more.

In fact, the allegations against the Gulen Movement extend all the way to the U.S. Congress.  In late October 2015, a USA Today investigation revealed that the Gulen Movement had illegally funded more than 200 trips to Turkey for Members of Congress since 2008.  It did so using false disclosure statements that concealed their Gulen sponsorship from both the legislators and the House Ethics Committee, which had been misled into approving member- and/or staff participation in the trips.

Thus, in spite of the Gulen Movement’s carefully projected image of harmony, interfaith dialogue, and tolerance, a far more troubling picture is beginning to emerge that the Center believes warrants a closer look.  In praise of this new Center publication, Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said:

“       In short, the Gulen Movement in Turkey, the United States, and worldwide promotes a far-more problematic program than its adherents would have us believe.  It is not a benign cultural and educational institution, or even a billion-plus dollar commercial empire.  Rather, it is a prime practitioner of civilization jihad, enabling the spread of the Islamic supremacism’s shariah doctrine under the banner of a Turkey that aspires to renew its role as the Caliphate of the Ottoman empire’s glory days.”

“       U.S school districts, parents and students, federal, state and local governments, media organizations and academic institutions have clearly been successfully targeted by the Gulenists’ influence operations.  It is essential that we expose the true nature and civilization jihadist ambitions of Gulen’s taxpayer-subsidized educational empire and the favors its parent movement has deployed – notably, via all-expenses-paid trips to Turkey.  This monograph makes an important contribution to that end.”

The Center for Security Policy is proud to present this monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at:

“Offensive and Defensive Lawfare: Fighting Civilization Jihad in America’s Courts” (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Volume 7)

[NOTE:  Following is a press release detailing a monograph released from the Center For Security Policy entitled “‘Offensive and Defensive Lawfare: Fighting Civilization Jihad in America’s Courts.”  It is Volume 7 in an nine part Civilization Jihad Series.  

This monograph talks about Islamic Jurisprudence in the U.S. to compel submission to Shariah law, and it details recommendations for a strategy to defend the U.S. Constitution from any further encroachment by such Islamic laws.]


Video: “New monograph illuminates the civilization jihadists’  ‘Lawfare’ against America – and how it can be fought”

October 27, 2015

Contact:  Adam Savit | |  202-719-2413

In “Offensive and Defensive Lawfare:  Fighting Civilization Jihad in America’s Courts”, David Yerushalmi, Esq., Director of the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) and General Counsel for the Center for Security Policy, and AFLC co-founder Robert J. Muise, Esq. describe the use by our Islamic supremacist enemies of U.S. jurisprudence to compel submission to the doctrine they call shariah.  As with so many other facets of the Muslim Brotherhood’s stealthy, pre-violent jihad against this country, most of us are unaware that such lawfare is taking place, let alone with such deleterious effects.

Even more importantly, Messrs. Yerushalmi and Muise lay out their recommendations for an offensive strategy to defend the U.S. Constitution and the rights it guarantees our countrymen and women from any further encroachment by Islamic law.  In stark contrast to the longstanding use of such techniques to intimidate or suppress freedom-loving peoples, offensive lawfare against the Brotherhood and its ilk is a relatively nascent area of the law, in which the authors are true pioneers and formidable innovators.

Center for Security Policy President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. said on the occasion of the publication of the latest monograph in the Center’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series:

“       In Offensive and Defensive Lawfare, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise, have added to the great service they perform for the nation every day through their public interest law firm’s pro bono representation of exponents of religious and other freedoms. We hope that this treatment of their battlespace – with its clear depiction of the Islamic supremacists’ lawfare and insights into how this front of the civilization jihad can best be countered – will inspire many other accomplished litigators to join the authors in this fight.”

The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present this monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.


This monograph can be downloaded from its website as a PDF for free, or purchased as a printed volume or Kindle from Amazon.

The rest of the monographs in the series can be viewed at: