A Bangladeshi Muslim in Maryland has been charged with planning to kill a US military member to support ISIS

Following is a summary of this FOX 5 D.C. article

A Maryland man has been charged with plotting to kill a U.S. service member on behalf of ISIS in a sting operation.

Nelash Mohamed Das, 24, a Bangladesh citizen who came to the U.S. when he was four years old, has been arrested after months of contact with undercover agents posting as ISIS members when he attempted to kill a U.S. service member in an attack that was set up with false information provided by the FBI.

On September 11, Das met with his FBI source and said he was 100% committed to conducting an attack, saying “That’s like my goal in life.”  The following day he said he would like to be paid by ISIS for doing the killings but he is willing to do it for free also.  He also said that he wants to specifically target U.S. military personnel.

On September 28, Das’s confidential informant provided him with information about a target who was believed to be a member of the U.S. military.  Das believed his information came from ISIS and he would be paid $80,000 for the attack, and he was arrested as he was driving to the location of the target by waiting FBI agents.

Das faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, prosecutors say.