This Daily Caller video shows segments of statements from Joe Biden’s recent “Town Hall” where he talks about his stances on issues such as court packing, Trump’s positive foreign policy record, a child’s right to choose their gender, the appointment of Amy Comey Barrett, and his statement to black voters that “you ain’t black” if you don’t vote for him.
“White privilege” is a myth, but black people are often disadvantaged
I remember seeing an article about a public school that sent a message home about “white privilege,” and I made a joke, “You know you are sending your kids to a crappy school if they send a message like that home to parents.” I said it as a joke, but I do feel that way though. I think that is totally inappropriate and even a racist message for a school to send out to parents.
This isn’t to say that black people aren’t often disadvantaged though. But there is an important distinction between black people being “disadvantaged” and white people supposedly being “privileged.”
I saw an Establishment-created article a while ago that listed various examples of “white privilege,” and I thought some were legitimate examples of black people being disadvantaged, but many were not. For example it said, “Black people feel that they need to have a bag for their purchases when they leave the convenience store,” however that is not being “disadvantaged” but rather it is simply their own neurosis.
People who espouse the concept of “white privilege” are often corrupt cultural Marxists who are being “told” what to say by the political Establishment. The reason for that is because they want black people to think that the damaged state of their neighborhoods is the “normal baseline standard” rather than “abnormal”— that way they create animosity towards white people and distract black people from identifying their Democrat leadership as covertly being what is actually the cause of almost all of their problems. The corrupt “Black Lives Matter” movement is a perfect example of such an anti-black agenda, where it knowingly tricks people into thinking that the police have a “homicidal bias” when in fact they do not. See this link, this link, and this link about that.
Two Syrians have been arrested for pushing a German man into the path of an oncoming train

Image from Wikipedia.
Following is a summary of this Breitbart article:
Two Syrian asylum seekers were arrested in the city of Waghäusel, Germany after pushing a 54-year-old German in front of an oncoming train, seriously injuring him.
The incident took place last week on Tuesday evening, but the suspects were not arrested until two days later at their asylum accommodations after being identified by police. The attackers are brothers who are 25 and 22 years old.
The elder brother randomly assaulted the German man for no reason and pushed him onto the tracks, and he would not let him escape as an oncoming train approached, which hit the man and caused serious injuries. The victim suffered a deep wound, a thigh fracture, and several other broken bones from being hit by the train. The attack is being treated as attempted murder by the public prosecutor.
The attack happened a year after an African migrant in Frankfurt randomly pushed a woman and her eight-year-old child off of a railway platform into the path of a train, killing the child.
Also in 2019, a Bosnian migrant in Germany killed a 34-year-old woman by pushing her in front of a train, and in 2018 an asylum seeker in Germany tried to kill a five-year-old by grabbing him and jumping in the path of a train.
The chief of the NAACP’s mosque in Philadelphia will not be fired for his extreme anti-Semitic Facebook post and comments

Rodney Muhammad, the chief of the NAACP’s mosque, will not be fired for posting this meme on his Facebook page.
Following is based on information from this July 24 PBS article:
The head of the Philadelphia NAACP Rodney Muhammad recently posted an anti-Semitic meme on his Facebook page which made reference to black celebrities who have recently been criticized for making anti-Semitic statements in the media. The meme suggested that the blowback and apologies for the statements they made were a part of a grand scheme orchestrated by “Jews.” Muhammed is also an Islamic minister at the Mosque No. 12 in Philadelphia.
Muhammad removed the post after being contacted by a reporter, initially saying that he didn’t remember sharing it, and he later acknowledged posting the meme but said that he didn’t realize that it was offensive to Jewish people, and finally he expressed his true attitudes which were his motivation for posting it.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Director Laura Frank condemned Muhammad’s post and called for the NAACP to remove him from his leadership position, saying, “This vile behavior from a civic leader is incredibly dangerous for Jewish communities across the world.”
A rabbi Linda Holtzman of a leftist Jewish organization Tikkun Olam Chavurah in Philadelphia said the image makes her nauseated since it is clearly an anti-Semitic trope, and she said it shows the need for “more dialogue” between the Black and Jewish communities whether it was knowingly anti-Semitic or not.
However, shockingly she also said “the Black community is justly angered at the Jewish community” because Jewish people aren’t enough of activists for blacks.
She said, “In the Jewish world, we will often rest on our laurels and say ‘Oh, we marched with MLK and we were there in the civil rights movement in the 1960s, therefore we’re somehow exempt from needing to do anything more and it shows we’re not racist. .. I understand somebody being angry at a group of people who says, ‘Oh no, I’m completely with you,’ and then don’t act that way, or are not clear in their support unequivocally. I think the Black community is justly angry at the Jewish community.”
She then suggested that if Muhammad was not genuinely aware of the image’s connotations, then it would be an opportunity to educate him as to why Jews find it offensive.
Muhammad then did explain that he understood the meme’s context though, where he said black celebrities are being shut down for what what he calls “expressing free-thinking curiosity,” and he claimed that he did not ascribe blame to the “Jewish community,” but rather to “members of it in agencies with other agendas” who he said use anti-Semitism as a label to condemn people.
He said, “They use is as a trick, if you’re in Europe and you criticize any of them like that, or if you’re in America, it’s anti-Semitism.”
A July 30, 2020 article gave an update about the matter, explaining that he will not be fired from his position with the NAACP. Following is a summary of selected information from the article:
The Philadelphia president of the NAACP Rodney Muhammad will not be fired for posting an anti-Semitic meme on Facebook, but rather the NAACP has announced it has decided for him to “meet with community leaders and faith leaders to open a dialogue,” and to “[launch] national conversations to further understanding.”
However, Muhammad’s Facebook page for the Mosque where he is minister is still filled with anti-Semitic posts, such as the following: “Those of you who say that you are Jews, I will not give you the honor of calling you a Jew; you are not a Jew! You’re So-Called [a Jew], you are Satan and it is my job now to pull the cover off of Satan so that every Muslim, when he sees Satan, [will/should] pick up a stone.”
The pastor Larry Gaiters explains Freemasonry’s covert control over black Americans throughout the history of the United States
[Note: August 10, 2020— I have updated this article with additional information.]
Recently Kanye West had made controversial statements about Harriet Tubman at a Charleston, South Carolina campaign rally, and the pastor Larry Gaiters then gave a broadcast on the Alex Jones Show detailing the involvement of Freemasonry in the history of black America, including explaining Harriet Tubman’s involvement with the secret society. This article first details West’s statements, and then it gives a written summary of Gaiters’ statements.
About Kanye West’s campaign rally at Charleston, South Carolina
Recently at a Charleston, South Carolina campaign rally, Kanye West said, “Harriet Tubman never actually freed the slaves, she just had the slaves go work for other white people,” and he then listed various corporations such as the NBA and Universal Music and he pointed out that they are not “owned by any blacks.” He also said, “Any celebrity that you see talking is not the real power, because the real power that I’m putting my life on the line today to speak about, you don’t see them. You don’t know who is putting the internet in your schools just to track you, you don’t know who is targeting you. … I am not on the board at Adidas … and that has to change— today! Or I walk away! … We are all God’s people, there is no ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘red’, ‘blue’. …” He then said that he can act as a “Ambassador” for black people to talk to people like George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.
[Note: I’m not particularly impressed with Kanye West. I think he does speak some truth, but a lot of what he says is muddled and divisive. For example he has become very wealthy in part due to selling shoes through Adidas for hundreds of dollars per pair, yet he suggests that Adidas is “racist” since he isn’t “on the board of the company.” In his speech he was stoking an “entitlement” mentality that the political Establishment has been trying to instill in black people in order to create racial animosity. It is not illegal for black people to own companies, yet he is behaving as if it is, and more black people being on the boards of big companies really wouldn’t make any difference anyway, especially since such people are almost always controlled by the political Establishment. West is falsely claiming that the shareholders of companies are the “real power,” however the reality is that Freemasonry is that instead. Also I think his saying “there is no left and no right” keeps people confused about what those terms actually mean.]
The pastor Larry Gaiters’ broadcast on the Alex Jones Show
[Updated August 3, 2020— In this video, pastor Larry Gaiters of “Global Spiritual Revolution” explains how Freemasonry has always had an agenda of turning black people into “psychological slaves” in the United States after it freed them from physical slavery.
Gaiters explains that Kanye West’s statements about Harriet Tubman are actually true in that she was operating at the instructions of the Freemasons. Freemasonry has covertly been at the core of just about every aspect of history during the past few centuries.
I’ve been examining Gaiters’ claims online, and finding verification for most of them is straightforward, however some can be a bit tricky because they involve Freemasonry which is powerful enough to be able to suppress information about itself in historical accounts due to its control over universities and many historians who work in them. That is not to say that a lot of accurate information doesn’t exist about Freemasonry though. I have done additional research and found verification for most of his claims, but not for all of them. I made notes in the following summary text about those issues.]
Following is a summary of the broadcast:
— When talking about Kanye West’s recent statements that he made in North Charleston, South Carolina, where he said “Harriet Tubman never actually freed the slaves,” Gaiters said:
Kanye West told the truth … I know that a lot of you think Kanye West has lost his mind. Kanye West and people like him like Dave Chapelle have not lost their minds. It was not by accident that Kanye West said what he said a few days ago. … In North Charleston, South Carolina … Harriet Tubman who was proclaimed the “Moses” of that generation .. was recruited by the Rothschilds though the Northern military industrial complex to deliver black people out of slavery— not because the North loved black people, but through Rothschild money, through Albert Pike, through Levi Coffin, through John Brown, the Rothschilds needed a woman or a man that could lead slaves out from the South.
Tubman was instructed to free the slaves (anywhere from 70 to 300), and most of these slaves were engineers … [and] land surveyors, they were craftsmen, they were brick masons and brick layers. .. [Tubman] freed the slaves not for the reasons that you and I have been taught for the past 100 to 200 years. [She] was a tool of the Rothschild dynasty through the Northern industrial complex [because] they needed black engineers and surveyors to prepare for the oncoming onslaught of the Civil War ..”
[Note: People may wonder why the political Establishment would have gone through the trouble of doing that only to gain “300 craftsmen” since there was no shortage of craftsmen back then. Gaiters didn’t mention it specifically, but I assume that they were also being brought to form a foundation of membership in the black secret societies that he details in his talk. Presumably the political Establishment assumed that ex-slaves who were competent enough to be successful craftsmen could also be competent enough to be Freemasons.]
— Gaiters says Kanye West and Dave Chappelle are patriots for “leaving the plantation of the Democratic party,” and he says West is being “thrown under the bus” because he is a threat to the “demonic order of the left.”
[Note: I don’t particularly agree with Gaiters’ statement though. I don’t think referring to the Democrat party as being a “plantation” is a very accurate analogy, but rather I prefer the one of it being a “reservation.” Also I don’t think West and Chappelle are actually even really “leaving” it anyway, but rather they seem to mostly just be creating an impression that they are doing so. I think if they were to actually communicate effectively about the most significant issues with the political Establishment, it would put them at risk of being assassinated (or even worse) since they almost certainly may have been involved with the Illuminati in the past and they might even still be associated with it. For example, Chappelle was recently given $60 million for three Netflix specials, with the first one being fawned over by much of the conservative media despite his not saying much in it that was particularly significant, and his “8:46” special reinforced the false Establishment claim that the police have a “homicidal bias” and he encouraged rioting.]
— Gaiters mentions a book called “Masonic Abolitionists: Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad in Illinois,” by Daryl Lamar Andrews.
[Update: August 3, 2020— The book “Masonic Abolitionists” contains a lot of information about the involvement of Freemasonry in the Underground Railroad in Illinois, however it is written by a Freemason who portraits Freemasonry as an ultimate source of good. The book mentions the Eastern Star secret society, but it does not mention Harriet Tubman.
The book is useful in some respects, however it only portraits Freemasonry as being a “solution” to the problems of black people and it doesn’t mention anything about it actually being the cause of many if not most of their current problems.]
— Gaiters shows a photo of Harriet Tubman where she is making a Masonic hand sign. Tubman was a “Prince Hall Mason,” with the order being established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
[Note: August 3, 2020— Information about Harriet Tubman being a Freemason is not widespread, but it exists. For example this article explains that she was an Eastern Star Freemason, and what appears to be a Freemason Facebook post also says that she was Freemason. In any event is very convincing that Tubman was a Mason due to Freemasonry’s involvement with the Underground railroad and the famous photo of her making the Masonic sign with her hands.]
— Gaiters explains that “Prince Hall Masonry” goes back to a man called Prince Hall who was born in the nation of Barbados during the 1700’s. He was the son of a British slave owner Thomas Prince Hall who was an agent for the Rothschild British dynasty. The mother of Prince Hall was an African American woman who was a slave. Prince Hall created the Prince Hall Masonic system (a black equivalent of the Masonic “Skull and Bones” secret society) which would be the precursor to the Boule secret society that is also referred to as “Sigma Pi Phi.”
[Note: August 3, 2020— I found a video called “Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad” which is a lecture given by a Freemason Moises Gomez who was the Master of his Masonic Lodge. In the video he explains that Prince Hall was a Masonic Abolitionist, and he also said that the abolitionists Richard Allan and Absalom Jones were Prince Hall Freemasons. He also mentioned William Lambert and George DeBaptistie from New Jersey.]
— In what would be very shocking to most people, Tubman’s activities were actually enabled by a man named Albert Pike who was one of the leaders of the Ku Klux Klan, which is an organization that was not actually created by “white people,” but rather by a Rothschild agent Judah Philip Benjamin who had hired both Nathan Bedford Forrest and Albert Pike to lead the organization.
[Note: Updated August 3, 2020— I wasn’t able to find information about the involvement of those people with the Underground Railroad, however they were all certainly Freemasons so that in itself is a significant connection. It would be interesting to see information that shows that they were specifically involved with it. It wouldn’t surprise me, in any event.
The Wikipedia page for Judah Philip Benjamin does not mention his affiliations with Forrest, Pike, or the Klan, but it does mention the fact that he was staunchly pro-slavery and the fact that he was highly praised by Rothschild, who called him “the greatest mind in America.” Information exists elsewhere on the internet about him having the associations with those people, such as in the deathbed confession of Samuel Todd Churchill.
A 2019 article entitled “A history of White Supremacism, Pt 1: Freemasonry and the Confederacy,” by Lucien Cerise explains Freemasonry’s involvement in the KKK and its connection to Judah Philip Benjamin.
Note that even the Wikipedia page for Albert Pike says that he was a prominent Freemason, which itself is a surprising admission for mainstream history. The fact that Pike was a Freemason is very convincing additional circumstantial evidence of his associations with the people that Gaiters mentioned. Freemasonry has covertly been at the center of essentially EVERY major political movement during the past few centuries.
The Ku Klux Klan has always been known as a radically antisemitic organization, and it has historically identified the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” document as being “proof that ‘the Jews’ run the world,” but the “Protocols” are actually a Masonic document. However, if you read modern reprints of it you will see that it is loaded with phrases such as “my Jew brothers,” which would lead anyone to believe that it is either a “Jewish plot” or a hoax indented to make Jewish people look bad; but another option exists of the document initially being legitimate but with the numerous “Jew” words being infused into it later for various nefarious reasons, with one of reasons possibly being to distract from the fact that it is actually a Masonic document. See this link, and this link for more information about that matter.]
— There is a “psy-op” of a paradigm of “three levels of redesigning slavery,” which are “abolition,” “manumission,” and the “emancipation.” Abolitionists like John Brown and Levi Coffin were not actually really friends of black people. Those two, along with Albert Pike and a man named Rob Morris were the creator of the “Eastern Star” secret society. Harriet Tubman was not only a member of the Eastern Star, but she was also a Prince Hall Mason that was specifically chosen for the black diaspora from the South to the North; however it wasn’t really to “liberate” black people but rather it was to recruit engineers and land surveyors to help the northern military and financial industrial complex.
[Note: August 3, 2020— I was able to find some claims on the internet about Pike’s potential involvement with the Eastern Star secret society.]
— Gaiters explains that “manumission” means “slavery that’s been redesigned .. in order [for people to be] emancipated.” He explains that black people are now legally free from slavery in the U.S., but many are not psychologically or spiritually free from it due to them being “redesigned.”
— There are 16 black men who founded the Prince Hall Masonic order in 1775, and there are 16 stages of demonic possession in the “Odu Ifa” religion which is the foundation of the sixteen chapters of “Black Lives Matter.”
— Harriet Tubman became a spy for the North during the advent of the Civil war, and she had a code name of “Sarcophagus,” which means “casket” or “coffin,” which is how the northern power structure viewed her.
— Frederick Douglass created the African Memphis Episcopal Church along with Richard Allen and Absalom Jones, and all three of those men were Prince Hall Masons. The initials “AME” not only stands for “African Memphis Episcopal,” but also for “Abolition,” “Manumission,” and “Emancipation.”
— Gaiters says the agenda of the Masonic groups was to change black people from being “legal slaves” to “psychological slaves.” The wording of them being called “freed slaves” was not an accident.
— Tubman made thirteen trips through safe houses that were owned by Price Hall Masons, and she would leave a Masonic mark on the walls of the houses that she passed through.
— Another book entitled, “The Freemasons: A History of the World’s Most Powerful Secret Society,” by Jasper Ridley, says Tubman was paid by the “Northern powers” during the advent of the civil war from 1861 to its end in 1865.
[Update: August 3, 2020— The Book “Freemasons: A History Of The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society,” it not what what I was expecting. It is “pro-Freemasonry” and it is essentially endorsed by the Freemasons. For example, in the Acknowledgements in the second sentence, it says “Her Majesty the Queen graciously permitted me to quote from a letter of Queen Victoria in the Royal Archives of Windsor.”
Apparently the book has been written by the Masons in order for them to take control of their own narrative, and issues with that immediately become apparent. For example, the first paragraph of the Introduction actually says:
“In Britain in 1999, the Freemasons are once more under attack. The accusations leveled against them is that they are a secret society of men who take the most solemn oaths, enforceable by horrible penalties, to further their own interests … [People think it is] improper that Freemasonry should be in positions of authority, particularly in the police force or the Judiciary. Police officers will help masonic criminals to escape. When judges are sitting in court, the [defendant] or the [witnesses] will make a secret sign to the judge that will give judgement in [the defendant’s] favor.”
.. Note that such concerns are legitimate though. For example potential problems arising from the police being Masons are self-apparent, and also I heard that Masons can show the judge a “Mason in distress” hand sign to be let off (but apparently there are serious repercussions for anyone who “abuses” that.) [Note: August 10, 2020— I added the quotes around “abuses.” I’m sure people who are familiar with the other information on my websites understands that it was a miscommunication not to have the quotes, but perhaps some newcomers might have thought, “This guy actually thinks it is sometimes ok for such a thing to happen!”]
However, I DON’T think the “Mason in distress” sign is as this person said in this Quora post:
“You know that thing Chuck Berry did and other rock guitarists sometimes do, where they lie on their sides and start moving their legs like they’re running, and thus start going in circles? That’s actually the distress signal. Next time you’re in trouble, try it out, and Masons should be coming out of the woodwork to render aid.”
The book is not without some value though as it details the lengthy (albeit “official”) history of the organization.
Also I did not see the claim in the book about Harriet Tubman, although evidence exists elsewhere about her being a Freemason. I think it is likely that Gaiters has many Freemasonry related books and he accidentally named the wrong one.]
— Gaiters compares Kanye West to being “a slave who is thinking of leaving the plantation,” which is putting his life in danger because the powers that be want to “take him out” by diagnosing him as being an unstable schizophrenic-type of person.
— Essentially all black entertainers are controlled by the “plantation” and they are required to do what the political Establishment tells them to do— which certainly also includes rap stars who communicate unhealthy messages.
— The Democratic party actually instituted the system of slavery, while the Republican party had nothing to do with it.
— A Rothschild agent named Judah Philip Benjamin, who was an attorney that never graduated from law school, was one of the “abolitionists” along with Albert Pike in 1865 that not only chose Harriet Tubman but provided the schematic blueprint for what Tubman did. She was financially backed by the global deep state through the Rothschilds during that time, just like the Black Lives Matter organization is currently a tool of manipulation. [Note: August 3, 2020— See my previous note about those potential associations.]
— Almost every black person of financial significance is not only a Prince Hall Mason but is also in the Boule secret society, and this is why many black people in the U.S. are not “free.” The Democrat party was not designed to “liberate” people, but rather it was designed to give people a “race card” with an unlimited balance in order to keep black people in a “victimhood” mentality as redesigned slaves.
— Way back in the 1200’s AD, Jacques de Molay was the last grandmaster of a secret society called the Knight Templar, which was the first “global military industrial complex.” Baphomet is a term for “Mahomet,” which is an alternate spelling of “Muhammad.” Baphomet is part goat, part man, part woman, and part beast. Therefore there is a paradigm in black America, in particular in the black sports vernacular, where people say that a person is “the goat” as a compliment, with most people not realizing that it is actually referring to revering Baphomet which is putting a curse on people.
— The phrase “Solve et Coagula” is tattooed on the arm of Baphomet, and it is also tattooed on the arm of J.K. Rowling, the writer of the Harry Potter series. The term translates as “dissolve and conjoin.” [Note Gaitors said it was referring to “dissolving a segment of society,” to then “re-form” it, but I think it is referring to “dissolving all of humanity” in order to “re-form” it as the global elite sees fit.]
— In a picture shown in the video, the Knights Templar are lifting Baphomet up on a chair, and the lamp over his head is referring to him being “illuminated.” Masonic organizations often make use of lifting their members up in chairs during ceremonies, such as in Prince Hall Masonic initiations.
— The lamp above Baphomet’s head also represents the lamp of the Statue of Liberty. The woman who is portrayed as the symbol of “liberty” in New York harbor is a former Communist, Marxist, and socialist named Emma Lazarus. She was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason who wrote the “New Colossus” poem. She had a protégée named Emma Goldman and they received their financial backing from Tammany Hall in New York City.
— A large proportion of black preachers are Prince Hall Masons.
—An attorney named Benjamin Crump is representing George Floyd and Trevor Martin, and he is a part of the Boule Secret society; and according to the Benjamin Crump Institute website (on paragraph three, sections four and five) it says that Crump is not only also a member of Sigma Pi Phi, but he is also a Prince Hall Freemason and a member of the Michael Armor Lodge in Tallahassee, Florida.
— A book that was banned by Barnes and Nobles called “The Adrenochrome Witch” by the R&B rapper Sean “Puffy” Colmes (or “P. Diddy”) exposes the Masonic Hollywood Adrenochrome Witch secret society that is involved with Satanism and ritualistic child abuse.
The U.S. House passed a bill repealing all of Trump’s travel bans and preventing future presidents from enacting similar bans

Following is a summary of a Jihad Watch article by Robert Spencer:
A “No Ban Act” was passed in the House of the U.S. Congress, which would repeal all of Trump’s travel bans and ensure that future presidents would be blocked from enacting similar bans, including even when the U.S. is at war.
The bill is an attempt to end Trump’s supposed “Muslim Ban,” where he has banned travel from several countries. Most people don’t realize that the countries which are banned are from a list that was devised by the Obama administration, and most Muslim countries don’t even have such restrictions anyway.
The hopelessly compromised U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu has irrationally claimed that the bans were “driven by prejudice,” where she portrayed the important national security measure as being “hateful.” The bill would essentially make it impossible for the U.S. to do anything to defend itself whatsoever.
[Note that if there was no such travel ban, Jihadists from those regions would simply fly to the U.S., situate themselves in “sanctuary cities” or Muslim areas of the country in general and never leave.]
The act was passed on a mainly party-line vote of 233-183, however, two Republicans— Will Hurd of Texas and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania joined with Democrats.
[Despite his vote, Brian Fitzpatrick’s campaign website prominently features the following quote: “He is leading the charge to protect our families from the threat of international terrorism and extremism by championing a comprehensive strategy to defeat those who wish us harm.” His district is in the southeastern corner of Pennsylvania.
His vote is yet another example of how simply planning to “vote Republican” is not enough to fix problems. Voting Republican is only a “temporary fix” until there is a genuine awakening.
Remember that the political Establishment controls the Republicans also, and once enough people realize that “voting Republican” is by far the healthier choice, it will cause the Establishment to simply make more Republican candidates support leftist policies that are similar to the ones that the Democrats currently have (which is already happening with many RINOs, for example.)]
Thankfully, the Senate has no plans to take the measure up, and Trump would have certainly vetoed it if it would have come to that. The bill is another example of the dangerous anti-American agendas of Democrats. [Don’t ever vote for a Democrat!]
[Note however that Trump is still importing unvetted Islamists from Jihadist regions via the secretive “Refugee Resettlement Program.” Such “refugees” are selected by a corrupt UN program, and the President of the U.S. has the lone decision of how many to admit each year. Surprisingly, Trump has been bringing in tens of thousands every year even though he could have chosen to bring none. Also, wealthy Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia take in NO such refugees!]
A new Netflix docu-series “Immigration Nation” deceitfully portraits the illegal immigration situation in the United States
A trailer for an upcoming Netflix docu-series “Immigration Nation” deceitfully creates an impression that immigration laws in the U.S. are inhumane.
I recently saw a Breitbart article that talks about a new Netflix “docu-series” called “Immigration Nation” that will debut on August 3. The trailer for the series portraits ICE agents as being cruel and callous, and it falsely creates an impression that immigration laws are inhumane.
The reality of ICE agents “smashing down doors” is not a very common occurrence, and it seldomly happens in sanctuary cities. Illegal immigrants are even allowed to drive without driver’s licenses and without liability insurance in cities like Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Even when migrants are arrested by ICE, their home countries often “slow-walk” their travel papers or refuse them altogether, resulting in them ultimately being released back into the U.S. See this information that details the truth of common misconceptions about illegal immigration in the United States.
I also don’t doubt that the political Establishment has issued the specific warrants for the arrests that are made on the show mostly for the propaganda purposes of it. Obviously the agents know that they are being filmed, so whatever they are doing is “for the cameras.”
I generally don’t support deportations unless migrants commit serious crimes, however I do think that new illegal immigration should be stopped and strict deportations should then be enforced for new illegal immigrants who arrive after a certain specified date.
(Also, anyone who subscribes to Netflix should be able to tell that it has increasingly been including a lot of corrupt and debauched content, which is not happening by accident. It is being used by the political Establishment as a tool for demoralizing society.)
(Note this video will switch to vertical format after pressing “play.”)
This relatively recent video shows the genuine reality of what the immigration situation was prior to the Coronavirus lockdown. An assistant to the border patrol in New Mexico explains the reality of immigration that was happening on the southern border of the United States as they are picking up a group of migrants who are crossing at night. He starts narrating at about 5:30 into the video.
Note that on July 23, 2020, Breitbart has reported that Trump is claiming that at least 88 thousand migrants have been kept out of the United States during the Coronavirus lockdown since March. Apparently this means that migrants have not been allowed to “surrender” to border patrol agents to gain entry into the U.S. as they have been previously doing.
See a News of Interest.TV summary article about immigration issues in the United States.
The global elite are not a “Jewish” conspiracy
I often link to a section of the article “A Summary of the Secret Society the ‘Illuminati,’ Drawn from the Works of Henry Makow” called: “The ‘Jewish’ Conspiracy is Actually British Imperialism,” however I just noticed that it initially read as if it is somewhat “antisemitic” in the first few paragraphs, therefore I moved two paragraphs from later in the section to the top of it, and I think it reads much better now. I wish I would have done that a long time ago. Of course there is Jewish involvement in the global elite, but it is not a “Jewish” conspiracy. Many of the families are not Jewish.
All of the information in that article is very important, however I think a lot of it would seem contrary or outrageous to most people who don’t initially have enough background information before reading it.
Here is how I have rearranged the section:
The villains of the Illuminati conspiracy share the same occultic beliefs, but they come from all religious backgrounds. They are at the heart of our economic and cultural life, being the families who own the Bank of England, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and control the World Bank, IMF and the world’s intelligence agencies. The Bank of England was “nationalized” in 1946 but the power to create money remained in the same hands. The city of London is run by the Bank of England, which is a private corporation that is not subject to British Law. The bankers essentially dictate to British Parliament.
The “New World Order” is created from plans of the world’s central bankers to convert their unlimited economic power based on their monopoly over credit intro permanent global institutions of political and social control. Central banks like the Federal Reserve portrait themselves as government institutions but they are actually privately owned by about 300 families.
Some people think that an international “Jewish” conspiracy exists, however the reality is that the international central banking cartel is the only group with both the motive and the means to take over the world. Their “motive” is to protect their fraudulent private monopoly over government credit and money creation, and they need to establish a world government to ensure that no nation prints its own money or defaults on the loans which the bankers spun out of nothing. Their “means” is their unlimited wealth allowing them to essentially own governments, mass media, education, and organizations such as intelligence agencies and tax-exempt foundations.
Elements of the Venetian oligarchy, most of whom were Jewish, merged with England’s oligarchy from 1509-1715 through intermarriage and collaboration. “The English Revolution (1649) was the first in a series of revolutions designed to give them world hegemony. The establishment of the Bank of England by William [of Orange] in 1694 was the next crucial step. Behind the facade, England has been a ‘Jewish’ state for over 300 years.” (I, 35)
“The Jewish banking families made it a practice to marry their female offspring to spendthrift European aristocrats. In Jewish law, the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is Jewish. For example, in 1878 Hannah Rothschild married Lord Rosebery who later become Prime Minister. (The male heirs marry Jews although Victor and his son Jacob Rothschild are exceptions. They both married gentiles.)” (I, 35)
Robert Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta explains: “This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. … It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.”
Rothschild banker John Sherman wrote an infamous letter to New York agents in 1863, proposing a National bank: “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class… The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is [contrary] to their interests.”
[Also note that sometimes I see information on Henry Makow’s website that appears to be rather “anti-Jewish,” but I don’t think that he actually thinks that way, he is a Jewish convert to Christianity himself. I think perhaps he feels that he “needs” to communicate in such a manner now and then in order to be safe from being harmed for speaking about topics that the political Establishment doesn’t want to be known. (I do know for certain that he knows that the global elite are not a “Jewish” conspiracy, in any event.) I’ve written about such issues a few times in the past as well, such as at this link, and this link. I hope he is not angry with me for “outing” him in such a way. People should support him by buying his books, understanding that he is not actually an “antisemite.” See the links to purchase his books at the end of this commentary.]
Effectively communicating the truth about the corrupt “Black Lives Matter” movement will help to save the United States
I’ve been seeing a lot of reports of conflict happening when people respond to “Black Lives Matter” activism by saying “all lives matter,” or “Blue Lives Matter,” which often immediately triggers hostility from BLM activists. However, people should realize that such responses are generally not effective in situations like that.
Instead, it is essential that people communicate the truth about BLM being a corrupt Establishment-run organization that uses deceit to cause racial animosity in order to empower covert agendas of subverting and enslaving society with Communism. Most significantly, BLM blatantly lies about statistics of police brutality to make people think that police have a “homicidal bias” against black people, however the reality shows that there is actually no such bias at all.
It would often be fruitless to try to communicate such facts to BLM activists though since they likely will not listen or may even respond with hostility, but rather the information should be communicated to the general public instead.
I would recommend that people wear T-shirts that say “Police don’t have a ‘homicidal bias.’ Ask me why.” and hand out flyers explaining all of the issues with the BLM organization in a non-divisive manner. (Note that it might be a bad idea to wear such a T-shirt where there is a large concentration of people who are actually involved with the group though; but at least flyers can be handed out in such a situation.)
Joe Biden does in fact want to defund the police
This multi-section article explains:
— How Donald Trump was accused of falsely claiming that Joe Biden wants to defund the police. — How “Community Policing” is a dangerous Marxist agenda. — How Joe Biden is deceitfully claiming that he “doesn’t want to defund the police,” and… — How enormous “defund the police” donations on the “Black Lives Matter” website have been going directly to Joe Biden’s presidential Campaign.
Donald Trump was accused of falsely claiming that Joe Biden wants to defund local police
Recently the mainstream media was widely reporting that Donald Trump was caught falsely claiming that Joe Biden intends to defund local police forces. Trump was being interviewed by a Fox reporter Chris Wallace, where Trump adamantly insisted that Biden said in a charter he signed with Bernie Sanders that he intends to defund the police. Trump and Wallace got into an argument about if Biden said to “defund the police,” so Trump then asked one of his staff to retrieve the charter. Wallace then later reported that the charter didn’t contain the words “defund the police,” which caused an avalanche of news reports stating that Trump was “caught in a lie” about Biden.
Following is a transcript of what was said:
Trump: “… [Democrat-run cities] have gotten out of control, and really it is because they want to defund the police, and Biden wants to defund the police—”
Wallace: “No sir, he does not!”
Trump: “Look, he signed a charter with Bernie Sanders—”
Wallace: “It saying NOTHING about defunding the police.” [Note: I think it is strange how Wallace abruptly jumped in to counter Trump with such certainly about the matter. Why was Wallace so ready to instantly retort in that way? How could he possibly have been such an “authority” about that specific charter that Trump was talking about? He is behaving as if he was actually the person who “wrote” the charter!]
Trump: “Oh really? It says ‘abolish,’ it says— Let’s go!” [Speaking to someone off-camera:] “Get me the charter please.”
Wallace: “All right..”
[Wallace later gloated the following on camera in the studio:]
Wallace: “So that led to a very interesting exchange where he had his staff go out and get the highlights from that 100 page compact that the Biden team and the Sanders team had signed, and he went through it, and he found a lot of things he objected to that Biden has agreed to, but he couldn’t find any indication— because there isn’t any— that Joe Biden has sought to defund and abolish the police. But let me say, he takes some shots at Joe Biden that I’ve never heard before…”
(Note that in the charter that is being talked about, it is true that Biden didn’t specifically say to “defund or abolish the police,” however much evidence does show that Biden intends to do exactly that, as the rest of this article explains.)
This “Trump War Room” Tweet shows Biden advocating for “defunding the police.” [Note I think it is strange that Trump supplied only this video clip as a vindication of his claim though, since it does not explain the actual frightening situation of what Biden is intending to implement (which I explain in the rest of this article.)]
“Community Policing” is a dangerous Marxist agenda
See an article on Open Minded Realism that explains the following:
In the year 2000, Phillip Worts, a detective for the San Diego Police Department, wrote an essay that details an ongoing agenda of the political Establishment to implement “Community Oriented Policing,” which is actually a plan to turn police officers into Soviet-style Marxist “change agents.”
In the article, Worts first explains a basic history of Marxism and the agenda of implementing it in the U.S., and he then details the writings of the “father of community policing” Robert Trojanowicz which shows that he strategized to first intentionally cause “crime, disorder, and fear of crime” in communities in order to create an excuse to implement “Community policing.” Worts then explains how such “Community police” are actually playing the role of Marxist facilitators that remove an important previously existing barrier between the increasingly tyrannical government and public citizens.
Joe Biden is claiming that he “broke” with “Black Lives Matter” because he “doesn’t want to defund the police,” however his stances about the defunding the police haven’t actually changed!
Many mainstream news stories are reporting that Joe Biden has “broken off his associations with ‘Black Lives Matter’” because he “does not support the nationwide “defund the police” movement,” however Biden is actually being extremely dishonest about the matter.
In truth, Biden does support defunding the police in the same manner as “Black Lives Matter” has been advocating— where funds that previously went to police departments are redirected to Marxist “Community Policing”-type programs.
Biden’s spokesman Andrew Bates recently released a statement that said the following:
“Biden does not believe that police should be defunded. He hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change, and is driven to ensure that justice is done and that we put a stop to this terrible pain.”
The statement then talked about “the urgent need for reform .. so that officers can focus on the job of policing.”
It then said, “This also means funding COMMUNITY POLICING PROGRAMS that improve relationships between officers and residents, and provides the training that is needed to avert tragic, unjustifiable deaths. (emphasis added)”
The statement also said that funding should be made available so police departments can diversify to “resemble the communities in which they serve.”
.. In other words, Biden wants to implement what Black Lives Matter actually means when they say “defund the police.”
Biden is being deceptive by attempting to portray the replacement programs as supposedly “counting as being part of the police”— therefore according to his definition “the police are not actually being defunded,” but rather the funds are merely being “redirected” in a “more effective manner”! But nothing about Joe Biden’s stance has changed from what it was other than the fact that he is “claiming” that he “doesn’t support Black Lives Matter” and that he “doesn’t want to defund police.” It’s a big lie!
“Defund the police” donations on the “Black Lives Matter” website go directly to Joe Biden’s presidential Campaign
A June 11 article on “The National Pulse” website explains that the “Black Lives Matter” organization is partnered with “ActBlue,” which is a fundraising platform that is the top donor to Joe Biden’s campaign.
The article explains that if anyone donates to a petition that is on the homepage of the BLM website to “defund the police,” they are re-routed to ActBlue with the message “We appreciate your support of the movement and our ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.”
Joe Biden is the top beneficiary of ActBlue’s fundraising efforts, with it donating over $119 million dollars to Biden’s campaign, which vastly surpasses all over sources of revenue for his campaign by over $100 million.