About Henry Makow’s website

I’ve learned a lot of important information from Henry Makow’s website and books, but I don’t always agree with his approach or everything that he says.   I generally think he is too pro-Islam and his approach with criticizing Judaism and Israel is often done in a manner that can be needlessly off-putting to readers, however I think that he has the right to say whatever he wants to say on his website, of course.

I know a lot of nice Jewish people, so sometimes I feel uncomfortable when I read some of Makow’s articles.   I think there are a lot of issues with the Israeli government, but ultimately Israel is controlled by the Illuminati global elite just as all governments are, and I think the Illuminati in fact depends on people thinking that Israel and Judaism is supposedly some sort of an ultimate source of corruption in order for the Illuminati to throw blame off of themselves and stifle criticism, because it generally is not PC to criticize Judaism.

I think the most significant causes of problems in the world are the Masonic global banking elite and Islam— with Islam being covertly controlled by the global elite as a tool for subjugating and controlling the populations of the world.   Many of the Masonic elite are Jewish, but it is not a “Jewish” conspiracy; however they need people to think that it is a Jewish conspiracy in order for them to avoid significant exposure.

I think the spread of Islam is mostly empowered by people not knowing the truth about it due to being “well-meaning” and not willing to look at or even consider criticism of the ideology.  In my own case, I was very naive about Islam for many years, where I realized that it had a lot of issues, but I thought that they were only “cultural remnants” which would soon dissipate, not realizing that Islam’s issues are at the core of its ideology and are reinforced by extreme intimidation and violence often including even the death penalty; which makes it entirely unlike any of the other major religions of the world.

An article that explains many surprising and disturbing issues with Islam is here.   Until shortly before I wrote the article, I was mostly unaware of most of the points that the article makes, and I think many other people are also unaware of those facts as well.