Biden has removed the terror group that bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 from the terror watch list, despite it also committing numerous other atrocities

The “Blind Sheik” Omar Abdel-Rahman, who led the terror group “Gamaat Islamiya” which bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.

Following a is summary of a FrontPageMage article by Daniel Greenfield.

This article explains that The Biden Administration has removed the Islamic terror group “Gamaat Islamiya” from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations with an excuse of it being “defunct,” however it is not defunct at all, and the truth of the matter is that the Biden administration intends to implement the group’s new political party to rule over Egypt alongside the Muslim Brotherhood.

— The terror group “Gamaat Islamiya” was led by Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was known as “The Blind Sheik.”  The group was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and it was responsible for many other horrific atrocities during the 1990’s as well.

— From the article: “Throughout the 90s, Gamaat Islamiya continued engaging in terrorist attacks.  In 1997, the Islamic terrorist group carried out its ugliest atrocity in Luxor, Egypt, where European and Japanese tourists were mutilated and disemboweled.  Among the horrors, the marauders cut off the ears and noses of several of their victims.  A note praising Islam was found inside one disemboweled body.  Among the victims was 5-year-old Shaunnah Turner: a little British girl.  …  The massacre had been funded by Al Qaeda which was allied with Gamaat Islamiya.”

— The Blind Sheik also continually issued edicts of threats of extreme violence against non-Muslims, for example pronouncing from prison: “Oh, Muslims everywhere!  Cut the transportation of their countries, tear it apart, destroy their economy, burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air, or land.”  He died in prison in 2017.

— In 2011, his terror group rebranded itself as “the Building and Development Party,” and the Obama Administration welcomed one of its political figures Hani Nour Eldin and even considered freeing the Blind Sheik from prison despite the group being on the terror watch list.

— The Biden administration claimed to remove the terror group from the list of foreign terrorist organizations due to it being “defunct,” however it isn’t defunct, but rather it has simply morphed into the “Building and Development Party” which the Obama and Biden Administrations intend to see ruling over Egypt alongside the Muslim Brotherhood.

— The Biden State Department’s latest human rights report even complains about the previous ban on the Islamist party, and the removal of it from the terror watch list now deprives an argument from those who are warning about the dangers of it.

— Under pressure from the Biden Administration, Egypt has also been freeing dangerous imprisoned members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

— Secretary of State Blinken justified the decision to de-list Gamaat Islamiya by claiming that “the circumstances that were the basis for the designation … have changed in such a manner to warrant revocation of the designation,” meaning that the change was entirely political.

— The State Department didn’t remove Gamaat Islamiya from the terror list because it was defunct, but rather because the Biden administration wants it to be active again and to be able to provide support to it.

— The current head of Gamaat Islamiya’s Building and Development Party Tarek al-Zumar has been accused by Egypt of playing a role in ISIS terrorist attacks in the Sinai, and he often made statements defending Al-Qaeda, such as saying in an interview: “The whole Al-Qaeda issue has been blown out of proportion internationally.  Do the mistakes made by Al-Qaeda over the past 12 or 15 years equal one-billionth of the mistakes and crimes perpetrated by the US and Britain against the Arab and Islamic nation?”

— Al-Zumar’s cousin who is also a major figure in the movement and served time with al-Zumar in prison described the head of Al Qaeda as a “man who loves his religion and justice.”

— The Biden administration wants another Arab Spring in Egypt, and it hopes that Al-Zumar and other Gamaat Islamiya Jihadists will help restore its Islamist allies to power.

– Greenfield closes by saying:

The delisting of Gamaat Islamiya betrays those seven Americans, born and unborn, who were killed during the original World Trade Center bombing as well as every innocent victim murdered by the terror group and its allies.

Biden’s treasonous actions disrespect the memories of American men and women like John DiGiovanni, a sales manager, who was parking his car when the bomb in the World Trade Center went off, Stephen Knapp, a father of two on his lunch break, and Monica Rodriguez Smith, who was seven months pregnant and was on her last day of work before taking maternity leave.

And above all else, Biden has once again betrayed America.

The Buffalo, New York grocery store shooting has been shown to be an elaborate hoax

[Note: January 18, 2023— The text of this article has been updated.  Also note I found this video on the website]

This video shows evidence that the 2022 Buffalo, New York grocery store shooting was an elaborate staged hoax (as other similar events also were such as the Sandy Hood Shooting and the Boston Marathon Bombing.)  The evidence includes the fact that shadows don’t align properly in portions of the shooter’s video outside the store which reveals that the footage was manipulated, and the fact that none of the people in the footage who were shot exhibited any signs of actually being shot, but rather they were apparently simply crisis actors.

Such events are often hoaxes meant to create an excuse for the government to confiscate guns from law abiding people.  Of course it is much preferable that such events are hoaxes rather than real false flag attacks, but ultimately the political Establishment doesn’t “mean well” by doing that.  Their motivation for such hoaxes is so they can deceptively appear to be “ultimately benevolent” and to eliminate the potential of pushback coming from people who would be effected by such situations if the attack was real.  Most false flag attacks are real, however.

What makes this event particularly disgraceful is the fact that it is a phony racist hate crime that is intended to demonize white people, as leftists and the media have constantly been attempting to do because of the event, for example in this article, this article, and this article that was posted just the other day.  Presumably many of the people who live in that area were in on it and they are likely involved with the corrupt establishment organization Black Lives Matter, and the Masonic Boule is likely behind it as well.

Many of the supposed victims are also profiting from the event, including receiving large cash donations from well meaning people.

Hoax attacks blaming white people are very common while real attacks by white people are not common at all.

I also saw some videos that were initially made that claimed that the event was not a hoax, however those are not correct because they didn’t mention any of the most significant evidence that is shown in this video.

Leftist news sources are rapidly becoming even more ridiculous

A screenshot from “Raw Story.”

I look at a list of leftist websites in my morning routine before I look at news websites that I like, and I can’t believe how blatantly corrupt and ridiculous they’ve become.

I saw this ridiculous article today that claims pastors are concerned about the rise of “Christian nationalism” in the United States!  Of course any pastor that is “concerned” about that is actually a Freemason, as many of them are.  

[Note that the Vatican Catholic website in the previous link about Freemasonry is currently running interesting stories showing numerous anomalies with the Uvalde Texas shooting that show it was a hoax, for example this article, this article, this article, this article, and this article.  Such events are often hoaxes meant to create an excuse to confiscate guns from law abiding people so they can’t protect themselves from getting attacked, as the Sandy Hook shooting also was.  Of course it is preferable that such events are hoaxes rather than real false flag attacks, but ultimately the political Establishment doesn’t “mean well” by doing that.  Their motivation for it being a hoax is so they can deceptively appear to be “ultimately benevolent” and to eliminate the potential of pushback coming from people who are close to such situations.]

I think NPR is the most harmful of such media outlets though due to the fact that it presents itself as being a “sophisticated and enlightened” source of information while actually being consistently corrupt with its reporting.  Enormous amounts of people are in a habit of listening to only that outlet as their sole source of news while they are driving in their cars, during which they receive a steady diet of outrageously dishonest news reporting.  NPR is also funded by U.S. tax dollars.

I recently came across this NPR article profiling the (now previous) head of the “Disinformation Governance Board” Nina Jankowicz.  It interviews Jankowicz who says “everything you may have heard about the Disinformation Governance Board is wrong or is just a flat out lie”— and her statements can easily can be identified as falsehoods by anyone who is better informed about the situation; however NPR listeners are often busy people who don’t listen to other sources of news that would report the truth about it.  (And even if they do notice some of such discrepancies they will still continue to listen to NPR anyway since it seems “sophisticated,” and it is “their team.”)

This Paul Joseph Watson video explains the truth of the situation with Jankowicz.

The media is ignoring a woman with a gun stopping a shooter in Charleston, West Virginia

The apartment complex where the shootings happened.

Following is a summary of a New American article:

— The media is mostly ignoring the fact that a man in Charleston, West Virginia was shot and killed by a woman who was carrying a concealed gun, after he started shooting at a party in an apartment complex and then shot and seriously injured two police who responded to the incident.

— The shooter Dennis Butler was stopped by police for speeding through the apartment complex, after which he returned with a rifle and started shooting toward a graduation party in the complex.  He then shot and seriously injured the same two police who returned to the scene, prompting the woman with the concealed weapon who was attending the party to shoot and kill him.

— Various reputable studies such as the “Journal of Quantitative Criminology” and the “Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology” report that armed citizens use guns to defend themselves between 1 million and 2 millions times a year, and even the CDC reports that guns are used defensively between 500,000 and over 3 million times per year.

— Reports of citizens defending themselves don’t include cases of when armed citizens come to the aid of police who have been neutralized in armed conflicts.

— Also unreported are the number of times that a people with criminal intent have been deterred by simply the suggestion that a potential victim might be armed.


Note: Here is another recent situation of when a person with a gun stopped a potential mass shooting, at the West Freeway Church of Christ near Forth Worth, Texas.

A leftist Swedish company is selling a menstruation-themed breakfast cereal called “Period Crunch” to “break period stigma”

A Swedish company INTIMA is selling a breakfast cereal called “Period Crunch,” which is red in color, shaped like uteruses, and is raspberry flavored.  Its purpose is to “put period conversations on the table,” as is explained in articles such as this one.

Reports say that it turns the milk red as well, but I haven’t seen pictures of that.

[Note: Perhaps this will be sold by the Australian chain of grocery stores “Coles”, which has recently announced that they will be giving transvestite employees ten days of paid “gender affirmation” leave.]

A Muslim mob killing a Christian woman in Nigeria is an example of what is being planned to be brought to the U.S.

Note: October 13, 2022— Additional comments have been added to this article.

This news report explains that a mob of hundreds of Muslims went on a rampage in Nigeria to try to find and kill a woman who was rumored to have made a blasphemous comment about their religion, after a similar mob killed another woman in another part of the country for the same reason a few days earlier.

[Also see this video of a woman being murdered by a mob of hundreds of Muslims in Afghanistan due to her being accused of burning a page of the Quran.]

The borders of the U.S. being eradicated will increasingly invite the types of Jihadists in the above videos to come into the country, and much evidence shows that the global elite has an intention of utilizing such mentalities as a weapon against the people who are already living here.  Right now that process is already well underway in Europe, see the videos at the end of this article as well as at this link explaining that issue.

Remember that in October of 2021 Joe Biden brought an airlift of Jihadists from Afghanistan into the U.S. who were selected by the Taliban at the Kabul airport to be supposed “refugees” (link)— after which 700 of them chose to abruptly disappear into the U.S. never to be heard from again (link) rather than receiving large monthly sums of money from the U.S government for being “refugees”!

The primary motivation of the “Great Replacement” is not simply to “get Democrat votes” as the Establishment media has been claiming recently, but rather it is to disempower and eliminate Westerners altogether due to such people generally being very healthy, functional, self-sufficient, and compassionate— since those traits would make them the most likely and capable to stop the coming homicidal agendas of the global elite.  (See the video “Muslim Demographics” and the other videos at the end of this article that explain shocking information about what is currently happening in Europe.)  [Note: October 13, 2022— Of course everyone can be compassionate, but my point is since such people have generally been existing in a state of functional health, it often naturally leads to having a compassionate mentality.  By contrast, people who have been trying to survive in a dysfunctional society don’t always have the luxury of developing “spare” compassion to the same degree, although of course everyone is an individual.]

The global elite hate people being healthy and self-sufficient since it deprives them of an excuse to have control over them, therefore they’ve been in a process of incrementally trying to engineer humanity into a permanent underclass of impoverished, dependent, and dumbed down “serfs and slaves” who have little or no principals or morals.  See this video of the KGB defector Yuri Bezmonov explaining that agenda.

If anyone doubts that the global elite wants to harm White people as well, remember that the same people killed over 100 million Europeans and Americans in pointless wars over the past century, with the elite fomenting and controlling both sides of all of the conflicts. (See this article, this video, and also see this article that explains how Hitler was a Freemason.)  Additionally, the same people also enslaved and killed tens of millions of people in the Soviet Union during the past century.  (See this link.)

One of the most significant factors that is stopping people from becoming informed about the agendas of the global elite is it often being equated with “The Jews,” however many of the most high ranking people involved are not Jewish, such as the Rockefeller and Morgan families, for example.  Even the Rothschild family is not actually really “Jewish” anymore since they’ve often married gentiles, however they need people to think they are Jewish in order to stifle criticism.  The Establishment (the Freemasons) depend on antisemitism in order to make criticism of them unpalatable to most people, therefore they do whatever they can to try to foment and organize it.

I never trust activists who are antisemitic since they are either naive or more likely controlled opposition.

[Note that I find the activist Henry Makow to be a very informative source of information, although I don’t always agree with his approach.  For example he sometimes focuses on criticizing Judaism in a manner that I think can be unbalanced and counterproductive.  Makow doesnt blame all Jewish people, but to people who are unfamiliar with enough background information his information can sometimes seem to be antisemitic.]


Most Americans aren’t aware of the catastrophic problems that are occurring in Europe due to the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening there, which is enabled by a media blackout about the topic.   Following are some videos that explain the situation.  (Also see the article “A Summary of Islam Related Issues” that contains much more information about the matter.)

This video “Muslim Demographics” has been popular since 2009 talking about the situation of the native populations of Europe being increasingly replaced by the incoming populations of mostly Muslim immigrants.

The video supplies a lot of statistics, and debunkers have found minor issues with a few of its facts, yet the premise of the video is sound nonetheless.  See its video page for an examination of issues that a BBC video claims to have found with it.


This segment from the Black Pigeon Speaks video “Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West” explains what happens to societies during their various stages of being replaced by Islamic populations.


This video is a compilation of video footage of the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening in Europe.


The video shows footage of the outrageous situation that was occurring outside the Calais Refugee Camp in France.

Alex Newman of the New American explains the horrific situation of the UN’s WHO pandemic treaty

In this video, Alex Newman of the New American explains that Joe Biden is giving the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) the green light to implement shockingly tyrannical powers over the U.S.  It is explained that the leader of the WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not actually a medical doctor, and he was also previously the leader of an ethno-Marxist terrorist group in Ethiopia that committed atrocities against its populace.

Following are points made in the video:

— The UN’s Word Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the Biden administration is working on one of the biggest power grabs that has every been seen at the global level, with the WHO wanting to be the tip of the spear for a global dictatorship.

— The WHO is run by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is a former leader of an ethno-Marxist terrorist group “The Tigray People’s Liberation Front” that was attempting to exterminate people in Ethiopia who they didn’t get along with.

— Ghebreyesus is not actually a medical doctor, he was appointed to the WHO post by Communist China, and he is the person who is responsible for the WHO’s total assault on freedom over the past few years.

— Ghebreyesus along with the Biden administration is attempting an amend the “International Health Regulations” to bring the recent draconian lockdowns that are currently happening in Shanghai, China to the global level, which will truly be the emergence of the New World Order.

— The changes to the regulations would make it so the UN wouldn’t even need to ask the permission from the individual countries to implement its tyrannical agendas to them.

— The Word Health Assembly is meeting in Geneva from May 22 to May 28 to vote on the measures.

— Even though the measures threaten the freedom of everyone on the planet, there has been essentially no reporting on it by the Establishment media.  [Note:  However, outlets such as MSNBC have been attempting to actually PROMOTE the plan and claim that concerns about it are “conspiracy theories.”  See this link.]

— The “International Health Regulations” currently allow the organization to make “recommendations” of totalitarian policies for governments to implement, however the new amendments would allow the UN to forcibly implement the policies without even needing to talk to the countries that are being targeted.

— If the amendments are passed, it would turn Dr. Ghebreyesus into a global health dictator, with his homicidal Communist past making the situation even more frighening.

— The WHO would be able to declare any sort of a minor issue as a supposed “crisis” in order to implement its totalitarian policies.

— During the COVID lockdowns, the WHO implemented the totalitarian agendas of the global predators led by groups associated with Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party against Western democracies, such as being responsible for the implementation of the fraudulent PCR tests to detect the virus.

— Ghebreyesus has already been talking about implementing sanctions on countries that defy the WHO.

— The WHO has been responsible for silencing what they call “conspiracy theories about COVID” by dictating to social media companies such as YouTube and Facebook about what they cannot allow their users to say.

— The WHO has also been issuing guidelines to physicians to tell them to lie to people about the health effects of the vaccines.

— Almost 50 governments including many Western countries such as Canada and Australia support the Biden administration’s proposal to amend the WHO’s guidelines.

— The U.S. actually does not have any legal right to implement any of the totalitarian WHO guidelines due to its Constitution, therefore it also does not have the power to give such powers to the U.N., but Biden is doing it anyway.

— Thomas Jefferson remarked that a “boundless treaty making power” with other countries would mean that the U.S. has no constitution.

— An effective way to counter the the UN WHO agendas is to petition lawmakers to nullify them at the state level.  The state of Alabama and other states have already enacted nullification of the UN’s Agenda 21, for example.

— The most effective solution would be to withdrawal the United States from the UN completely.

[Note: Remember what the UN did to Rwanda in the 1990’s.  The same people are now intending to do the same to all of the rest of the world, but by using vaccines this time rather than hatchets and machetes.]

The “Great Replacement” is certainly in the process of being implemented, and Joe Biden previously touted it despite now calling it a “conspiracy theory”

In the wake of the Buffalo, New York false flag shooting, Joe Biden and essentially all Establishment media outlets have been proclaiming that the event occurred because of a “false white supremacist ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory,” however the theory is easily proven to be true, and there is nothing bigoted or “white supremacist” about being alarmed by what is happening with it.  Biden had actually tried to promote the agenda himself as being a “good thing” on many occasions, as this article explains.

[Note most of this article is a summary of this Paul Joseph Watson Summit News article.]

Yesterday Joe Biden attempted to demonize people who mention the “Great Replacement Theory” by saying:

“I believe anybody who echoes replacement theory is to blame – not for this particular crime – but it’s for no purpose, no purpose except profit and/or political benefit.  And it’s wrong, it’s just simply wrong.”

Later in the day in he repeated the talking point in Buffalo saying Americans should “reject the lie” of the replacement theory:

“Violence inflicted in the service of hate and a vicious thirst for power that defines one group of people as being inherently inferior to any other group – a hate that through the media, politics, the internet, has radicalized angry, alienated, lost, and isolated individuals into falsely believing that they will be replaced by the other.  By people who don’t look like them.”

Then he said the following, attempting to implicate Tucker Carlson:

“I probably shouldn’t be saying this now, but I’m going to say it anyway.  We have to not only talk about how we’re going to end the hate, but who’s responsible for generating it  …  You have folks on television stations talking about the replacement theory.”

However, in 2015 during a White House Summit, Biden said America being “flooded” with an “unrelenting wave” of immigrants is a good thing that Americans should be “proud of”:

“An unrelenting stream of immigration.  Nonstop, nonstop.  Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 [sic] we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America.  Absolute minority.  Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock.  That’s not a bad thing.  That’s a source of our strength.”

Chris Menahan in an Information Liberation article explains that Biden also promoted the replacement theory during a Zoom call with black civil rights leaders in December of 2020:

“If we cannot make significant progress on racial equity [Note that he said ‘equity’— not ‘equality’], this country is doomed.  It is doomed.  …  Not just because of African-Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European.  You hear me?  Minority white European.  And you guys are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make up a larger portion of the population than y’all do.”

Micheal Anton in an article entitled “That’s not happening and it’s good that it is” explains: “Depending on who’s doing the talking, the demographic transformation of the United States is either a glorious trend that portends a permanent Democratic majority and a more ‘vibrant’ future, or else a ‘conspiracy theory’ that is not happening in any way at all, no-how.”

See this video entitled “Dangerous (Democrat) Demagogues Spread ‘Great Replacement Theory’”, which is a compilation of leftists, news personalities and politicians promoting the ‘replacement theory.’

Also see the News of Interest.TV article “A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States.”

Like all of the Establishment media, CNN is posting ridiculous articles related to the Buffalo, New York shooting

I recently saw this article on CNN written by a black professor Peniel Joseph at the University of Texas at Austin who is dishonestly attempting to claim that the situation of the racist grocery store shooter in Buffalo, New York is a chronic problem in the United States, as well as spreading other “woke” falsehoods.  I’m amazed that the students at the University are willing to put up with professors like him.  Why isn’t there an uproar about such faculty at the universities?  Could you imagine having to pay money to attend a school like that?

Also see similar ridiculous mentalities of another black professor in another CNN article.

Why are constant reports of harm from vaccinations not causing people to become alarmed?

Recently I saw this article on Health Impact News that details many reports of people being harmed and dying from the vaccinations.

A lot of information exists about the harm that is caused by the vaccinations, even coming from the vaccine makers themselves, so it doesn’t make sense that nothing is being done about it.  Of course social media sites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook don’t allow talking about issues with the vaccines and they also don’t allow talking about the stolen election (which is evil of them), but nonetheless the internet in general still allows talking about those topics.

Why aren’t at least the people who know the people who are being harmed by the vaccines speaking out more?  I’m sure that I will be able to make a good difference once the resolution happens, but I don’t understand why other people out of the billions of people on the Earth seemingly aren’t able to figure out how to do that also.

Are the people reported as being harmed actually some sort of an elaborate hoax?  It doesn’t make sense to me otherwise.  The above footage of a comedian who collapsed is very strange..  Is it real or is it a hoax?

What about all of the athletes who are reported as collapsing and dying?  Why has the idea not occurred to anyone to do anything about that?  Even the families of people who are affected are not bothering to do anything?  What about medical personnel who have been fired for not getting vaccinated?  It doesn’t make sense.