In this video, Paul Joseph Watson explains that the entire “LGBT” movement is just another weapon of the global elite.

A resolution is necessary for healthy progression
In this video, Paul Joseph Watson explains that the entire “LGBT” movement is just another weapon of the global elite.
All of this video is fake, but it won’t be long before such technology is implemented. They are already deploying the robot dogs in China.
Image from BigStockPhoto.
An article on the Remix News website explains that German police have launched a nationwide crackdown on what they call “hate mail” and “insults” targeting politicians, the German Criminal Police Office President Holger Munch announced in a Tweet. The action was directed against more than 100 suspects in the country.
All who were targeted with raids published their comments in connection with the federal elections last September.
While there are some legitimate threats from online users, German law enforcement is also targeting people for merely insulting politicians. For example the leftist Berlin Mayor Micheal Muller became angered after someone posted a satirical photo of him on Twitter, prompting him to arrange a raid on the house of the person who posted it.
In Germany the definition of “criminal hate speech” has been expanded to include a range of “insults” that would normally fall under the category of free speech in many Western countries such as the United States. The police are weaponizing the law to target those who are exercising legitimate freedom of speech.
The fascist house raids are supported by a range of German institutions, including 100 General Administrative Offices, and the Frankfurt General Administration offices.
These were not the first raids of this type, but rather it was the eighth time they have done so. The previous batch of raids occurred last December.
Hesse’s Attorney General Torsten Kunze says the raids are happening because politicians are “insulted, slandered and threatened” on the internet. He said, “In order to prevent the withdrawal of those affected from reaching a level that endangers democracy, we are prosecuting these crimes consistently and in close cooperation with the public prosecutors of the other federal states.”
The German Criminal Police Office president also said, “Freedom of expression reaches its limits as soon as it comes to defamation, insults and threats.” Anyone who posts ‘hate messages’ must expect that the police will then be at the door.”
Germany is increasingly becoming authoritarian with the issue of free speech. The latest leftist government has sought an entire ban on the Telegram instant messaging app.
Supporters of Germany’s opposition party Alternative of Germany (AfD) which opposed the Covid mandates has recently been cleared to be labeled as a “suspected threat to democracy,” which opens the possibility of all party members being surveilled regardless of whether they have committed any wrongdoings or not.
The German government is also launching an entirely new agency to monitor “hate speech” and make arrests, expecting to criminalize over 150,000 “hateful comments” on social media every year.
A fascist leftist politician German Nancy Falser
The leftist politician Nancy Falser has launched a “10 point plan to combat right wing extremism,” with many of the objectives aimed at the AfD opposition party.
[Note: Europeans should be ashamed of what they are allowing to happen to them. Of course there are people fighting against it, but how could any of the others possibly not oppose what is happening? We must not let that happen to the U.S.]
Muslim gunmen attacked a Catholic Church in Southwest Nigeria during Mass on Sunday, killing at least 50 people including women and children. The above video shows footage of the aftermath of the attack
The fact that the attackers were Muslim is almost never mentioned in news reports, however this article by Robert Spencer explains evidence showing that they were in fact Muslims.
Such attacks on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has been a common occurrence for years. The above 2012 CBN video explains a similar attack. CBN is one of the very few news outlets that criticize Islam.
Also see this deceptive ABC News video entitled “ABC News Live: 35 people killed in attack on Nigerian church” that performs a “bait and switch” and instead reports about the (often phony) recent shootings in the U.S., and it also calls for “gun reform.”
Such Muslims as in the above attacks are implemented as “unwitting henchmen” by the global elite, where their terrorist activities are instructed through groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, which is central to Islam and is secretively a Masonic organization. See this article for more information about the Muslim Brotherhood, and also see this article summarizing the book “Hostage to Khomeini,” where chapters 5 through 8 detail many aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood, including explaining its founding by the British in 1929. (You can order the book online or read the PDF that is linked to in that article for the full book text, which I highly recommend doing. I will summarize the book more in detail in the future.)
The fact that Muslims are unknowingly exploited by the global elite in such a manner is the reason why the news media almost never reports about their atrocities which happen on a daily basis or the dangers of encroaching Islamism, and in fact the media usually tries to sugarcoat or gloss over those situations whenever Islam is mentioned.
[Note: Also the Black Lives Matter organization is an another example of the use of the same tactic by the global elite.]
Nonetheless, even though Muslims are being “told” to attack others doesn’t excuse them for doing it, of course. See this article that explains surprising and disturbing aspects of Islam, and see this article that is a directory of other articles and videos detailing issues with Islam.
An Infowars article explains that footage was recorded of two elderly men who were attacked by a mob of “laughing youths,” where one of the men was then thrown onto the train tracks.
The woman who recorded the footage wrote on Facebook: “Finish work and get off the tram to this! First old man got punched to the ground and the other thrown off, they’re literally kids and was laughing about it! Hope someone knows them and shows their families. Newbold tram stop! Literally hate going outside my house anymore.” [Note: But who cares that “their families see it”? They wouldn’t care. They should go to prison, and they likely won’t even if they are caught. Her naive mentality is common of Europeans, and it is a significant source of their problems in the first place.]
She later said to the Manchester Evening News: “I got off the tram and saw the kid punch the old man to the ground and started filming to get their faces. I wasn’t expecting the other man to be thrown off. Everyone including the man who got punched said it was because he had asked them to stop vaping on the tram and he got slapped whilst on there, then it spilled out into what I saw when the tram stopped.”
The Manchester Police then announced that they have launched an investigation and they would take “positive action” on the individuals. They also claimed that the men sustained “minor injuries.” [Note: There is no way that the man who was thrown onto the tracks could have sustained only “minor injuries”!]
I feel sorry for people who are living in the English Commonwealth countries such as England, Canada, and Australia, and also in Europe in general. Those have become truly horrible places to live, and their situation is going to get much worse. Remember when Establishment celebrities announced that “they are going to move from the U.S. to Canada so they can be ‘free’”? None of them did that even back then.
The U.S. is in bad shape too, but it is still the least tyrannical. However it will soon be in the same type of situation as the other countries if people don’t become better informed about what is happening and if the vote fraud isn’t stopped.
See the videos at the end of this article that explain the catastrophic Islamic immigration situation in Europe that is planned to increasingly be brought to the U.S. as well.
The “Blind Sheik” Omar Abdel-Rahman, who led the terror group “Gamaat Islamiya” which bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.
Following a is summary of a FrontPageMage article by Daniel Greenfield.
This article explains that The Biden Administration has removed the Islamic terror group “Gamaat Islamiya” from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations with an excuse of it being “defunct,” however it is not defunct at all, and the truth of the matter is that the Biden administration intends to implement the group’s new political party to rule over Egypt alongside the Muslim Brotherhood.
— The terror group “Gamaat Islamiya” was led by Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was known as “The Blind Sheik.” The group was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and it was responsible for many other horrific atrocities during the 1990’s as well.
— From the article: “Throughout the 90s, Gamaat Islamiya continued engaging in terrorist attacks. In 1997, the Islamic terrorist group carried out its ugliest atrocity in Luxor, Egypt, where European and Japanese tourists were mutilated and disemboweled. Among the horrors, the marauders cut off the ears and noses of several of their victims. A note praising Islam was found inside one disemboweled body. Among the victims was 5-year-old Shaunnah Turner: a little British girl. … The massacre had been funded by Al Qaeda which was allied with Gamaat Islamiya.”
— The Blind Sheik also continually issued edicts of threats of extreme violence against non-Muslims, for example pronouncing from prison: “Oh, Muslims everywhere! Cut the transportation of their countries, tear it apart, destroy their economy, burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air, or land.” He died in prison in 2017.
— In 2011, his terror group rebranded itself as “the Building and Development Party,” and the Obama Administration welcomed one of its political figures Hani Nour Eldin and even considered freeing the Blind Sheik from prison despite the group being on the terror watch list.
— The Biden administration claimed to remove the terror group from the list of foreign terrorist organizations due to it being “defunct,” however it isn’t defunct, but rather it has simply morphed into the “Building and Development Party” which the Obama and Biden Administrations intend to see ruling over Egypt alongside the Muslim Brotherhood.
— The Biden State Department’s latest human rights report even complains about the previous ban on the Islamist party, and the removal of it from the terror watch list now deprives an argument from those who are warning about the dangers of it.
— Under pressure from the Biden Administration, Egypt has also been freeing dangerous imprisoned members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
— Secretary of State Blinken justified the decision to de-list Gamaat Islamiya by claiming that “the circumstances that were the basis for the designation … have changed in such a manner to warrant revocation of the designation,” meaning that the change was entirely political.
— The State Department didn’t remove Gamaat Islamiya from the terror list because it was defunct, but rather because the Biden administration wants it to be active again and to be able to provide support to it.
— The current head of Gamaat Islamiya’s Building and Development Party Tarek al-Zumar has been accused by Egypt of playing a role in ISIS terrorist attacks in the Sinai, and he often made statements defending Al-Qaeda, such as saying in an interview: “The whole Al-Qaeda issue has been blown out of proportion internationally. Do the mistakes made by Al-Qaeda over the past 12 or 15 years equal one-billionth of the mistakes and crimes perpetrated by the US and Britain against the Arab and Islamic nation?”
— Al-Zumar’s cousin who is also a major figure in the movement and served time with al-Zumar in prison described the head of Al Qaeda as a “man who loves his religion and justice.”
— The Biden administration wants another Arab Spring in Egypt, and it hopes that Al-Zumar and other Gamaat Islamiya Jihadists will help restore its Islamist allies to power.
– Greenfield closes by saying:
The delisting of Gamaat Islamiya betrays those seven Americans, born and unborn, who were killed during the original World Trade Center bombing as well as every innocent victim murdered by the terror group and its allies.
Biden’s treasonous actions disrespect the memories of American men and women like John DiGiovanni, a sales manager, who was parking his car when the bomb in the World Trade Center went off, Stephen Knapp, a father of two on his lunch break, and Monica Rodriguez Smith, who was seven months pregnant and was on her last day of work before taking maternity leave.
And above all else, Biden has once again betrayed America.
[Note: January 18, 2023— The text of this article has been updated. Also note I found this video on the website]
This video shows evidence that the 2022 Buffalo, New York grocery store shooting was an elaborate staged hoax (as other similar events also were such as the Sandy Hood Shooting and the Boston Marathon Bombing.) The evidence includes the fact that shadows don’t align properly in portions of the shooter’s video outside the store which reveals that the footage was manipulated, and the fact that none of the people in the footage who were shot exhibited any signs of actually being shot, but rather they were apparently simply crisis actors.
Such events are often hoaxes meant to create an excuse for the government to confiscate guns from law abiding people. Of course it is much preferable that such events are hoaxes rather than real false flag attacks, but ultimately the political Establishment doesn’t “mean well” by doing that. Their motivation for such hoaxes is so they can deceptively appear to be “ultimately benevolent” and to eliminate the potential of pushback coming from people who would be effected by such situations if the attack was real. Most false flag attacks are real, however.
What makes this event particularly disgraceful is the fact that it is a phony racist hate crime that is intended to demonize white people, as leftists and the media have constantly been attempting to do because of the event, for example in this article, this article, and this article that was posted just the other day. Presumably many of the people who live in that area were in on it and they are likely involved with the corrupt establishment organization Black Lives Matter, and the Masonic Boule is likely behind it as well.
Many of the supposed victims are also profiting from the event, including receiving large cash donations from well meaning people.
Hoax attacks blaming white people are very common while real attacks by white people are not common at all.
I also saw some videos that were initially made that claimed that the event was not a hoax, however those are not correct because they didn’t mention any of the most significant evidence that is shown in this video.
A screenshot from “Raw Story.”
I look at a list of leftist websites in my morning routine before I look at news websites that I like, and I can’t believe how blatantly corrupt and ridiculous they’ve become.
I saw this ridiculous article today that claims pastors are concerned about the rise of “Christian nationalism” in the United States! Of course any pastor that is “concerned” about that is actually a Freemason, as many of them are.
[Note that the Vatican Catholic website in the previous link about Freemasonry is currently running interesting stories showing numerous anomalies with the Uvalde Texas shooting that show it was a hoax, for example this article, this article, this article, this article, and this article. Such events are often hoaxes meant to create an excuse to confiscate guns from law abiding people so they can’t protect themselves from getting attacked, as the Sandy Hook shooting also was. Of course it is preferable that such events are hoaxes rather than real false flag attacks, but ultimately the political Establishment doesn’t “mean well” by doing that. Their motivation for it being a hoax is so they can deceptively appear to be “ultimately benevolent” and to eliminate the potential of pushback coming from people who are close to such situations.]
I think NPR is the most harmful of such media outlets though due to the fact that it presents itself as being a “sophisticated and enlightened” source of information while actually being consistently corrupt with its reporting. Enormous amounts of people are in a habit of listening to only that outlet as their sole source of news while they are driving in their cars, during which they receive a steady diet of outrageously dishonest news reporting. NPR is also funded by U.S. tax dollars.
I recently came across this NPR article profiling the (now previous) head of the “Disinformation Governance Board” Nina Jankowicz. It interviews Jankowicz who says “everything you may have heard about the Disinformation Governance Board is wrong or is just a flat out lie”— and her statements can easily can be identified as falsehoods by anyone who is better informed about the situation; however NPR listeners are often busy people who don’t listen to other sources of news that would report the truth about it. (And even if they do notice some of such discrepancies they will still continue to listen to NPR anyway since it seems “sophisticated,” and it is “their team.”)
This Paul Joseph Watson video explains the truth of the situation with Jankowicz.
The apartment complex where the shootings happened.
Following is a summary of a New American article:
— The media is mostly ignoring the fact that a man in Charleston, West Virginia was shot and killed by a woman who was carrying a concealed gun, after he started shooting at a party in an apartment complex and then shot and seriously injured two police who responded to the incident.
— The shooter Dennis Butler was stopped by police for speeding through the apartment complex, after which he returned with a rifle and started shooting toward a graduation party in the complex. He then shot and seriously injured the same two police who returned to the scene, prompting the woman with the concealed weapon who was attending the party to shoot and kill him.
— Various reputable studies such as the “Journal of Quantitative Criminology” and the “Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology” report that armed citizens use guns to defend themselves between 1 million and 2 millions times a year, and even the CDC reports that guns are used defensively between 500,000 and over 3 million times per year.
— Reports of citizens defending themselves don’t include cases of when armed citizens come to the aid of police who have been neutralized in armed conflicts.
— Also unreported are the number of times that a people with criminal intent have been deterred by simply the suggestion that a potential victim might be armed.
Note: Here is another recent situation of when a person with a gun stopped a potential mass shooting, at the West Freeway Church of Christ near Forth Worth, Texas.
A Swedish company INTIMA is selling a breakfast cereal called “Period Crunch,” which is red in color, shaped like uteruses, and is raspberry flavored. Its purpose is to “put period conversations on the table,” as is explained in articles such as this one.
Reports say that it turns the milk red as well, but I haven’t seen pictures of that.
[Note: Perhaps this will be sold by the Australian chain of grocery stores “Coles”, which has recently announced that they will be giving transvestite employees ten days of paid “gender affirmation” leave.]