Michelle Obama is actually a man

Over the past few years I’ve been hearing that Michelle Obama is actually a man, and I didn’t believe it at first, but since then I’ve become very convinced it is the reality of the situation after seeing many videos explaining it.

[Note: February 4, 2022— The following three videos explain the situation well, but they don’t contain all of the evidence about the matter.  I’ve make edits to each of the videos that I’ve found online and posted them to my Bitchute account and here.]

“Michelle Obama Accidentally Reveals Her Manhood on the Ellen Degeneres Show” (Video Edit)

This video shows a clip from a well-known broadcast of the Ellen show where something is seen bouncing in Michelle Obama’s pants while she (he) dances.  Many other similar videos exist as well.


“Evidence That Michelle Obama is Actually Man” (Video Edit)

This video explains issues with Michelle’s body proportions, Adam’s apple, and wardrobe malfunctions that reveal his genitalia underneath his clothing that shows he is actually a man.


“Who are the Actual Parents of Malia & Sasha Obama?” (Video Edit)

This video explains who the real parents of Malia and Sasha Obama most likely are.

[Note: February 4, 2020— This video briefly mentions that Obama’s birth certificate was forged, which many people assume is an allegation that was “debunked”, however in fact it was not debunked at all, but rather the political Establishment resorted to trickery to convince people that it was, including apparently even recruiting Donald Trump to falsely claim that he found the allegation to be unfounded.  Of course it is too late to do anything about it now, but what happened is still interesting and indicative of the deceptive techniques of how the political Establishment operates.  See this video about the matter.]


Obama was completely dishonest during his presidency, since his controllers knew that he would be able to get away with it, as this summary article explains.

During his presidency Obama also instituted a lot of harmful homosexual-related legislation as well, such as allowing open homosexuality in the military, forcing private businesses to cater to homosexuality, and instituting hiring quotas for homosexuals.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that open homosexuality is a catastrophic situation for the military.  Co-ed boot camps have never existed, so why should they allow open homosexuality?  Men in general are much more sexually aggressive, so when men are having sex with each other there isn’t anything keeping that in check.  The problem will certainly become much worse with time, such as with perverse gay bathhouses being established alongside military bases and drill sergeants being homosexuals.  I think “don’t ask, don’t tell” was the appropriate policy for the military, where it allowed such problems to be addressed.

I also think gay marriage is unnecessary and it creates an inaccurate perception that homosexual couples are simply the same as a heterosexual couples.  Perhaps some gay couples might be somewhat similar (especially perhaps women couples), but I’m sure large amounts are not.  I think gay marriage is particularly harmful because it is then used as an excuse for the government to force all types of homosexuality into all of the other aspects of everyone’s lives.


Many leftist parents bring their children to “Drag Queen Story Hour,” where men who are dressed as women come to twerk and read books to their children (with many of them being found to be pedophiles as well.)  Note that all the drag queens in the following video could get married to other men and adopt very unlucky children:


Many public schools are also pushing homosexual agendas as much as possible.  If parents don’t reign in such harmful agents, public schools will no longer be a safe place to send their kids.

And of course some schools are establishing ridiculous policies where males who dress as females are allowed to change in the female locker rooms.  (See this link, this link, and this link.)

“Homeschooling” could be a good alternative, however doing that is not practical for most parents.  Perhaps like-minded parents could organize “homeschool clusters” to keep toxic leftist agendas from destroying their kids if the public schools in their area reach the point of being beyond saving.


The political Establishment doesn’t have “good intentions” with what they are doing, but rather they are intentionally trying to harm society as much as possible.

[Note: UPDATED February 5, 2022—  When I went to public school and university, there were never any leftist agendas being forced onto the students as is the case now.  My teachers were always people of the highest quality, and I’ve never experienced any aggravating situations where I knew the teacher was lying to the students or advocating for corrupt agendas, such as with issues like global warming, “critical race theory,” and all of the other deceitful and harmful leftist agendas.  (And of course that also includes the leftist COVID agendas such as useless and dangerous mask and vaccine mandates.)]

Tucker Carlson explains the Trucker Freedom Convoy that is currently occurring in Canada

In this Fox News broadcast, Tucker Carlson explains what is occurring with the cross-country “Freedom Convoy” that is happening in Canada, where thousands of truckers are traveling to Ottawa in protest of new vaccine mandates that Canada is imposing for truckers.

The convoy is over 40 miles long, and so far they have raised over $6 million in donations for fuel and other expenses.  [Note: Also the fund raising platform GoFundMe has frozen most of the money in the account that was donated for the convoy.]

Canada’s Prime minister Justin Trudeau claimed that “he had a COVID exposure” and therefore can’t meet with the truckers, and he also stated in a press conference that they are just a “small fringe group” which “do no represent the views of Canadians.”

Carlson then speaks with Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy, who explains that the goal of the convoy is to get rid of the vaccine mandates and vaccine passports that are now being mandated for truckers.

A woman who came in contact with overturned CDC lab monkeys on the road near Danville, PA is now reporting symptoms of illness

A few days ago a truckload of live CDC lab monkeys overturned on the road near Danville, PA, where a few escaped but were later found and euthanized.

A woman named Michelle Fallon who was driving behind the vehicle when it crashed stopped to help, and she reached into a crate after being told the truck was carrying cats, however she instead encountered a Macaque monkey who hissed at her.  She is now reporting having Covid-like symptoms and pink eye, raising questions of what the moneys may have been infected with.

[Note I went to high school in Danville, which is a nice town on the Susquehanna River in central Pennsylvania.]

Some Establishment journalists are starting to express doubts about the COVID situation

I saw this Bill Maher video clip where he interviewed Bari Weiss, a New York Times reporter who said “she is ‘done’ with COVID,” where she said that she questions why the situation has not returned to normal despite the widespread vaccinations; she explained that masks don’t work to stop the spread of airborne diseases; and she said vaccine passports are useless since vaccinated people can continue to spread the disease anyway, among other issues.

[Note I think it is good that she is being critical of the situation, but overall I think she is still not conveying the whole truth of the matter about COVID essentially not being more dangerous than the normal seasonal flu (see the links in the next paragraph).]

Also interviewed is a dishonest (and almost certainly Masonic Boule-member) New York politician Ritchie Torres who parroted corrupt Establishment statistics about COVID such as mortality numbers that are shown to be wildly exaggerated or even completely false (see this link, this link, and this link.).  (Essentially all politicians are secretively or secretly Freemasons, almost without exception.)

Bill Maher does also report the truth about other issues such as the death penalty for apostasy in Islam, which he should be applauded for, however he has also shown in the past that he is nonetheless ultimately beholden to the political Establishment as all such media personalities are.

Margerie-Taylor Green wanted to inappropriately award Kyle Rittenhouse with a Congressional Metal of Honor

This video explains that Margerie-Taylor Green wanted to award Kyle Rittenhouse with a Congressional Metal of Honor for a situation that occurred at a BLM riot at Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he ended up shooting and killing two BLM supporters who attacked him while he was carrying his rifle.  I think Green is obviously controlled opposition who is trying to stir up anger over that situation, since Rittenhouse really didn’t do anything that was “heroic,” but rather he just defended himself from unarmed people who accosted him.  I could understand someone being awarded with such a metal if instead they stopped someone who was randomly shooting other people, for example.

I’m a staunch gun rights supporter, but I don’t support “open carry” (as opposed to “concealed carry”) agendas.  Over the past few years the political Establishment has been steadily re-introducing laws that permit the open carrying of firearms throughout the United States, presumably with the idea that it will facilitate high profile shootings at conflict-filled protests that they can then use as an excuse to confiscate the guns of law abiding citizens (while criminals will mostly keep their guns).  Tellingly, the re-introduction of open carry legislation is essentially the only right-wing agenda that the Establishment is allowing to be restored anywhere.  See this article.

[However I do support situations such as when Mark and Patricia McCloskey brandished their guns when a violent BLM mob stormed their private gated community in St. Louis, Missouri.]

Also I think it is unfortunate that Green is involved in other important matters, such as sponsoring an act to fire Dr. Fauchi:

The microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi accurately explained the COVID fraud and issues with the deadly vaccines over a year ago, saying: “Start thinking— stop ‘believing’”

In this video which is a excerpt from the documentary video “Planet Lockdown,” the microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi explains many issues with the COVID fraud, associated lockdowns, and deadly vaccines.  He explains issues with the PCR tests that give massive amounts of false positives;  how countries like Germany are detaining people based on the results of the fraudulent tests;  how the scientific consensus and even the WHO is reporting that the lethality of COVID is no more serious than the seasonal flu;  and he explains issues with the deadly vaccines that are being mandated, including issues with the new type of gene-based vaccines that are being implemented as experiments on humans rather than on animals.

Note that this video was created an entire year ago!  It is flabbergasting that such well-communicated information such as this exists, yet people are continuing to allow themselves and their children to be locked down and poisoned by the vaccines.


This is another one of a trend of videos that follows a long trail of people who are lined up to be vaccinated, this time recently in Germany.


My own thoughts about the current state of the situation:

It is depressing to see how many people are still lining up to be vaccinated even though a wealth of information exists that clarifies how useless and dangerous the vaccines are, such as the first video in this article.

Many people seem to blame people’s ignorance about COVID and vaccines on sites like YouTube and Twitter for censoring information that talks about those issues, or they blame people in the general public themselves for not being more proactive about becoming informed.  It is true that those are factors, but I think the biggest fault lies with the communicators who are in the position to communicate most effectively about those matters and facilitate activism but they aren’t doing so for some reason.

I have even been seeing in some videos on Bitchute where activists actually say that it is a “good thing” that the uninformed people are being harmed or killed by the vaccines since it is “their fault” for not being informed, and such people are portraying themselves as supposedly being anti-Establishment activists.

People would naturally be proactive about becoming informed about COVID and vaccines if there was a widely recognized centralized fact checked online resource that talks about those issues.  I think most people have at least tried to look into the matter, but since they haven’t readily found such sources of information it naturally causes them to assume that the risks must not be very significant.

I do see a lot of valiant grass-roots efforts to inform people about the issues, which should be applauded, however those are falling short of making much of significant difference, as is made apparent in the second video at the top of this article.

I must admit that personally I can’t help but think that by this point a lot of the misinformed people (leftists and Biden supporters especially) are essentially just stupid, but obviously them and the rest of humanity don’t deserve to harmed or killed by the lockdowns and vaccines because of that.

Perhaps it is a bit unfair to put an expectation on the higher profile communicators to also facilitate the activism, however.  For example I don’t think Alex Jones wants to necessarily do such a thing, where I think he would prefer to remain more of a primary daily source of information for activists instead, which is his prerogative.

I think higher profile activists can also have issues that they are not able to mention even though they would like to, such as potentially even being threatened in ways that they know is credible, where such threats might not only be to themselves but also to others as well.  Therefore it is also important that individuals everywhere are becoming more proactive at a grass roots level as well in order to protect against the potential of that.

I also think the idea of “Big Brother” (Joe Biden, ect..) mandating what media companies can and cannot allow people to say is certainly not an acceptable solution, despite what some people are suggesting.  I think companies such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are actually hoping for such legislation because it would turn them into government reinforced monopolies.  Currently such companies are certainly not monopolies despite being claimed to be, even though they are popular.  I think it is also very likely that such companies are censoring in such a ridiculous manner in order to trick people into advocating for such legislation.  (I do think that it is crucial that internet infrastructure companies such as ISPs are not allowed to censor, however.)

Why have so many conservative media outlets been promoting Elon Musk lately?

I think it is rather strange that Elon Musk is being promoted by so many conservative media outlets recently, similar to how many had been fawning over Dave Chappelle the other year (who then made a television special shortly afterward that advocated for BLM rioting.)

I had originally posted a picture of Elon Musk on a Raw Food article that I made a few years ago, but I don’t agree with most of the things he has been doing lately.  This article explains many of such issues.


Issues with driverless vehicles

I strongly disagree with the implementation of dangerous autonomous driver technology that is being used on public roadways.  How could anyone witness such a car driving down the road alongside them and not become filled with fear?  Many people ridiculously support the use of such technology nonetheless, even after they witness it being used in such a dangerous manner.  I will actually be advocating for outlawing the use of such driverless technologies on roadways.

Could you imagine the lawsuits that could result every time such a vehicle would kill people?  I think the political Establishment may be planning to not allow such lawsuits, similar to how lawsuits aren’t allowed for injuries and deaths resulting from the use of vaccines.  (And hopefully there isn’t a connection between the mass vaccination mandates and the Establishment seeming to predict a big need for driverless vehicles.)


Another agenda is for such vehicles to be driven remotely rather than by AI, in particular with shipping trucks.  I think the political Establishment hates the fact that driving trucks is a profitable profession for so many people who they don’t control, and thus they are doing whatever they can to eliminate the potential of that.  Remote driving of trucks would be incredibly dangerous to the other people on the road, and it would be done from anywhere in the world using that system, such as by employing low-paid people in other countries.


In Europe they will soon be implementing autonomously driven tractor trailer trucks that follow lead trucks (see the section in this article entitled “Platooning”), and that will eventually come to the U.S. as well if activists don’t make sure that the practice is outlawed.


Issues with swarms of thousands of 5G satellites being deployed into low Earth orbit

This video explains the thousands of low-orbiting SpaceX Starlink satellites.

Many people don’t realize that Elon Musk has been putting swarms of thousands of satellites into very low Earth orbit for providing 5G internet access.  So many satellites are being deployed and their orbits are so low that they are actually causing light pollution in the night skies, and questions also exist about the safety of high frequency 5G technology.  (See here and here about potential 5g safety issues.)  The satellites will also be used to supply the internet connections for enabling the harmful remotely driven trucks that are mentioned in the previous section of this article.

So far SpaceX has deployed 1,700 such satellites, and they are ultimately planing to deploy as many as 12,000 of them!  (See this link.)

Additionally, Amazon and Facebook are also planning to launch thousands of similar satellites of their own, and other companies are planning to do the same as well.


Starlink satellites are also polluting astronomical studies.  See this article that explains the matter.


This video shows two lines of Starlink satellites that are in the process of being deployed into position.  In the near future all of the night skies will be polluted with lights from such satellites.


Issues with Musk’s company “Neuralink” that is developing microchip interfaces for human brains

This video talks about many issues with agendas to “microchip” populations of people, such as with Elon Musk’s company “Neuralink” that will connect human brains to computers.

The video also talks about issues with the UN’s horrific “2030 Agenda” that is in the process of being implemented.


Len Horowitz has previously warned about the potential danger of satellites being used in conjunction with implantable microchips

In the late 1990’s Len Horowitz had created a book and video entitled “Healing Codes of the Biological Apocalypse” warning about the agendas of the global elite.  In this video from the documentary he mentions the potential of satellites being used in conjunction with implantable microchips for harming populations, which seems to parallel the recent developments very closely.

See this article that contains other video clips from the documentary with written summaries for each, including for this video.


Does Elon Musk even really know what his companies are doing?

I saw an interview of Elon Musk a few years ago where he was asked how a single person such as him is able to manage so many companies.  Strangely he didn’t answer by saying, “I delegate to very talented and capable people,” ect..  But rather he said something along the lines of “I actually do a lot of the engineering myself,” without mentioning the role of others.

I’m sure he was joking when he said that, but nonetheless it makes me wonder about who the people are that actually run those companies.  I think Musk couldn’t have known much about how to create a reusable rocketship company, and a neuralink company, and an underground boring company, and an electric car company without those likely already existing beforehand and being “given” to him, for example.

Leftists are incorrectly attempting to blame recent tornadoes in the southern U.S. on global warming [updated August 31, 2022]

A chain of tornadoes recently tore through six states during the night in the southern United States, causing over 100 known fatalities so far.

This drone footage follows the path of a tornado through a neighborhood in Mayfield, Kentucky.

This news report details issues with the tornado.

Leftist politicians and people in the entertainment industry have made ridiculous and insensitive comments about the situation attempting to equate the tornadoes with global warming.  A television writer named Noel Scavell made “Tweets” about the tragedy, saying the following:

Sorry Kentucky.  Maybe if your 2 senators hadn’t spent decades blocking legislation to reduce climate change, you wouldn’t be suffering from climate disasters.  If it’s any consolation, McConnell and Rand have f’ed over all of us, too.

She then said that federal cleanup funds should be withheld from the victims:

Tie FEMA aid to US Senators from that state’s vote to tax carbon, stop fracking, support solar and address Climate Change.  No federal clean up funds for people who helped create the disaster.

She then deleted the above Tweets and said:

My tweet has been twisted into something it is not.  My hate is directed toward the senators from KY who have endangered all our lives with their reckless denial of science and toadying to corporate interests.  Prayers for the people of KY who are suffering along w/so many others.

It is proven that global warming does not cause tornadoes and hurricanes.  The information at this link explains why a warming climate does not cause more severe weather, and it also shows historical data that proves tornadoes and hurricanes have not been increasing in rate or severity in the recent decades.

I remember an SNL skit from around 2010 when Al Gore was a guest, called “Whats up with that?”  At the time, the activist Anthony Watts’ website “Watts Up With That” that exposes global warming deception was becoming very popular, so the reference to that was obviously intentional.  [Note: August 31, 2022— I previously said that the site was run by Alan Watt, however that is not correct.]  I think many actors would like to do what is right such as in that case, but their choices are usually not their own:

This skit is from 2010, back before SNL went off the deep end advocating for harmful leftist agendas.

… Compare the above video to this recent SNL skit.  I wonder why everything the entertainment industry is making now seems so compromised.  It seems as if they are actually trying to appear that way for some reason, and the audiences often also seem to be in on it somehow.  But in any event a lot of people in the public take it seriously and agree with it anyway, and in the linked video they are trying to create support for Anthony Fauci and deadly vaccines so there is no excuse for it.  What are they thinking?

The Swiss have actually voted FOR tyrannical COVID policies such as required vaccination verification, putting the legitimacy of their voting methods into question

This video was made advocating for Swiss people to vote against proposed tyrannical Covid policies.

This longer video explains specifics of the Swiss Covid policies issue.  [Note: I think the opening section of this video is rather lengthy and strange, I recommend skipping to 3:50 in the documentary if you watch it.  I think the cluttered style of this documentary would actually be mostly distracting and off-putting to people who are unfamiliar with the issues.]

It is surprising to see that the Swiss people have recently voted in favor of tyrannical Covid-related policies including required vaccination verification in a recent referendum in their country, despite activist campaigns pleading against it.  Switzerland is not a part of the EU, so they are theoretically able to avoid a lot of the problems associated with tyrannical global elite if they choose to vote against that, however they recently voted in favor of horrible corrupt policies that would make any EU / UN bureaucrat proud.

62% of Swiss citizens voted in favor of the measure, despite the fact that there was initially a record amount of votes calling for the referendum.

The fact that so many Swiss people apparently support such an agenda shows how uninformed people can be in every part in the world, even in wealthy countries such as Switzerland.  I’m trying to imagine what such people would say if interviewed on the street about the matter.

I also wonder where the supporters of those policies get their news from, and why they haven’t looked into the issue more.  With the issue of Covid it isn’t really a “difference of opinion” but rather it is a difference of the accuracy of the facts.  Perhaps such people are getting their information from dishonest leftist news sources such as this one.

Many Europeans are surprisingly naive about politics, where most have been conditioned since childhood in their schools and by their media to go along with whatever the leftist ruling elite has planned for them, where they are told that people who dissent are “Nazis.”   See this article that contains an informative video that explains the true meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”

There is also a question of if so many people actually did vote for those policies in the first place, which I think is highly unlikely.  I see that electronic voting is now used in Switzerland, where people vote on such important issues over the internet.  Shame on the Swiss people for allowing that— just because it is “claimed” that the process is secure doesn’t mean that it actually is, especially because the votes are anonymous.  Any type of electronic voting should never be trusted.  Who knows what other problems the Swiss people may have been saddled with due to potential issues with that.

As examples of issues with electronic voting methods, this video clip from the HBO documentary “Hacking Democracy,” this New York Times video, and this Symantec video all explain how the electronic voting machines used in the U.S. and elsewhere are intentionally designed to not be secure, with nothing disputed about that fact whatsoever.

[Editor’s note— I have made the website FederalizeVotingStandards.org that explains the importance of standardizing voting procedures and not allowing any type of electronic voting in elections.  The website focuses on issues with the fraudulent voting procedures in the United States, but the same principals would also apply anywhere else as well.]