Over the past few years I’ve been hearing that Michelle Obama is actually a man, and I didn’t believe it at first, but since then I’ve become very convinced it is the reality of the situation after seeing many videos explaining it.
[Note: February 4, 2022— The following three videos explain the situation well, but they don’t contain all of the evidence about the matter. I’ve make edits to each of the videos that I’ve found online and posted them to my Bitchute account and here.]
“Michelle Obama Accidentally Reveals Her Manhood on the Ellen Degeneres Show” (Video Edit)
This video shows a clip from a well-known broadcast of the Ellen show where something is seen bouncing in Michelle Obama’s pants while she (he) dances. Many other similar videos exist as well.
“Evidence That Michelle Obama is Actually Man” (Video Edit)
This video explains issues with Michelle’s body proportions, Adam’s apple, and wardrobe malfunctions that reveal his genitalia underneath his clothing that shows he is actually a man.
“Who are the Actual Parents of Malia & Sasha Obama?” (Video Edit)
This video explains who the real parents of Malia and Sasha Obama most likely are.
[Note: February 4, 2020— This video briefly mentions that Obama’s birth certificate was forged, which many people assume is an allegation that was “debunked”, however in fact it was not debunked at all, but rather the political Establishment resorted to trickery to convince people that it was, including apparently even recruiting Donald Trump to falsely claim that he found the allegation to be unfounded. Of course it is too late to do anything about it now, but what happened is still interesting and indicative of the deceptive techniques of how the political Establishment operates. See this video about the matter.]
Obama was completely dishonest during his presidency, since his controllers knew that he would be able to get away with it, as this summary article explains.
During his presidency Obama also instituted a lot of harmful homosexual-related legislation as well, such as allowing open homosexuality in the military, forcing private businesses to cater to homosexuality, and instituting hiring quotas for homosexuals.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that open homosexuality is a catastrophic situation for the military. Co-ed boot camps have never existed, so why should they allow open homosexuality? Men in general are much more sexually aggressive, so when men are having sex with each other there isn’t anything keeping that in check. The problem will certainly become much worse with time, such as with perverse gay bathhouses being established alongside military bases and drill sergeants being homosexuals. I think “don’t ask, don’t tell” was the appropriate policy for the military, where it allowed such problems to be addressed.
I also think gay marriage is unnecessary and it creates an inaccurate perception that homosexual couples are simply the same as a heterosexual couples. Perhaps some gay couples might be somewhat similar (especially perhaps women couples), but I’m sure large amounts are not. I think gay marriage is particularly harmful because it is then used as an excuse for the government to force all types of homosexuality into all of the other aspects of everyone’s lives.
Many leftist parents bring their children to “Drag Queen Story Hour,” where men who are dressed as women come to twerk and read books to their children (with many of them being found to be pedophiles as well.) Note that all the drag queens in the following video could get married to other men and adopt very unlucky children:
Many public schools are also pushing homosexual agendas as much as possible. If parents don’t reign in such harmful agents, public schools will no longer be a safe place to send their kids.
And of course some schools are establishing ridiculous policies where males who dress as females are allowed to change in the female locker rooms. (See this link, this link, and this link.)
“Homeschooling” could be a good alternative, however doing that is not practical for most parents. Perhaps like-minded parents could organize “homeschool clusters” to keep toxic leftist agendas from destroying their kids if the public schools in their area reach the point of being beyond saving.
The political Establishment doesn’t have “good intentions” with what they are doing, but rather they are intentionally trying to harm society as much as possible.
[Note: UPDATED February 5, 2022— When I went to public school and university, there were never any leftist agendas being forced onto the students as is the case now. My teachers were always people of the highest quality, and I’ve never experienced any aggravating situations where I knew the teacher was lying to the students or advocating for corrupt agendas, such as with issues like global warming, “critical race theory,” and all of the other deceitful and harmful leftist agendas. (And of course that also includes the leftist COVID agendas such as useless and dangerous mask and vaccine mandates.)]