The BBC put the word “hero” in quotes when describing the man who stopped the mass shooter at an Indiana mall

Elisjsha Dicken from his Facebook page.

I saw this BBC article on the Yahoo website that explains the how a 22 year old man Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mass shooting at an Indiana mall using his concealed weapon, where the gunman had two rifles, a handgun, and over 100 bullets.  Dicken shot and killed the attacker two minutes into his assault.

However, the article put the word “hero” in quotes in the title and put the word “heroic” in quotes in the text of the article, along with putting any other positive words about him in quotes such as “proficient” and “sound.”

The article then attempted to claim that it is futile for people to carry concealed weapons in order to stop mass shootings, since “Only two out of 61 such attacks last year ended when armed bystanders engaged the active shooter.”  However there were certainly not 61 such attacks last year, and the most well-known of such attacks were phony and staged anyway such as the Uvalde, Texas school shooting and the Buffalo, New York Tops grocery store shooting.

Also see this Fox New article that explains how gun control advocates are mortified by the fact that Dicken has been labeled a “good Samaritan” for his actions.

Veganism isn’t the boogeyman that the political Establishment is attempting to make it seem to be

Paul McCartney narrates a documentary explaining many important reasons for not eating meat— showing the horrible suffering that poultry, pigs, cows and fish are routinely subjected to in order to create meat that is eaten by people.  Also see this article.

This video explains the horrible Islamic “Halal” slaughtering technique, where the throats of the animals are cut while the animal is still conscious and alive, causing them to suffer greatly.  Also see this article.

I keep seeing stories that warn about an agenda of the global elite to make people stop eating meat, such as by “making people eat ground-up bugs” for example.  It is true that some of the elite like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have said that they want to make people eat ground-up bugs, but there is no reason to eat ground up bugs (which aren’t vegan anyway) on a vegan diet because there are many other sources of protein such as beans, for example.

I think the political Establishment in fact has exactly an opposite agenda where they don’t want conservatives and others to become vegans, so they can exploit the issue as one to cause divisiveness as well as for other reasons.

If the political Establishment actually wanted people to become vegans, they would simply tout information on their media outlets informing people about such food along with the reasons to be vegan, which they never do.  Instead they are focusing their efforts on doing whatever is possible in order to make conservatives and others view such a diet with contempt.  Even most liberal media outlets won’t mention anything about it.

I’m not opposed to all meat eating, but I think the animal should be well-treated during its entire life and killed in a painless manner, which is almost never the case with the meat that most people consume.

I doubt the moon landing was faked

Over the past few decades I’ve seen various information that claims the Moon landing was faked, but I’ve never seen anything that has really convinced me of that.

There is an argument that the astronauts couldn’t have make it through the radioactive Van Allen Belt on the way to the Moon, but other than that not much has persuaded me.  All of the footage that I’ve seen from the surface of the Moon looks genuine, I think if they faked it they would have tried too hard and ended up making mistakes, which I haven’t really seen.  There is a lot of “fake” faked footage, however.

I do think at least some photographs may have been doctored simply to look better, such as by putting an image of the Earth into the sky.

In any event, I don’t really care if it was faked or not.  It was 50 years ago and nobody died because of it.  There are more important things to be concerned about.

I would be more suspicious about the upcoming Moon and Mars missions being faked.  Also I wonder if they are going to put some sort of a transvestite astronaut on those missions.