[Note: I found this article on the link aggregator BorderHawkNews.]

Pictures of supposed migrant “children” getting off a plane at Stewart International Airport in New Windsor, New York, May 19, 2022.

New York Republican candidate for Governor Rob Astorino, who will be running against Kathy Hochul. Image from Wikipedia.
Following is a summary a NYPost article:
— The Republican candidate for New York Governor Rob Astorino gave a press conference Wednesday outside the Stewart International Airport, explaining that the Biden administration has been transporting single adult men migrants on secret flights to suburban New York under the guise of supposedly being “children,” where many are then enrolled in New York high schools despite not knowing how to speak English.
— In his press conference Astorino explained the situation of such a migrant who is 20 years old that was placed into Westlake High School as a junior and is now 21 years old, among many other issues.
— Astorino said, “I can tell you — and we have video — that it is not just the little kids with backpacks being reunited, reunified with their families … it is an expansion of this program. And what’s happening is we’re having on video, clearly seeing many teenage boys, late teen, early 20s, who are single adult men, who are getting off these flights.”
— This October, 2021 NYPost article first reported about the issue of the adult migrants being flown in under the cover of darkness.
— This January 2022 NYPost article explains that the NY house Republicans were urging Biden to stop secretly transporting illegal migrants into New York.
— This April 2022 NYPost article explain that the White House has been continuing its secret migrant flights into New York.
— The resettlement flights have been landing at Westchester airports since at least October of last year, when their existence was reported by The New York Post in the above article. The flights were briefly suspended following the report, but have since started up again.
— Astorino explained that the flights are happening frequently and the taxpayers are paying the bill, explaining that three recent flights landed at Stewart Airport on May 19, May 22, and June 7, all originating from El Paso, Texas.
— Astorino explained that some the migrants are enrolled in local schools. He said, “I know other superintendents — all of whom are afraid to speak out — but they get a list of students that are entering their school district, all of whom are non-citizens, none of whom speak English, and all of whom require services, free lunch and meals [and are] required to have teachers that are taking away from the students of those districts. … I hear from teachers and I hear from superintendents, all of whom have said to me, ‘There are dozens of students coming into our school district since September’ … I mean every new flight brings new kids and they’re going into school districts.”
— He said the migrants are being brought into school districts in the five boroughs, the Hudson Valley, Long Island, Albany, Connecticut and New Jersey.
— Astorino said, “We have a system of laws, allegedly, none of which are being enforced. An open border where we have a federal government waving everybody in,” he said. He called the Biden administration’s response to the influx of migrants crossing the southern border “a complete mockery of our laws.”
— Astorino said, “[Governor Hochul] has again, I guess, [not cared] who’s stepping off these planes. … I think it’s the right of our citizens for public safety issues, public health issues, and obviously the public’s right to know who is coming off those planes [and] where are they going. … We’re getting zero answers from Kathy Hochul and our US government.”
— The Department of Health and Human Services told The New York Post that its Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) “is legally required to provide for the care and custody of all unaccompanied children … until they are appropriately and safely released to a vetted sponsor,” but they clarified that they “only [care] for unaccompanied children 17 years of age and younger.”