[Note: July 13— I have directly linked to a video about Islamization at a New York school. July 2, 2022— I have added the section “The concept of ‘abortion courts’ comprised of panels of doctors would be an effective solution with the abortion issue”, and updated the section talking about issues with the separation of church and state.]

States such as Louisiana, Idaho, and Georgia are attempting to implement extreme legislation including outlawing contraceptives, sentencing women who get abortions with life in prison, and sentencing women who attempt to leave their state for abortions with prison time.
The topic of abortion is a divisive one, and recent events of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade has been causing a lot of unrest in the country.
While many conservatives agree with not allowing any type of abortions in their states, they should be aware that the political elite has an agenda of exploiting such abortion bans for nefarious purposes, as this article explains along with other related issues.
Most people don’t understand that almost all politicians are secretly controlled by one small group of global elite individuals, and they also don’t understand the harmful agendas that those elite are implementing.
Two strategies are being implemented by the global elite to nefariously exploit the abortion issue. Their first strategy it to maximize the stratification of the U.S. states in order to “divide and conquer” the population of the country, and their second strategy is to run conservative candidates who are intended to appear as extreme as possible in order to empower harmful leftist agendas.
Both of the strategies are being implemented with the intention of hastening the destruction of the U.S. in order to usher in elite’s planned coming New World Order, which will be a totalitarian communist “post-industrial feudal system.”
This article details the realities of those harmful strategies, and it makes suggestions about how to circumvent those situations.
What does the political Establishment have planned for the U.S. and the rest of the world?
Most voters do not understand the reality of the “false left-right paradigm” where almost all politicians are controlled by the same small group of global elite individuals.
Most voters also aren’t aware of the elite’s agenda of implementing a “New World Order,” where almost all of humanity is planned to be subverted in a totalitarian communist “post-industrial feudal system”— under which almost all of the people on the Earth are planned to be depopulated, impoverished, dumbed down, and made to be as dependent on the global elite as possible in a permanent underclass.
See the articles and videos at this link for more information about these issues.
Essentially all politicians are controlled by the same global elite
Despite the fact that many conservative politicians claim to be opposed to abortion, the reality is that many of them don’t actually care very much about that matter, but rather they are simply doing what they are told to do by the global elite.
The “false left-right paradigm” is all-encompassing in politics. Essentially all world leaders and most lower ranking politicians serve the same group of global elite individuals, where such politicians are kept in line though blackmail by being required to compromise themselves by engaging in illegal and highly taboo activity including even pedophilia and murder.
Almost all of the politicians in the United States are secretively or secretly Freemasons who are required to do as they are told. Therefore most of even the most genuine-seeming conservative Republicans are essentially just playing a role; it is not only the more obvious RINOs (“Republicans In Name Only”) who are doing that.
See this article that details many aspects of these issues, and also see this video where the activist Altiyan Childs explains issues with Freemasonry.
Total abortion bans in conservative states are causing harmful stratification of the U.S., as has been strategized by the global elite
I think most conservative voters who support total abortion bans are well-meaning, but the conservative politicians who are bringing those bans more often than not have nefarious motivations.
The implementation of 100% abortion bans in conservative states will undoubtedly lead to extreme stratification in the U.S., where many liberals will end up relocating to and accumulating in leftist states such as on the west coast, where sadly abortions will continue to be allowed up until the moment of birth. (And some of such states are even attempting to institute abortions after birth! See this article, this article, and this article.)
Many conservative voters will assume that not allowing even the use of morning-after pills in their states will help in their cause of prompting liberals whose values they disagree with to leave for other states, and their “conservative” politicians will be more than willing to accommodate doing that, however most of such politicians will actually be doing it for nefarious ulterior motives that the conservative voters do not realize, as the following points explain:
1. The liberals who will be prompted to move to other states will of course still be living in the United States, and many will also be having extreme later-term surgical abortions.
2. The stratification of the country that will be occurring due to liberals and conservatives concentrating in their own states will significantly hasten the impending demise of the U.S., due to regions of the country increasingly becoming divided along ideological lines. In particular, the political Establishment that covertly controls all sides (such as by controlling essentially all politicians and the media) will continue to do whatever is possible to stoke hatred and division within the country, which will almost certainly also include staging false flag attacks meant to be blamed on the opposing sides.
3. Therefore, conservative voters who will initially attempt to “liberate their states from liberals” by prompting them to move elsewhere in such a manner are actually being tricked into doing that for the purpose of hastening the destruction of their own states as well as the entire United States— After which the U.S. won’t even exist anymore, and with almost everyone being enslaved by the global elite who have a long history of covertly subjugating large regions of the Earth with totalitarian communism, such as they had done in Russia and China.
(Also see the this video detailing many aspects of the phenomena of the stratification related to the abortion issue.)
The global elite are also implementing agendas that are intended to be interpreted as being too extreme by most voters, being calculated to empower leftist agendas
1. The political Establishment can turn Republican states into Democrat ones when it wishes to do so, by simply having the candidates on all sides strategically either attract or repel potential voters in order to acquire whatever results they are trying to achieve.
2. Essentially all liberal voters, and also many of the conservative voters living in conservative states will be put off by total abortion bans, along with such voters also being put off by whatever other factors that the global elite will engineer in order to sufficiently empower leftist candidates.
3. The political Establishment will then run what will appear to be “reasonable” liberal candidates as an alternative, however those candidates will also quietly be bringing the most harmful of leftist agendas that are already in advanced stages in the Democrat states— thus advancing the global elite’s agenda of destroying the United States, exactly as in the previous scenario.
[Note: I had envisioned this scenario a few years ago and I wrote this article about it.]
The case for the continued legal availability of “medication abortion” (meaning “morning-after pills”)
[Note: Admittedly my approach detailed in this section is not a “purist” one, but in my opinion it is most effective for the actual reduction of the amount of suffering that is caused by the abortion issue.
I respect the intentions of pro-life purists as long as they don’t actually have ulterior motives for espousing that view. Pro-life purists are very welcome to be involved with my organizations. Obviously they can personally disagree with the views I am advancing here, and I will also present their opinions even though my opinion is different.
On the other hand, I definitely don’t agree with views that are too much in the other direction, such as supporting partial birth abortions. My organizations will speak out against those agendas.
I previously mentioned being interested in the idea of creating an article that summarizes reasons to be pro-life, along with an article that summarizes reasons to be pro-choice. I’m still interested in doing that, and I would also be giving my own opinions in those articles which will be opposed to later term abortions.]
While I think any abortion is a tragedy at any stage of a pregnancy and women should always choose not to do it, I do think that the use of a “morning-after pill” is very preferable to later term surgical abortions, and it should be legal to do so. While the unborn child is a life even when it is only a cluster of a few cells, the cluster of cells cannot feel pain at that stage so I think the trade-off of allowing abortions at that point is worth it. I do agree that some women routinely using morning-after pills simply as “birth control” is an abomination, but I think the use of such pills should still be legal nonetheless.
I recently saw a segment in this horrifying video that illustrates how later term abortions are performed, where it explains how they use forceps to tear the living child apart limb-by-limb. I can’t imagine how someone could support that being legal unless it genuinely is a case of the mother’s life being in danger.
I agree with not allowing later-term surgical abortions, such as after when a heartbeat can be detected for example. I saw a video where a woman was debating that issue and she was arguing that sometimes women don’t realize that they are pregnant until after a few months, but I don’t have sympathy for that over the child’s life in such a case. If a woman is sexually active then she should be monitoring if she is pregnant or not.
Many feminist-types have been conditioned during their entire lives to be absolutists about being pro-choice at all stages of the pregnancy, even up until birth, and that situation is being exploited by the global elite in order to trick such people into also supporting other harmful leftist agendas.
Of course it is great for women to be strict about not having any abortions whatsoever when they are making that decision for themselves, but I think it is a bad idea to not legally allow the use of morning-after pills that significantly reduce the amount of traumatic surgical abortions that would otherwise occur.

I saw this meme for the first time today. I’m surprised that I’ve never seen activists use this phrase before, I think it is a very effective one. (I’m sure that many people think I am wrong for advocating that morning after pills should legally be allowed to be used, but in my opinion I think doing so is the most effective strategy for reducing the total amount of harm that is caused by abortions under the circumstances, as well as for the other reasons I am explaining in this article.)
What is the difference between “medication abortions” and “emergency contraception”?
A “medication abortion” is when a patient takes a drug called mifepristone (also called “RU-486”), followed by a second drug called misoprostol to end a pregnancy rather than using a surgical abortion procedure.
“Emergency contraception” is different than medication abortion, where it prevents or delays one of the hormonal surges that triggers ovulation (the release of the eggs), thus “preventing” but not “ending” a pregnancy. Shockingly (or rather not shockingly, unfortunately), some politicians have been attempting to outlaw even that!
[Note: I would never support a politician who advocates for outlawing even contraception. If a couple is opposed to using contraception for whatever reason then they should just choose not to use it. I think people who want contraception to be illegal are ultimately “pro-abortion” whether they admit it or not.
I usually equate overly fundamentalist approaches with a person running onto a busy freeway with an assumption that their religion will automatically protect them from harm.]
The concept of “abortion courts” comprised of panels of doctors would be an effective solution with the abortion issue
[Note: This section was added July 2, 2022.]

I saw this meme yesterday, which led to me thinking of a concept of an “abortion court” that is comprised of a panel of doctors who would decide if an abortion can be allowed to happen or not (at least for later-term surgical abortions.) That way, abortions could happen in the rare cases of women needing them for legitimate medical reasons, and it would not allow non-legitimate reasons being used as a loophole such as “she is depressed because of the pregnancy,” for example. The proceedings of the panels should then also be made available for scrutiny by people in the local communities.
Obviously many other people must have had this idea as well, but I’m surprised that I’ve never heard of it before. I wonder why a lot of people haven’t already been advocating for that since it would undoubtedly be a very effective solution to the problem.
Issues with “medication abortions” (meaning “morning-after pills”)
[Note: I realize that many conservatives are opposed to the use of morning-after pills, but I think such people would be interested in reading his section anyway to become better informed about the specifics of the situation with it. I offer my opinions in this section as well.]

Following are points from this Reuters Article:
— “Medication abortions” are induced when a patient takes a drug called mifepristone (that is also called “RU-486”), followed by a second drug called misoprostol to end her pregnancy rather than going through a surgical abortion procedure. Over half of abortions in the U.S. are performed that way.
[Note: I’m surprised to hear that only half of the abortions are preformed that way. It is possible to have abortions in that manner until ten weeks into the pregnancy, therefore I wonder what is causing so many women to wait longer than that— where reportedly HALF of them are instead having traumatic later-term surgical abortions. I hope that statistic is not correct. In any event it doesn’t change my opinion that later term surgical abortions should not be allowed. I don’t agree with the argument that later abortions must be available because women don’t always know they are pregnant right away, for example. If a woman is sexually active then she should be proactive about checking if she is pregnant.]
— The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the abortion drug mifepristone in the year 2000, but until very recently the FDA mandated that patients must get it at a doctor’s office, clinic or hospital.
— Due to the Covid situation, in December 2021 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permanently removed the requirement to dispense those abortion drugs in person, where people can now simply have the drugs mailed to them after an online video chat, which is a system known as “telemedicine.”
[Note: I think it is horrifying that they are now allowing those drugs to simply be mailed to whoever requests them, despite their potential to be used to kill the children of unknowing pregnant women. I think it is highly suspicious that the FDA (which also pushes vaccines that are proven to be useless and deadly) has permanently removed the requirement of taking such pills in the presence of a doctor.
It is essential to re-institute the requirement that such pills can only be dispensed in person by a physician due to such a danger. I can imagine some people being opposed to that suggestion, where they may argue that people in “remote locations” need to have the pills mailed to them for example, but I think that trade-off isn’t worth it and some sort of an alternative could be figured out in such cases anyway.]
— The drugs are approved to work up until 10 weeks of pregnancy.
— The state of Indiana bans medication abortions at ten weeks, and Texas at seven weeks.
— Thirty-two states require that only physicians can dispense the abortion pills rather than people such as nurse practitioners.
— Nineteen states require that the dispensing clinician is in the patient’s physical presence, which essentially bans “telemedicine” abortion. [Note: I think this is very important, as I am mentioning elsewhere in this section.]
— Before the Supreme Court ruling, 13 states had “trigger laws” written to implement abortion laws as soon as Roe vs. Wade was overturned.
— At least 26 states are expected to pass new abortion laws due to the Supreme Court ruling. Such states have so far not distinguished between surgical and medical abortions, therefore indicating that they will also likely ban medication abortions.
— Some states will ban all abortions almost entirely, while others will ban all abortions at six weeks to 15 weeks.
— The Democrat U.S. Senator Minnesota Tina Smith has introduced a bill that would ensure that “telemedicine” abortions would still be available in states where abortions are still allowed.
— It is not legal for a medical professional to prescribe pills via telemedicine to a woman in a state where they are illegal; however it is legal for a woman to travel to a state where telemedicine is legal, have an online telemedicine visit, and then have the medication mailed to an address in that state.
— From the article:
GenBioPro Inc, a company that sells mifepristone, has already challenged Mississippi’s restrictions on prescribing abortion pills via telemedicine by arguing that they are ‘preempted’ by the FDA, meaning that the federal approval of the drug overrides any state law. There has not been a ruling in that case, which is pending in Mississippi federal court.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared to express support for that position in a statement on the Supreme Court’s June 24 ruling, saying that states ‘may not ban mifepristone based on disagreement with the FDA’s expert judgment about its safety and efficacy.’
Mississippi has argued that FDA approval cannot overcome the Supreme Court’s rulings granting states authority to regulate abortions.
[Note: I think this is an important case. While I support the availability of medication abortions, I strongly disagree with it being allowed to be available through the mail via telemedicine. I hope that the FDA loses the case, but I also hope that Mississippi will allow medication abortions to be available via visits to a doctor.]
— People can also acquire abortion pills from other countries, but the practice is not legal. However state authorities are saying they have no effective way of policing such orders from foreign doctors and pharmacies. [Note: I think those drugs should be a controlled substance and they could use drug-sniffing dogs to enforce not allowing them to be mailed to people, just as they are presumably doing with other illicit drugs.]
Related Topic: The Supreme Court has been reversing previous rulings reinforcing the separation of church and state [Additionally updated July 2, 2022]
[Note: July 1, 2022— I have re-written this section.]
I also notice that the Supreme Court has been reversing rulings about the separation of church and state. For example they recently ruled in favor of a high school football coach who was fired for holding prayer sessions on the field during games.
Supporters of allowing religion in public schools point out that The First Amendment of the Constitution does not “prohibit” religion, but rather it does not “impede” it. The Constitution was written to guarantee people their God-given rights, and it was also written based on Christian values even though Christianity was not specifically mentioned.
While I’m all for the propagation of Christian values, I do think the separation of church and state is an essential tenant of a free society. If people want their religion to be a part of their school then they should go to a private school that caters to it, otherwise the public schools will soon be overrun with Islamic or even literally Satanic agendas, which is actually the real motivation for the precedents that are being set with the recent rulings regarding Christianity.
[Note: Updated July 13, 2022— As an example of unintended consequences of the rulings for Christians, today I found this video explaining the issue of a Saratoga, New York school district setting rooms aside for Muslim students to leave class to pray during schools hours. (Note I have linked to the actual video.)]
The political Establishment is now attempting to make Christians think that it would only be a matter of allowing religion in the schools to fix the problems of the degradation of society, but I think it would be more effective to focus on other avenues for bringing Christian values back, such as raising awareness about the political Establishment being the most egregious source of the degradation of such values in the first place.
The abortion issue is one that the global elite is exploiting to cause conflict and division in order to achieve their nefarious goals.
The fact that very few voters understand what the “false left / right paradigm” is, and the fact that very few voters understand what the global elite’s real agendas are results in enabling the elite to easily implement their harmful agendas on the United States and the rest of the world.
Despite the issues with it, I’m glad that Roe vs. Wade was overturned to give abortion decisions to the states, which I think will significantly reduce the amount of abortions that will be performed.
I respect the views of pro-life purists, but I do not think it is practical to ban all abortions. I am in favor of banning later term abortions, however. All abortions are a tragedy, but I think if an abortion is to happen, it should happen as soon in the pregnancy as possible.
Most voters will not support total abortion bans, and conservatives attempting to force that issue will result in many Republican politicians losing elections, thus resulting in empowering harmful leftist candidates— all of which has been strategized to occur by the global elite.
If more people become better informed about the harmful motives and methods the global elite, then they will be able to make better choices, which will result in the people of the world ultimately being more healthy and happy.