The apartment complex where the shootings happened.
Following is a summary of a New American article:
— The media is mostly ignoring the fact that a man in Charleston, West Virginia was shot and killed by a woman who was carrying a concealed gun, after he started shooting at a party in an apartment complex and then shot and seriously injured two police who responded to the incident.
— The shooter Dennis Butler was stopped by police for speeding through the apartment complex, after which he returned with a rifle and started shooting toward a graduation party in the complex. He then shot and seriously injured the same two police who returned to the scene, prompting the woman with the concealed weapon who was attending the party to shoot and kill him.
— Various reputable studies such as the “Journal of Quantitative Criminology” and the “Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology” report that armed citizens use guns to defend themselves between 1 million and 2 millions times a year, and even the CDC reports that guns are used defensively between 500,000 and over 3 million times per year.
— Reports of citizens defending themselves don’t include cases of when armed citizens come to the aid of police who have been neutralized in armed conflicts.
— Also unreported are the number of times that a people with criminal intent have been deterred by simply the suggestion that a potential victim might be armed.
Note: Here is another recent situation of when a person with a gun stopped a potential mass shooting, at the West Freeway Church of Christ near Forth Worth, Texas.