A screenshot from “Raw Story.”
I look at a list of leftist websites in my morning routine before I look at news websites that I like, and I can’t believe how blatantly corrupt and ridiculous they’ve become.
I saw this ridiculous article today that claims pastors are concerned about the rise of “Christian nationalism” in the United States! Of course any pastor that is “concerned” about that is actually a Freemason, as many of them are.
[Note that the Vatican Catholic website in the previous link about Freemasonry is currently running interesting stories showing numerous anomalies with the Uvalde Texas shooting that show it was a hoax, for example this article, this article, this article, this article, and this article. Such events are often hoaxes meant to create an excuse to confiscate guns from law abiding people so they can’t protect themselves from getting attacked, as the Sandy Hook shooting also was. Of course it is preferable that such events are hoaxes rather than real false flag attacks, but ultimately the political Establishment doesn’t “mean well” by doing that. Their motivation for it being a hoax is so they can deceptively appear to be “ultimately benevolent” and to eliminate the potential of pushback coming from people who are close to such situations.]
I think NPR is the most harmful of such media outlets though due to the fact that it presents itself as being a “sophisticated and enlightened” source of information while actually being consistently corrupt with its reporting. Enormous amounts of people are in a habit of listening to only that outlet as their sole source of news while they are driving in their cars, during which they receive a steady diet of outrageously dishonest news reporting. NPR is also funded by U.S. tax dollars.
I recently came across this NPR article profiling the (now previous) head of the “Disinformation Governance Board” Nina Jankowicz. It interviews Jankowicz who says “everything you may have heard about the Disinformation Governance Board is wrong or is just a flat out lie”— and her statements can easily can be identified as falsehoods by anyone who is better informed about the situation; however NPR listeners are often busy people who don’t listen to other sources of news that would report the truth about it. (And even if they do notice some of such discrepancies they will still continue to listen to NPR anyway since it seems “sophisticated,” and it is “their team.”)
This Paul Joseph Watson video explains the truth of the situation with Jankowicz.