This article details how Joe Biden outsourced security at the airport in Kabul to the Taliban and other Jihadist groups, who then selected whoever they wanted to be sent to the U.S. rather than the people that they were instructed to allow through.
[Note: October 20, 2021— The text of this article has been updated.]
Following is a summary of this Jihad Watch watch article by Daniel Greenfield:
— After Joe Biden imported tens of thousands of supposed “translators” from Afghanistan, refugee groups are now desperately looking for translators to communicate with them.
— There were more Afghan “translators” applying for visas than there were American soldiers to translate for, being indicative of the fact that the vast majority of them were never translators, with only a minuscule amount of them fitting that criteria.
— Front Page Mag has previously run articles about the phony translator scheme, such as “How the ‘Interpreter’ Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis and Afghans to America”, and “Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S.”
— Eventually, almost any Afghan who worked for any U.S. organization could apply for a visa, but Biden’s retreat made the scam even worse because he didn’t even evacuate the approved SIV visa holders who might have actually worked for the United States. State Department sources have said that the majority of SIV holders were left behind.
— The Biden administration claims to have evacuated 124,000 people from Afghanistan, with only 5,000 of them being Americans. 60,000 of them have been brought into the United States, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas saying that only 1,800 are SIV holders, and only another 8,000 are citizens or have green cards. That leaves 50,000 of them being brought here with no legal basis, with tens of thousands more likely still to come.
— Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “[the] balance of that population are individuals whose applications have not yet been processed for approval who may qualify as SIVs and have not yet applied, who qualify or would qualify—I should say—as P-1 or P-2 refugees who have been employed by the United States government in Afghanistan and are otherwise vulnerable Afghan nationals, such as journalists, human rights advocates, etc.”
— Problems are already occurring with a migrant sexually assaulting two children, one beating his wife, and others bringing child brides with them. The wife who was beaten also told a translator that nine women have been killed so far at Fort McCoy, but there is no confirmation of that.
– Actual human rights workers in Kabul were mostly middle aged women who didn’t wear burkas, but nothing has been seen of them at Ft. McCoy or anywhere else in the refugee resettlement system. Some have remained in Afghanistan and are risking their lives by organizing protests against the Taliban.
— The Afghan evacuees are mostly military age males and older men with young girls, with the women and girls that come along with them wearing burkas and appearing fearful. [Note: The abusive entrapped situation of those women and girls will not change in the U.S., as they will mostly live in Islamic “seed communities” that are intended to increase in size and become Islamic “no-go-zones,” as is occurring all over Europe. Also, “Community Policing” is how Sharia patrols will soon be implemented in those areas, as is also happening in Europe.]
— The Kabul embassy personnel had tainted the pool of applicants by sending out “electronic credentials” that State Department officials claimed were almost immediately disseminated to everyone in a large crowd indiscriminately at the airport.
— People who were actually qualified to be evacuated were apparently deliberately kept out by the Biden Administration, who outsourced security to the Taliban, who then passed their authority to checkpoints manned by an Al Queda-allied group. Biden officials provided those people with a list of the people who they were supposed to admit. Not surprisingly, the “security” prevented some from getting to the airport while letting others through, doing so regardless of credentials.
— The Taliban cashed in on the American presence in Afghanistan, where Jihadists were making more money from “taxing” U.S. contractors than from the opium trade. And thus Biden’s “security” forces were extorting huge bribes during the evacuation, only allowing people to pass through if they paid thousands of dollars in bribes. Therefore, tens of thousands of SIV holders were kept out, and tens of thousands of illegitimate Afghans bribed their way in.
— In other words, it wasn’t an “evacuation,” but rather it was a massive Taliban human trafficking scheme.
— The tens of thousands of Afghans who were brought to the U.S. will be in the country permanently. They cannot be deported.
— The question is: How many of the people that the Taliban selected to come to the U.S. are affiliated with Al Queda and ISIS?
— Sources have said that “0.5%” of the evacuees have been flagged for terrorist ties. [But note that it has been reported that most of them have no records at all, so there is no way to know how many are terrorist affiliated or not.]
— Untold billions of taxpayer dollars will be squandered on resettling the Taliban’s human trafficked migrants. They will receive every possible type of welfare and a fortune will be spent just on “translators” at resettlement agencies, government agencies, schools, hospitals, and the local police.
— Huge amounts of money will also almost certainly be spent dealing with their abuses through the criminal justice system.
— Eventually when the SIV holders and their families who are still in Afghanistan come over, they will have to be resettled as well, doubling the refugee load.
— The Taliban likely made a fortune by trafficking rapists and terrorists into the U.S., as well as anyone else who could pay. Terrorist activity coming from such people will be a certainty.