Tens of thousands of Haitian migrants are surging at the U.S. border

In this broadcast, Alex Jones explains the situation of over 50,000 Haitian migrants surging at the U.S. border with Mexico, with many more on the way, being prompted to come by Joe Biden recently announcing that the U.S. will no longer be deporting anybody back to Haiti.

This three hour video is the entire broadcast of the September 17 show, with the first half of it talking about the Haitian situation.

Following is a guide to the video:

From the start of the broadcast to about 30 minutes:  Jones summarizes what is happening at the border while speaking with correspondents at the location.

From about 30 minutes to 45 minutes:  Jones speaks with his lawyer Mark Randazza about a lawsuit he is filing against the FCC.

From about 45 minutes to 1 hour, 20 minutes:  Jones continues explaining the situation, also detailing specifically the harmful globalist agendas that are being implemented.

[Note: In the broadcast Jones mentions “If [Biden’s] treason is exposed, the American people will stand up together and put a stop to it”, but I don’t think that would happen under the current circumstances, as much as I wish it would be the case.  

I think there was a good chance that something could have been done with Trump as president if more of his supporters would have criticized him properly, but most of them never did that.  For example I saw footage of some Trump rallies in PA where the audience didn’t even cheer much at all when Trump said the flow of illegal immigrants should be stopped!  Who were the people attending those rallies?

Many immigrants are peaceful, but nonetheless I think illegal immigration is ultimately a huge problem due to what the political Establishment is strategizing to ultimately happen, as this video also explains in much detail.]

“Press Secretary Jen Psaki explains President Biden’s new COVID-19 Action Plan”

It is incredible that they are getting so many people to be vaccinated, despite how dangerous and useless it is!  It feels as if I’m going to eventually be the only unvaccinated person in the world.

I think it is interesting that Trump’s supporters don’t blame him for the vaccines, as they should.  There was a golden opportunity with him as President where the only thing his supporters needed to do was to criticize him appropriately, yet almost none of them did that.  His rallies were always very stupid also, such as ending with that Rolling Stones song.  If only the people attending would have chanted him into doing the right things (such as saying “Do your job!”).  Who were those people anyway?

And who elected this evil girl— or Biden for that matter of course?  Isn’t it “racist” by Democrat standards to have a White girl as a their spokesperson as she is?  And why isn’t she a transvestite, since that is the “civil rights issue of our time”?  Perhaps they will replace her in such a manner after they are certain that it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks anymore.

(Also people should remember never to physically threaten politicians in any manner, even jokingly or in private emails, ect..  It is ILLEGAL and not protected by free speech.  You will be targeted and imprisoned or worse!  The Freemasons instructed celebrities such as Snoop Dog to threaten Trump to make people assume that it is legal to do such a thing.)

“Right-Wing Poland: Subway in Western Europe vs Subway in Poland”

This video shows an interesting contrast, however the problems aren’t caused by “diversity,” but rather they are caused by the Freemasons intentionally engineering it to be that way by strategically importing the most violent and incompatible people as possible.

When I lived in New York City in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, it was amazingly peaceful and safe, no matter where you went or what time of the night you went there, including even in the most remote parts of Brooklyn and Queens.  Being accosted or harmed was not even something that I was concerned about, and it never happened to me in all those years.

Riding in the subway in NYC was almost always peaceful and tranquil such as the example this video shows in Poland.

Also I remember a scene in the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” where the character was accosted by a group of people on the street in the East (or West?) Village in Manhattan, however the odds of that happening at that time were really less than being struck by lightning.   Even in Brooklyn and Queens it would have been almost unheard of.

New York apparently had a lot of crime in the decade before I was there, however.

Australia Officially Announces a ‘New World Order’, Shocking the Planet

Alex Jones explains that the political Establishment is in the process of making its move that they have been openly strategizing about for decades.

[Note: Alex Jones puts out a lot of important information such as this video, but he is not perfect.  I wish he would identify Freemasonry more as a primary source of the problems, for example.  He has talked about Freemasonry in the past, but I don’t think he really does it enough.  Of course it is a free country and he can say whatever he wants to say though, so if people are frustrated with whatever aspects of what he communicates then they should put more effort into being activists themselves, which I think most people don’t do nearly enough of.]

The political Establishment has been tightening its evil grip on the world

[Note: September 25, 2022: I have re-written this article from its original version that was posted in 2021.]

This is video of an Oregon State Trooper explaining why he won’t enforce his state’s vaccine mandate.  Apparently he was placed on leave for creating the video.

I can’t imagine a more difficult job than being a police officer, especially recently as they are being slandered by the political Establishment for the purpose of creating an excuse to replace them with leftist “community patrols.”

The global elite are frustrated with law enforcement officers exposing their harmful agendas, such as the useless and deadly vaccines mandates.  That is one of the reasons they are working to replace traditional police with the community patrols that have no standards for the people involved (such as gender studies majors, ect..), ensuring that such people will be able to be manipulated with ease.

Many police officers are Freemasons, especially in some parts of the world such as in the English Commonwealth countries where officers actually wear Masonic attire.  (I think most police are good and heroic people who help people on a daily basis whether they are Freemasons or not, however.)

Freemasonry is an organization that plays a significant role in the political Establishment, being a secretive and compartmentalized organization where most of its members don’t know its real agendas.  Almost all politicians are Freemasons, and people in many types of professions are often required to be Masons, such as members of many labor unions.

The innocent-appearing “checkered” symbol means police are Freemasons.

This statue has been standing in front of the Toronto police headquarters for years, yet it has received little media attention.  The statue was made by an artist William McElcheran.  I think it is good that it is (or was) being put on display in such a manner, perhaps McElcheran had mixed feeling about police being Freemasons since his sculpture draws attention to that fact.

The English Commonwealth countries are essentially “Masonic tyrannies,” and Freemasonry is significantly infused into the United States as well.

In Australia where they had recently been implementing totalitarian COVID lockdowns (see this link, this link, and this link) the Establishment bans people from owning guns and even carrying knives!  All members of law enforcement in that country are Freemasons and they have presumably been pre-screened to have allegiance to it, since their uniforms and cars are prominently adorned with Masonic symbolism.  (Also note the “checkered” symbol along the top of the police website in the link about knives being banned.)  I think it should be illegal for members of law enforcement to be Freemasons or to belong to any secret society.

Freemasonry depends on its lower ranking members being unaware of the true agendas of the organization, where such people are put on display to present a facade of what it is actually about.

The Department of Homeland Security is warning that “White America” is planning to carry out terrorist attacks at any moment

Following is a summary of this Information Liberation article by Chris Menahan:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

The U.S. Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas along with propagandists from the Anti-Defamation League spoke to CNN on Wednesday smearing White Americans as “domestic violent extremists” that identify with the Taliban, claiming that they plan to start committing terrorists attacks at any moment.

Despite attempting to hype the phony threat of “white extremists” every day, even the ADL’s own inflated numbers show that 2020 had the lowest number of “domestic extremist-related killings” in over a decade.

In fact, there is so little “domestic terrorism” from “white extremists” that the FBI has resorted to manufacturing fake terror plots and funding Satanic “neo-nazi terrorst” death cults in an attempt to create the perception that it is somehow a threat.

All of the indications show that they are laying the groundwork for staging another 9/11-type attack in order to justify launching a supposed “war on terror” within the United States.

Following is a transcript of the recent ridiculous CNN article that claims White people are preparing to commit domestic terror attacks:

As the United States-backed government in Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and US troops raced to leave the country, White supremacist and anti-government extremists have expressed admiration for what the Taliban accomplished, a worrying development for US officials who have been grappling with the threat of domestic violent extremism.

That praise has also been coupled with a wave of anti-refugee sentiment from far-right groups, as the US and others rushed to evacuate tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan by the Biden administration’s August 31 deadline.

Several concerning trends have emerged in recent weeks on online platforms commonly used by anti-government, White supremacist and other domestic violent extremist groups, including “framing the activities of the Taliban as a success,” and a model for those who believe in the need for a civil war in the US, the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, John Cohen, said on a call Friday with local and state law enforcement, obtained by CNN.

Cohen said on the call that DHS has also analyzed discussions centering on “the great replacement concept” a conspiracy theory that immigrants, in this case the relocation of Afghans to the US, would lead to a loss of control and authority by White Americans.

“There are concerns that those narratives may incite violent activities directed at immigrant communities, certain faith communities, or even those who are relocated to the United States,” he added.

Far-right extremist communities have been invigorated by the events in Afghanistan, “whether by their desire to emulate the Taliban or increasingly violent rhetoric about ‘invasions’ by displaced Afghans,” according to recent analysis from SITE Intelligence Group, an American non-governmental organization that tracks online activity of White supremacist and jihadist organizations.

[NOTE: “SITE” is run by Rita Katz, who recently made headlines because she falsely identified a police officer in Wisconsin as a “white male” mass shooter when in fact the actual shooter was a 15-year-old Hispanic male.  See this article.]

Some people are commending the Taliban’s takeover as “a lesson in love for the homeland, for freedom, and for religion,” SITE said in its weekly bulletin on far-right extremists.

Neo-Nazi and violent accelerationists — who hope to provoke what they see as an inevitable race war, which would lead to a Whites-only state — in North America and Europe are praising the Taliban for its anti-Semitism, homophobia, and severe restrictions on women’s freedom, SITE found.

For example, a quote taken from the Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline Telegram channel, said: “These farmers and minimally trained men fought to take back their nation back from globohomo. They took back their government, installed their national religion as law, and executed dissenters … If white men in the west had the same courage as the Taliban, we would not be ruled by Jews currently,” SITE found.

“Globohomo” is a derogatory word used to insult “globalists,” the term used by conspiracy promoters to describe their enemy (the evil global elite who control the media, finance, political system etc), according to SITE.

For months, US officials have warned that domestic violent extremism is the greatest threat to the homeland, pointing to the January 6 attack at the US Capitol as a stark illustration of the potential for violence that can occur when conspiracy theories and false narratives flourish.

A significant part of the current threat environment comes from individuals who are influenced by what they see online, Cohen told CNN in an interview last month.

At this time, Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, is not seeing any observed credible threats, or mobilization of online extremist activity, but is concerned that the current online rhetoric highlights ideological concerns and possible threats to public safety, said Joanna Mendelson, associate director of the center.

Extremists often take current events and weave them into their own narrative and worldview, said Mendelson, which is what is taking place in the aftermath of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and amid the humanitarian and military crisis.

“They’re taking the same kind of core tropes and themes, and kind of bigoted views of the world, and injecting them into this current event,” Mendelson told CNN.

Joanna Mendelson from the ADL

There has been a lot of Islamophobia and xenophobia echoed by White supremacists and anti-Muslim activists, claiming that public safety and national security is threatened because they see refugees through a stereotypical lens as being dangerous criminals or terrorists, according to Mendelson.

A core conspiracy guiding White supremacist ideology is the “the great replacement,” the belief that ultimately, the White race is facing its ultimate extinction, she said.

[The ADL endorses the “Great Replacement Theory” when it comes to Israel, however.]

There is also “almost this infatuation and admiration” of the Taliban, Mendelson said, pointing to the notion that an under-equipped insurgent group could successfully defeat a global power.

“The fact that the Taliban at the end of the day could claim victory over such a world power is something that White supremacists are taking note of,” she said.

[…] However, the most common narrative is around the idea that the US is “importing the Taliban” through the relocation of Afghans and that Afghan refugees are too different to become real citizens, according to [Megan] Squire.

“It’s really an anti-Muslim idea, anti-immigration idea,” she said.

[…] In Europe and the US, there has also been an “outpouring” of anti-refugee commentary from White nationalists and Neo-Nazis responding to the Taliban’s takeover, SITE found.

Commentary on anonymous forums has been particularly violent, according to SITE, which found users discussing taking up arms, and in one case, threatening attacks on refugee assistance organizations in Florida.

The hateful rhetoric is similar to that seen amid Libyan and Syrian refugee waves in the 2010s, which paved the way for violent terrorist attacks in Christchurch and Pittsburgh, according to SITE.

[“Translation: if you oppose us flooding your country with endless immigrants you’re a terrorist.”]

Amid anti-immigrant sentiment, DHS officials have been bracing for whether Afghans themselves will be targeted once they land in the US and are resettled here, a DHS official previously told CNN.

“Will they be the potential target?  Will Afghans themselves become targets?” the official said, noting the concern.

Think of the chutzpah you have to have to wage a 20-year war against the Afghan people and then act like you’re their protectors!


If the people in the article believe what they are spewing, then why are they relocating the migrants to supposed “white supremacist” areas such as rural Wisconsin and West Virginia, and ordering them not to relocate in places like New York and California?

Is it because they have ulterior motives and hate the people they rule over with a passion?

Does THIS sound like someone who is interested in “securing our homeland”?

[Note:  I don’t think New York or anywhere else in the U.S. should receive any of the supposed refugees either, but in any event it is obvious that they are being brought with harmful intent.]

Joe Biden is secretively bringing over a hundred thousand random unvetted Afghans to the United States

In this video clip, former White House Advisor Stephen Miller speaks with Tucker Carlson about Joe Biden bringing over 100,000 randomly selected Afghanistanis to the United States.

Miller says:

What we are witnessing right now, Tucker, is the greatest bait-and-switch of all time.  Joe Biden Callously played on America’s sympathies for a small core of Afghans who worked closely in difficult conditions with American troops— [Then] left all those people (nearly) in Afghanistan, and in their stead brought over a hundred thousand randomly selected Afghan nationals, and he’s not bringing them to the United States through any lawful process, or through any lawful vetting channels.  And my sources inside of government are very clear that most of these individuals when you run a background check— it comes up blank.  They’re ghosts.  Nobody knows who they are.  Of course if they worked for the U.S. government, when you take their fingerprints it would come up right away.  But there’s no matches, because they didn’t work for the government, and nobody knows who they are.

But it gets worse.  I have also been informed very credibly that this is the beginning, not the end of the refugee resettlement operation.  As we speak, the Biden Administration is making preparations through its foreign consulates and missions to accept in an open-ended unending way Afghan Nationals who will leave the country and apply at any U.S. Mission around the globe.  Most of that will be happening in Pakistan.  Again, they will bypass lawful visa channels, and if necessary, abuse and in fact violate a law known as “Parole”, which is meant for very exceptional case-by-case circumstances, and bring these individuals into the country with no real vetting, and no real knowledge of who they are.

But more important than all of this, Tucker, is common sense.  If you bring in several provinces worth of individuals from Afghanistan, you will replicate the conditions of Afghanistan here in the United States of America, and all the horrors that entails.


This New York Times video details the situation of a 27 year old Afghan Woman named Farkhunda Malikzada who was killed by a mob in the streets of Afghanistan after falsely being accused of burning a page of the Quran.  Also see a page with a written description here.

The video shows the mentality of the people that the Masonic Lodge and the Biden Administration are now bringing to the U.S. in hordes, without vetting.  (Also realize that the Freemasons covertly direct the most extreme Muslims through the Muslim Brotherhood, almost certainly including the ones who are in the above Afghanistan video!)


This is a video from the Daily Veracity talking about the Afghan immigration catastrophe, explaining that the hopelessly incompatible Afghans are strategically being imported into healthy conservative and patriotic areas of the U.S. such as Idaho and Wisconsin.  (Daily Veracity is a good news source that I’ve recently found, however as far as I have seen it doesn’t identify Freemasonry as being a source of the problems, as most media outlets do not.)


See this NOITV article that summarizes the surprising history of the “Refugee Resettlement Program” in the U.S., based on information from the excellent website “Refugee Resettlement Watch.”


Do you think the Freemasons have good intentions with their secretively dispersing Islamic “seed communities” throughout the U.S. over the previous decades?  Of course they don’t!  Watch this video that explains the genuine goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.