Biden is calling transgender equality “the civil rights issue of our time”; is vowing to implement ridiculous transgender mandates on day one

In this video, Biden is saying that eight year old children should be allowed to decide if they can be made transgender.

This article is a summary of information in this Breitbart article that explains how Joe Biden will aggressively be implementing transgender mandates during his administration.

Joe Biden said in a Tweet on January 25: “Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.  There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights.”

Biden’s website states:

On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.  He will direct his Department of Education to vigorously enforce and investigate violations of transgender students’ civil rights.

…  The “Obama-era guidance” mentioned dismissed the science of two biological sexes by allowing “sex discrimination” in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) to include “discrimination based on a student’s gender identity, including discrimination based on a student’s transgender status.”

In October, Biden publicly mentioned his support for transgender medical treatments for children, saying eight-year-old children should be allowed to decide if they are transgender.  He said, “The idea that an eight-year-old child, a ten-year-old child, decides, you know, ‘I want to be transgender.’  That’s what I think I’d like to be.  It’d make my life a lot easier  …  There should be zero discrimination.”

Biden said he would sign the equality act in his first 100 days, which would remove federal recognition of two sexes and codify into federal law transgender bathrooms, the elimination of women-only sports, forcing preferred pronoun use, and other similar special transgender privileges.

Nancy Pelosi has revealed that on January 1, the House’s new rules would include the elimination of gendered terms such as “father, mother, son, and daughter.”

[Note:  I think this happening is mostly the fault of Trump supporters (and Trump himself) who could have made a difference to ensure that Trump won the election but did not.]

A 1979 movie “The Hamburg Syndrome” predicted much of the current COVID situation

I’ve recently found this video clip that contains excerpts from a 1979 German movie called “The Hamburg Syndrome” that closely resembles the current situation with COVID.  I have not been able to find the full movie online though, so I’m not sure if the virus in the movie was actually portrayed as being a hoax.

David Wood explains the hypocrisy of Amazon banning Parler but not Twitter

David Wood explains that Amazon banning the Parler service from its servers is hypocritical, because Amazon is also hosting Twitter that contains similar types of messages that got Parler banned.

[Note that the same type of hypocrisy is shown by both Apple and Google removing the Parler app from their mobile devices.  I think that Parler will be able to win lawsuits to be reinstated, however.

Of course most people react with revulsion to the extreme racist language that is shown, so even if some does “make it through” it is usually self-defeating on the part of the people who make the statements anyway.  I do think platforms should do their best to censor that, and platforms should have the right to censor as they see fit.  If people don’t like the censorship policies of a platform they should use another one.]

Biden is placing a ridiculous black supremacist to lead his DOJ “Civil Rights Division”

Tucker Carlson explains that Kristen Clark, Biden’s pick to run the DOJ’s “Civil Rights Division,” had made racist black supremacists statements in public while at Harvard University and she had invited extreme anti-Semites to speak on campus as well.

Clark wrote a letter to the “Harvard Crimson” newspaper claiming that there is a genetic difference between Blacks and Whites, in that “Neuro-Melanin” in the brain of Black people gives them “superior physical and mental abilities” and it is “the basis for cultural differences between Blacks and Whites.”

Clark also invited an extreme anti-Semite Tony Martin to speak at Harvard.  Martin wrote a self-published manifesto called “The Jewish Onslaught” where he chronicled “the escalating Jewish onslaught against Black people,” and he is a Holocaust denier.  Kristen Clark even told the Harvard Crimson, “Professor Martin is an intelligent, well-versed Black intellectual who bases his information on indisputable fact.”

More recently, this Fall Clark said that it is “madness” for the federal government to take the side of Asian students in disputes of college admission, despite the fact that they are the most discriminated against.  [And remember Clark will lead the DOJ “Civil Rights Division”!]

Fox News also reported that Clarke wrote about the importance of defunding the police in Newsweek, and she advocated for removing police protection in schools.

Like essentially all Black politicians, Kristen Clark is almost certainly a member of the Masonic “Boule” secret society, that requires her to do what she is told to do.

Watch Trump’s supposed “incitement” in his speech at the Capitol, and issues with ridiculous media reports that are fraudulently reporting about it

This video contains all excerpts of the alleged “incitement to violence” that Trump made at his speech at the Capitol.  You can see that Trump continually stressed that people should be peaceful.  Also see the full video of his speech at this link, where he explains issues with the election fraud that has occurred.

Meg Kinnard, who wrote an AP article fraudulently claiming that Trump saying “let the weak ones get out” at his speech was “incitement.”

NOW.. Read this AP article written by a journalist Meg Kinnard that makes the following statements falsely attempting to claim that Trump incited the mob:

Graham was referencing Trump’s comments at a rally on Wednesday where thousands of the president’s supporters gathered, and where he stoked displeasure at the impending Electoral College certification vote of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory over him in the 2020 election.

If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” [Trump] said, encouraging attendees to walk down the street to the Capitol, where lawmakers had gathered for the session.

Let the weak ones get out,” he went on.  “This is a time for strength.”

After the rally, a mob of Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol and unleashed unprecedented scenes of mayhem in hopes of halting the peaceful transition of power.  Members of Congress were forced into hiding, offices were ransacked, and the formal congressional tally of Electoral College votes was halted for more than six hours.


… If you watch to the above video in this article, you will see that Trump stressed that people are peaceful, and when he said “let the weak ones get out” he was only referring to the fact that the ones who are “weak in CREDIBILITY” will eventually LEAVE POLITICS due to no longer being accepted by Republican voters.  Kinnard intentionally took Trump’s statement completely out of context, and she even fraudulently attempted to create the impression that Trump said those statements together, when in fact he said “let the weak ones get out” in a completely different part of the speech where it is not at all possible to interpret his statements as she is attempting to portrait them.

Note that the AP news report is the only basis for THOUSANDS of other news reports (such as this one) that are claiming that Trump incited the crowd, which is also resulting in all of the other issues that are arising from Trump’s supposed “incitement.”


This ridiculous CBS news report shows only a brief moment from Trump’s speech taken out of context as their supposed justification for claiming he is “inciting violence.”

Lou Dobbs explains events in the aftermath of the unrest at the Capitol

Lou Dobbs explains various issues with the aftermath of the conflict at the Capitol, including attempts by Democrats to impeach Trump once again.  Dobbs speaks with pundits such as Tom Fitton who is the President of the Judicial Watch organization, and Jeff Brain who is the CEO of the CloutHub social media platform.

In the broadcast Dobbs initially says:  “Lawmakers across the country are on high alert.  The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests in all fifty state capitols.  According to an internal FBI memorandum, those demonstrations and protests are scheduled to take place before, on, and after the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. …”

… Note that there is a danger of “false flag” attacks being staged by the political Establishment in order to be blamed on Trump supporters.  People should be careful and not engage in violence.

Evil has seized power, the United States is in serious trouble

Joe Biden Sworn In

It is incredibly unfortunate that Joe Biden will be sworn in as President.  With the Senate now being split 50-50 due to fraudulent voting machines being used in the Georgia runoff election, Vice President Kamala Harris will have the deciding vote to break ties.

I think the failure of Trump’s presidency is most significantly due to two factors.  First of all, Trump never communicated properly during his term in order to gain broad enough support to ensure that his presidency would be sustained, and secondly his supporters never adequately called him out when he strayed and communicated in a belligerent manner, which unfortunately happened all the time.  The media wouldn’t have gotten away with fraudulently demonizing him if he wouldn’t have given them excuses to do so.  Trump is capable of being articulate, he could have communicated properly if he actually wanted to.

At least Trump was someone to supposedly work with, but almost none of his supporters understood that it was essential for them to be a vigilant corrective force whenever he made “blunders” and when the media lied.  What did they think they would “gain” from not doing so?  Actually most of the leaders of Trump supporters were Freemasons, so they were not going to advocate for his supporters to do things that would have actually made a big difference.

In any event it is incredibly unsettling to see the “new normal” of media and many politicians acting in an openly dishonest and disingenuous manner.  They aren’t even trying to hide their dishonesty anymore.  What is happening?  If that can happen then anything bad can happen.

I would say that at least there is no longer any pretense of corruption not running everything in the government, however the corruption is very extreme and the media will try to cover it up and gloss it over.

The D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser blamed Trump for the Capitol breach, she is declaring a state of emergency, and she is pushing for D.C. statehood

The Democrat Mayor of Washington, D.C. Muriel Bowser held a press conference  to declare a state of emergency in the city following the breach of the Capitol building, where she is deploying 6,200 members of the National Guard by the weekend.

In the press conference she called Trump “unhinged,” and said “What happened yesterday is what [Trump] wanted to happen.”

She also used the press conference to advocate for the statehood of Washington D.C., saying that she hopes it happens in the first 100 days of Biden’s administration.  In a Tweet she said if it would happen it would make her the leader of that state.

When Bowser was asked how long the city’s lockdown would last, she said the violence might not end when Biden is inaugurated on January 20.  She said people may “continue to try to overthrow institutions of government,” and she said that violence against the government may be the “new normal.”

Like essentially all Black politicians, Bowser is almost certainly a member of the Maonic “Boule” secret society, where she is required to do whatever she is told to do.

The cop who shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back will not face charges

The Kenosha, Wisconsin cop who shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times over the summer will not be prosecuted, despite video evidence showing that the shooting was not justified.

That does not surprise me, since that situation can now be exploited by the political Establishment as an excuse to cause more divisiveness and rioting, which is a part of an Establishment plan to subjugate the U.S. with harmful Marxist agendas.  Of course the timing of the ruling happening on the day before the electoral college voting in D.C. is not an accident either.